The MOC is nearly done, if anything it just needs a few different shells, black pins and ball joints and it will be good to go, I might change the legs too but here is what I have so far.
BTW better pics will be uploaded when I finish the MOC right now I still want to fix some stuff
As someone who likes decorative fins or wings, you’ve won me over with this one. I especially like the torso, and the blues work well together, here. The only thing I can find is that the torso, as cool as it is, looks a little too thin.
Nice job so far!
I don’t know.
But you’re only half.
So I’m gonna say yes.
So, what exactly is the goal with her. A uniter/toa? If that’s the case, the silhouette seems a bit, weird. However, if you’re going for a grotesque look, you pulled it off quite well. I like it.
Well, considering that it’s “like” a french girl, then yes. Plus, it would also apply if you were french, but not one of his french girls
Looks ok, to say the least. The most important fix would be to tidy up the torso. Like a lot. But, it depends what taste you have. I’m not one for adding a lot of greebles.