The Bionicle G1/G2 Connection Theory Topic

But if it could still teleport beings in, maybe it still could teleport beings out, but the power was being used to restore life to MU inhabitants?

So maybe all the Red Star needed was a power-boost (the beam formed when the Protectors used the Mask of Time to summon the Toa) to charge up the Red Star so it could teleport beings out?

Also, we have to remember that Pohatu and Kopaka (of G1) were on the Red Star. Then they met Mavrah, and that was that.

Maybe (if there’s a connection) G2 might show Pohatu and Kopaka of G1 fixing the Red Star?


Broken means it doesn’t work. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. People on there couldn’t fix it. Also, your idea of being teleported “out” would not work. If that was the case then I’m sure Kopaka and Pohatu could have unleashed a Nova Blast to project enough energy to help them out. But they’re stuck. No way out.

Well… I mean, they did something similar in TPtB chapter 6.


Here are the main things that make me wonder if there is a connection between G1 and G2.

1. The Mask of Creation
As many G1 fans know, this was the name of Artakha’s Legendary Kanohi. It was never revealed how it looked, though it was given a description.

“The mask was the most ornate anyone had ever seen – more than just a Kanohi, it was a true work of art. The metallic protodermis from which it was forged was arranged in intricate patterns and designs, each reflecting one of the many cultures that flourished in the universe. The eye slits were angular and pointed, giving him an air of both wisdom and a vague sense of menace.”

This is a very similar description to Ekimu’s own Mask of Creation.

2. The Vahi Easter Eggs in the 2015 Animations
Hidden throughout all of the 2015 Animations is a small reference to the Vahi, which was a Legendary Kanohi in G1.

  • The Legend - Cloud above Ekimu and Makuta shaking hands
  • Episode 01: Prophecy of Heroes - Ekimu’s Crater
  • Episode 02: The Arrival - Tahu’s Crater
  • Episode 03: Quest for the Golden Mask - On Okoto’s greatest volcano
  • Episode 04: The Protectors Fight Back - Lava around Tahu’s Mask
  • Episode 05: The Power of the Golden Masks - Behind Kopaka’s Energy-Shield
  • Episode 06: Quest for the Mask Maker - Rock in Onua’s Tunnel
  • Episode 07: Team of Heroes - Behind the hill of the Temple of Creation
  • Episode 08: Lord of Skull Spiders - Cloud behind Tahu yelling, “Onua!”
  • Episode 09: The City of the Mask Makers - Ruins of the Ancient City

If it had been in just one episode, I could understand that this was just an Easter Egg. But all NINE of them?

3. 'Unity. Duty. Destiny.'
While many G2 fans recognize this as the name for Episode 16 of the 2015 Animations, fans of G1 will also notice that these are the three virtues of Mata Nui.

4. The Nuva Symbols
In the 2016 Winter Wave, many G1 fans will notice that on the chest plates and the masks of the Uniters there is a Nuva Symbol, which in G1 was the source of the Toa Nuva’s power.

5. The G2 Mask of Time
In the second BIONICLE graphic novel, The Battle of the Mask Makers, Ekimu the Mask Maker travels to the Temple of Time to use the finally-revealed Mask of Time. Before putting it on, Ekimu states the Mask is only half of a mask.
The G2 Mask of Time was cool enough on its own, but the fact that Ekimu said that it was the upper-half of the Mask of Time and hinted at it being called the Vahi is too coincidental.

6. 2016 Designer Video with G1 Reference
In short, a BIONICLE 2016 Designer (will get specifics later) said something like Umarak the Hunter’s Hunter Mask was the G2 Mask of Shadows.

7. The Star Trek Comment
I’m pretty sure it was a member of the LEGO Group who hinted G1 and G2 could connect similar to the way the modern STAR TREK movies connect to the older Star Trek movies.

8. The Black Makuta with a Black 2015 Tahu Mask in the Makuta Contest Video
As fans of G1 know, when the Toa Mata first encountered Makuta, they found him in the form of a Matoran. The little figure has serious similarities.

And finally…
9. Placeholders (?)
In the first BIONICLE graphic novel, the Mask of Time (which suspiciously looks like the Vahi of G1) is revealed to be the key to the summoning of the Toa. Many can argue that it is a place holder, but if it is, why have an UPPER-HALF revealed rather than a new mask entirely to replace the placeholder?

And of course, the thing which started this topic… The island of Mata Nui on the Mask of Control in the 2016 poster.
While we now know that Mata Nui doesn’t appear on the official poster, why show it in the first place? Why didn’t they have Okoto on it, as Okoto was already laid out in 2015?

These things make me suspect that LEGO is trying to get fans to look at/review the story of G1, so that the fans can prepare for the ultimate reveal… BIONICLE G1 is connected to BIONICLE G2!

Note: At this point though, I can’t decide if I want G1 and G2 to connect or not.


I want to belive!

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Most of these can be explained as nods or references to the original story line as service to the older fans.

Just because something is similar to/named after/takes inspiration from G1 doesn’t mean they are the exact same thing or that there necessarily is a connection.

The Mask of Creation was used probably because it was one of the only legendary masks we hadn’t seen before. Its design is similar because that was all there ever was to go off of to make something that G1 fans could identify with.

The Vahi Easter eggs were just that: Easter eggs. Fun things to spot in the animations that so far has had little to no influence on the story.

Unity, Duty, and Destiny are recycled from G1, but there so far has been no mention of a deity figure in G2, and they as well serve as inspiration for each year, 2015 being duty, 2016 being unity, and likely next year being destiny.

The Nuva symbols are call backs to the originals, but as has been mentioned before serve no purpose in the story, and in fact haven’t even been drawn any attention to whatsoever. They as well have a new explanation as being ancient Okotan writing as seen in JtO in the Labyrinth.

The Vahi is an exception, as it could be a reference that is being recycled into G2 canon or serve as a link between the times.

The mask Umarak wears has the ability to control shadows, but it has never been mentioned as the Krahkaan. People have only called it the G2 Mask of Shadows because that’s the only mask we’ve seen so far with that power.

The Star Trek comment. Possibly, but as @Mesonak said before they aren’t certain if he was unfamiliar with the films and simply agreed to agree or if G2 is loosely connected to G1.

The placeholders are just placeholders, at least the G1 Vahi was a stock image recycled from the early 2000s.

The island on the MoCo was weird, but so far nothing has hinted at it ever being relevant.

I don’t dismiss there being a connection, but I just don’t think any of these serve as a sign towards that except maybe the Mask of Time.

And of course my explanations aren’t concrete either, but until we see something definitive connecting the two, it’s probably more reliable and less headache inducing to assume they aren’t, at least not yet! :smile:


oh boy here we go.

nothing to debunk here.

Well, a mask of time exists in g2, they are making a reference to g1s mask of time, i can only imagine at some point down the line, the g2 mask of time is going to be involved with the g1 mask.

It, like the mask of time is a reference to g1, like the nuva simbols and masks, ect. It also follows the theme. 2015 is duty, 2016 is unity, 2017 is probably going to have something to do with destiny.

So far these seem to just be Okotos symbols for those respective elements.

Again, I can only imagine the g2 mask of time is going to be connected to the g1 mask of time, both metaphorically and physically.

He said it was called, Hunter Mask. while it may allow Umarak to use shadows to travel and bind things with shadow, its never been called the mask of shadows.

Kahi, from TTV used Star Trek as a comparison when they were asking about the reboot. We dont know if the person there knew about the Star Trek movies continuity or if he just agreed assuming that it was similar. A grand majority of the people on the panel there said it was just a reboot.

Im going to go out on a limb here and assume that they didnt have an official design for the g2 mask of time and the “artists” just used the g1 orange mask of time as reference because it was all they had. These are the same people who couldnt draw anything consistent detail wise on any of the characters panel to panel.

When that poster was first revealed, it was in a leak. As in their was no official source and any idiot could of photoshopped the island on there, no where except that leak has any island appeared on the forehead.

I thinks it safe to assume lego will pull some sort of connection out of hat when ever they decide to end the theme. Its basically its an ace in their sleeve that they will have when ever they need it.


Just when we thought it over…


…it’s only begun.


The way I’ve always thought of a connection is that each Vahi represents each timeline. And the Toa were summoned with the Vahi from wherever they were to Okoto.

Not much more than that though, that’s just what I have assumed in my head whenever o need to think about it.

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Someone wasn’t paying attention while writing the magazine. Or rather, found an old G1 story bible in the trash.

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Reminds me of the tournament for the Glatorian when they were first released in that one comic.

All right, I have come up with a potential connection.

Two, possibly more, but at least two of the GB’s stayed in the Great Spirit Robot (besides Velika). These GBs worked with Artahka to make the Vahi, the Mask of Time. However, it was deemed too powerful, and thus it was split in half. One half was split into six more pieces, the Great Disks, and eventually was put back together by some unimportant Toa of Fire guy.

Along the GSR’s route, it stops at the planet that Okoto is on. Okoto, at the time, is a barren wasteland, but the GB’s experiments endow the island with elemental energies. The GBs also create several Elemental Creatures. What they don’t realize is that the Red Star, which is currently orbiting Planet Okoto, registers this as the birth of new Toa and creates Spirit Stars, which remain above Planet Okoto even after Mata Nui and the Red Star leave.

The GBs create a temple to house the Vahi, and then return to making sapients. The Matoran and the other MU inhabitants were used as a basis for the first Okotans, who, unlike the Matoran, were able to reproduce. Eventually, the GB’s came to be revered as “gods”. (“Today, I shall take my rightful place among the gods”)

But something happened to these Great Beings, something that made them disappear, leaving only two young children: Ekimu and Makuta. These two came to be revered as the “children of the gods”. Since they were GBs themselves, they had longer lifespans, living for generations. The also had a passion for creation, and became Mask Makers. Until Makuta made a mask so powerful that it almost killed everyone, but that’s not important, is it?

Finally, the Toa. Remember the Spirit Stars from earlier? Well, thanks to the Inika, we know that Spirit Stars are actually massive amounts of elemental energy. Whatever the Protectors did with the Vahi and the Temple caused this energy to take shape in the form of the Toa, and when the Toa stopped Makuta, they went back to being just elemental energy.

So, there you go. The Vahi is the upper half of the original Vahi. The Okotans are Matoran, in a sense: they are Matoran 2.0. And Ekimu and Makuta are Great Beings.



That mostly makes perfect sense and I absolutely love the theory, except 2 things. First, the odds of someone else being known as Makuta in the universe who isn’t a member of the species is too much of a coincidence. Second, the odds of the Stars turning into Toa who look and act similarly to 6 exact other Toa makes no sense. On top of that the odds of the Okotans creating a completely separate prophecy and coming up the the title of Toa, than giving them the exact names of 6 other beings known as Toa is just too impossible. Finally, it was hinted that the G2 Toa are the same as the G1 Toa with their reflexes and muscle memory.

So, I just think altering the theory to include the G2 Toa as being the G1 Toa and having Ekimu’s vision once he puts on the mask of time being of the Toa Nuva, thus creating the prophecy makes a lot more sense. As far as Makuta I have no idea.


He wasn’t just named “Makuta” randomly, though; he was named that by the GB’s (his parents) who most likely knew about the Makuta, and quite possibly programmed Mata Nui to create the Makuta. My theory is that “Makuta” is a term of some significance to the GB’s, hence them using it for one of their indirect creations and then one of their children.

As for the Toa’s names: the G2 Toa didn’t have names to start off with. They were named Tahu, Gali, etc. by the Protectors, after the constellations, and (I guess I forgot to mention this) the constellations were named by the GB’s,

As far as their personalities, well, the Toa are not exactly like the G1 Toa Mata (especially Pohatu) and I think the similarities can be explained by the fact that personality traits tend to be tied to the elements, both for Toa and the G2 Toa. Kopaka is cold, Pohatu is hard-headed, Tahu is a hot-head, etc.

As far as looks go, the only resemblance between the G2 Toa and the G1 Toa is their masks and their basic colors (again, aside from Pohatu). The colors are the same because they’re of the same element (except Lewa), and the masks… This, I will admit, is a big coincidence, but not really any more of a coincidence then the fact that the Gread Disk Matoran and the Voya Nui Resistance Team both wear the same masks as the Metru (the Voyatoran even matched the elements), or the Inika wore the same masks as the Mata until Karzahni took their masks and replaced them.



That still does not explain a few things. First the Toa’s reflexes, than their masks which look a whole lot like the G1 masks. But ts not just those things individually, it’s all of them together. The odds of the great beings naming him the constellations the same name as six Toa who will continue me into existence later on, who still have very similar personalities (Vakama and Jaller were not short tempered like Tahu so the elements can’t explain everything) and still look very similar all combined is a whole lot of coincidences none the less. Maybe one or maybe just maybe two of those could work, but it would still be a lot easier to just say that they are the same Toa. One more thing that isn’t explained are the Nuba symbols, which is another coincidence that these Toa, look, act, and are even associated with the same symbols.

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Crisis=Matoran universe bot that can also research the world.
Fixed crisis but didn’t research.
Needing Research=Okotan universe bot.
New way of working things and toa named after the heroes of old who helped the agori. Connected by mask of time to harness the nuva powers. Sadly, because one of the dudes was named makuta, he became evil.


Maybe the Okotans are an ancient civilization that evolved into matoran (they could also be prototype av-matoran, protosep And makuta started the brotherhood as leader, but got Steve Jobed by Miserix because he is not a makuta. The toa died and got revived by the red star. Maybe the red star split into six pieces

I think since the Great Beings’ robots were populated by Matoran that after Arthaka is sent to recover the robot by the Great Beings and after the Robot (very small compared to Mata Nui) he decides against it, He decides to let out all the Matoran, who are now brainwashed.

Veleika(or someone else important): Ummm. The universe we made kinda killed itself with itself.
It’s a long story, but those matoran dudes are kinda on spherus magna now. Oh yeah, it’s spherus magna again. So um, can you guys come back from your things?
GBs: Wack.

So the three legendary masks, the vahi, ignika, and Umike (mask of creation) are unbreakable… Unless your the vahi. But, the two halves of the vahi survived Teridax’s storm thingy.
So now that the upper half of the vahi isn’t incredibly hard to find, and we still have the other two masks, Mata-Nui and Artakha get orders from the great beings to make a new planet so the GBs can study the inhabitants of the MU with 6 surrounding (and probably barren) elemental planets. Mata-Nui and the GBs create the Okotans/Matoran and life while Artakha (with some help) creates terrain.
Ekimu is made and gifted with Artakha’s Umeki to keep creating things. He is named after the Umeki (okay I did make that name up so it’s probably not true)
Makuta is made and given a new mask (Tpurroc) to keep things in order. Makuta is named as such as he is the secondary creator, just like how the Makuta made rahi in the MU
The Toa were only named and modeled after the Mata.
I might add more later, but I’m done for now.

I like @Willess12’s idea best, but that the elemental energy from the stars willess mentioned were derived from the Toa Mata somehow

Basically, the GBs don’t want to deal with the MU inhabitants and create a new robot that houses Okoto. The Toa Nuva and matoran are wiped of their memory “by accident,” and placed in the new universe. Ekimu is created and gifted Artakha’s MoC, and his brother Makuta is also created. Teridax, (who is still alive because lazy writing) posses the body of Makuta.
The MoT’s upper half is created as a window into the previous Matoran Universe and gifted to Ekimu.
Also, I’m not sure how Pohatu and Kopaka escape the Red Star, but there was obviously going to be a solution at some point, so it can probably happen.

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