Lobo is the leader of the trio, a king who lost his respect from his followers, having his lower legs being replaced from losing to a battle. Now he’s making a team to have revenge on his arch nemesis (That I haven’t completed as of when this was posted)
(FUN FACT: Buzz Kill was inspired by a Nintendo 64 game, Buck Bumble. You may have heard of the intro theme song: https://youtu.be/x7ok5AV7ZrM )
After a major catastrophe from a mission, Buzz Kill needed a replacement for his leg, stinger, wings, and his four hands were fused to two with his weapons as well.
With Crow Bar, he’s the brains of the bunch, creating his own body, helping out with Buzz Kill, and creating The Night Wolf, but was born with no wings and lower arm (explaining the stubs on the back).
I love them! They look kinda like TMNT villians which makes em even better! I would give buzz kill a 7/10 cause he kinda looks exactly like waspix but with different armou and 2 less arms. As for crowB.A.R I’d say 8/10 cause he is really good! But like Buzz he looks like Razar from chima, but they are booth still awesome! So over all 15/20! Good job @8BitArt! keep up the good work!!!
Like @PekekoaOfJungle said, the wings were inspired by Yellow Jacket’s wings. Love that movie BTW.
Thanks for the criticism! After I post this, I’ll change some thing around with the fore-arm and those thighs. And thank you!
That’s where I got most of my inspiration for these guys.
Ya, after thinking about it, I’m going to change the names. For now on, they are Buzz Kill and Crow Bar, unless anyone has a better name for Crow Bar. Leave some suggestions?
I don’t know you set the BAR pretty high! hahahahahahha! But I like the name Dark Wing cause when there is trouble you gotta call DW Dark wing crow! lol