The best and the worst of G2 sets (personal opinions)

Sorry, I didn’t notice that post. If you want my list, then here you go.

Best- Tahu


In all honesty, Tahu is a great set with a cool function, being the gears. However when you can turn his swords into a surfboard, that is the thing that makes this is best Master.
Worst-Onua- Onua’s small arms and ridiculously large torso make him look laughable.

Best- Narmoto- I never got any of these, but Narmoto looks the coolest with his little spinny fire things and shoulder mounted stud shooter, so yeah.
Worst- None they all p gud

Best- Tahu- He just looks the best in general, the swords are awesome and the blue highlights look beautiful.
Worst- Lewa- The design and concept is good, but his limbs are hard to pose.

Best- Akida because shooty shooters
Worst- Ketar because he looks dumb

Worst- Scorpio, he’s good but his immobile legs are 3stoopid5me


Finally, someone else who appreciates Ketar!


To be honest, the reason why they didn’t make a titan is probably because they didn’t put enough time to mix in technic builds, pure ccbs is a lot more difficult to get a detailed and involved torso build (having bumps and pistons everywhere doesn’t really count). The designers just got lazy and chose a large chest shell and rib cage. They also probably gave up making new weapon molds as they realized Bionicle was doing poorly, and just slapped some claws on. The result: a sad excuse of a titan.

Oh no Skull Scorpio is becoming the new Solek.

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This has been the case for a long time.

Where have you been this past year :stuck_out_tongue:

Waiting for a picture of solek riding skull skorpio to show up…


I’ll throw in my 2 cents in chronological order

Best Master They were all really nice, so choosing a favorite is prettu hard. Based on looks, I’d say:
Kopaka: He was pretty great, and has a really nifty shield and pole. The function is only on one arm, which I perfer. However, he had shoulder armor that got in the way of the function, so I don’t mess with him much.
Based on playability, I’d say:
Pohatu: He didn’t have any unnecessary armor, he had the function in one arm, and had an extra dagger when he was in adrenaline mode. He’s the easiest to pick up and play with.

Worst Master:
Lewa: No up and down head movement, double arm function, not my favorite.

Best Protectors: Korgot: the movement is all really nice, along with he chest machine gun. Izotor was also pretty cool.

Worst Protector: Narmoto: Weapons and lack of elbows wasn’t the best.

Best Skully: Skull Scorpio: The function is great, lack of poseability in the legs doesn’t bother me, and I perfer it that way, because of…

Worst Skully: Skull Slicer: ew, four arms. I hate having to deal with many poseable limbs that will always get messed up and you can’t control all at once. We only have 2 hands.

Best Uniter: Pohatu: He has great shoulder poseability, and a good weapon. The boulder is a bit weird though.

Worst Uniter: Gali: No need to cover the problems with this. I will say that her weapon’s spinning pole is cool.

Best Creature: KETAR: yes, he’s a sushi chopping scorpion. But a cool one. Plus the combination mode with Pohatu is prettu cool

Worst Creature: Uxar: ehhh wings aren’t great, four limbs for feet. Meh

Best Monster: Bluekimu: Eh, he was the best of the worst. He had 2 functions, and they both work. Bad hammer legnth tho

Worst Monster: LB: What is that function. Really didn’t like it. Plus the head is pretty bad


QB: He had a cool function, that while it didn’t look good, it was a lot of fun to play with.

Onua: his weapon is really meh. A machine gun in a hammer, where spinning the drill shoots it. Ehhh

Best Master: Gali, honestly. Her design flows really well and makes very good use of the different shades of blue. The gunmetal actually works on her.
Worst Master: Pohatu. Why is one of his arms completely colorless? Why are his weapons so weird?

Best Protector: Vizuna (aka Jungle). Ohhhh I love this guy so much. His bow is surprisingly well poseable for a two-handed weapon, his color scheme is fantastic, his build is the best example of the general structure that the Protectors use, and the slight asymmetricality in his shoulder armor actually looks really cool.
Worst Protector: Narmoto (aka Fire). Ugh. The random solid red chestplate which is the only full solid red piece on him, the short arms, the weirdly held weapons, and no back armor. Why.

Best Skull Villain: Kulta/Grinder. None of them are that great, and Grinder’s kinda bland, but he doesn’t have any massive errors like the rest of them do.
Worst Skull Villain: Scorpio. They literally made a scorpion with immobile legs. Who thought this was a good idea?

Best Uniter: Lewa. Lewa Lewa Lewa. He’s just so solid, and the small hints of yellow in his color scheme work amazingly well to accentuate a solid color scheme of green and gunmetal.
Worst Uniter: Pohatu. Again. He has, like, ten shades of brown. And his weapon is the least creative of the Uniters.

Best Creature: Uxar. Fantastically buggy, beautiful green wings, no obnoxious gold.
Worst Creature: Ketar. Hate to jump on the bandwagon, but his function is very poorly conceived.

Best misc 2016: Umarak the Hunter, with Bigkimu at a close second. No real need to go into details on Ekimu, he’s just very solid. Umarak is odd in some ways, but he tried more than the others did to emulate the classic G1 “Titan” model.
Worst misc 2016: Quake. Beast. Ew the arms.

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Because it’s supposed to look armored? Like how his legs look like boots.

Pretty sure the bone pieces represent that actual arm and the armor pieces represent armor.

who say that they have to be armor? the burnt orange could be like cloth or something, while the silver could be actual armor

My point was that the bone pieces on one arm shouldn’t be all black when the rest of his body is varying colors. It makes the arm look dead or robotic.


My turn

Best Master: They’re all so good, but i’ll have to choose Onua because of his complex build.

Worst Master: Tahu. He has the worst armor placement out of all the masters and has tons of gaps when you look at him front-on with his limbs straight out.

Best Protector: Protector of Jungle- same reasons as @DuplexBeGreat mentioned

Worst Protector: Protector of Water because the placement of the turbines are awkward and his weapon is the most underwhelming

Best Skull: Skull Basher because the orange and purple work so well and his function is so neat that it was brought back for K2S0

Worst Skull: Skull Warrior. I get that he’s a rotting corpse but the asymmetry of the bulbous armor looks very awkward; at least Slicer was consistently skinny. He’s also the most generic with the rehashed protector bow and lazy staff; I respect Scorpio’s innovative function and build. Also, trans light blue and orange is the worst combo.

Best Uniter: Man did he redeem himself from his master form; he is a golden god. The colour layering is literally perfect (the red blends right in with the orange), and the weapon is fun to mess around with. Umarak is better than him though

Worst Uniter: Gali. What a downgrade. The proportions kill her, and her generic build n asymmetry don’t help

Best Creature: Akida. Most unique and streamlined build with a striking colour scheme to boot. The inclusion of a stand was a great surprise.

Worst Creature: Ketar. Melum comes this close to his place though

Best summer wave set: Lava Beast. Awesome scissor wings and demon-like colour scheme

Worst summer wave set: Quake. I want to like him so much, but I can’t.


Fav: Ekimu from the skull grinder set (come on, it’s a protector with gear function)

Least fav: all of 2016 except for Umarak the destroyer

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Even Umarak’s original form?


Oh ya that was a good set, all the others arent classified as good in my books

Guess I may as well state my thoughts:

Best Protector: Korgot PoE. Colour scheme is awesome, beefy (despite being a female) and freaking chest cannon (Iron Man much?), also the drill was cool.

Worst Protector: Narmato PoF. Lacking Mata Red and Elbows, the weapons seem bland and the torso doesn’t suit him.

Best Master: Gali MoW. Best looking Mask, Feminine proportions (without needing certain pieces) Gunmetal colour scheme looks great and the weapon is just so noice (kind of wish it was Mata Blue instead though).

Worst Master: Lewa MoJ. Mask looks older than the Turaga (wrinkles much) Hunched back/lack of neck, Keet-Orange looks ugly and the scarf seems questionable.

Best Skeleton: Skull Grinder. Large, Intimidating, and the design just screams evil.

Worst Skeleton: Skull Scorpio. Function was meh, but it was a statue apart from that.

Best Creature: Ikir CoF. Design was awesome, Function wasn’t as much, but my favourite one of all of them.

Worst Creature: Melum CoI. Pretty much a rip off of Terak and Ikir, at least Ketar was original with his design.

Best Uniter: Lewa UoJ. Fixed his mask, finally has a decent stature, Keet-Orange replaced with Translucent Green and Silver (great choice) and weapons were incredibly fitting.

Worst Uniter: Gali UoW. Basically did the opposite of Lewa. Messed up mask (Shaved head, saggy eyes and filled out chin). Masculine build, Replace Gunmetal with Orange and several other shades of Blue and the weapon was just bad in general.

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Note: This is my own opinion.
Best Protector: Nilkuu(Stone), reintroduction of burnt orange, and has the staff blaster that can easily be rebuilt into a bow. (Why not Vizuna? Keetorange and apple green isn’t my cup of tea).
Worst Protector: Kivoda(Water), the least armoured of all of the protectors as he has turbines on his arms. Also has a two-handed weapon that can’t really change positions at all.

Best Master: Gali, good color scheme, and a design that’s cohesive, along with a large trident.
Worst Master: Lewa, barely movable neck, personally don’t like the color scheme with Keetorange, and I can’t see his mask look like a Miru

Best Skull: Skull Basher, new function that was really intuitive and a great color scheme.
Worst Skull: Skull Slicer, awkward function that just didn’t give a slicing feeling, just awkward waving, and lack of armor.

Best Uniter: Tahu, (he probably stole the gold from Ekimu), he looks great, with transparent peeking out from under the gold, and a nice sword function. Barely beats Umarak the Hunter, as the legs on Umarak are a strange design, and we’ve seen his weapons through and through.
Worst Uniter: Gali, awkward proportions, a mask that doesn’t really show the eyes, and a generic build.

Best Creature: Ikir, good function that worked well even in united form, and nice design that says its a bird.
Worst Creature: Ketar, I want to like him, but the function doesn’t make sense to me. A working stinger tail would have been much better.

Best Summer Wave Set: Lava Beast. Great color scheme, especially like the ash colored armor that looks like smoke coming of him.
Worst Summer Wave Set: Quake Beast. I really dig the concept of a massive crystalline tank arm of complete transparent purple, but it was executed so poorly and full of gaps.


Bionicle G2, as I’m sure it was for many people, was my first impression of Bionicle except for my dad calling my Hero Factory sets “That Bionicle I used to play with”
So most of the sets were compared to their Hero Factory colour counterparts. E.G:Furno and Tahu ect…
Best Master I’ve gotta give it to Kopaka. I feel the winter look was pulled off well, the mask looked scary and that shield!
Worst Master Probably Pohatu. He just felt a little lackluster.
Best Uniter It’d be a crime not to give this title to Kopaka. A truly amazing mask,

An awesome upper arm design and great gun(no it was not a shield!) male this Uniter just… the best.
Worst Uniter Gali. No explanation needed, she was scrapped for parts right after building her and the relative I got her from had left. The parts aren’t even that good, who even needs orange Vorox armour?!
Best protector Uumm, Nilkuu? Protector of Stone had a nice, unique weapon and a good colour scheme.
Worst Protector Probably Fire. He’s the only one I got bit he’s still a bit naff.
Best creature Boy, Melum is cute, adorable, cuddly and has a cannibalisable function.
Worst creature Uxar because he’s downgraded Ikir.
Worst skeleton Well… scorpio wasn’t the best but, yeah. Scorpio. As much as I love the guy for his function and parts pack nature(dat rubber band), the others are better.
Best Skeleton I like skull basher. Although no one noticed that his function was stolen by that black robot from Rougue one?
Best Beast/Umarak Umarak the Hunter. Solid set. Second best CCBS set after Grievous. Good set. Would set again.
Worst Beast/Umarak … The purple one was awkward?
Overall-Umarak the Hunter.a
@Invader_Rose I used his mask for my selfmoc