Shoutout to Cezium for the render of the floor carvings and buttloaf_builds for the fancy Photoshop.
woah all six of them look really cool!
I really like the head build, and the parts usage is excellent!
Noice… I like the head build.
Wow great work! The builds look and work incredible.
Incredible. These sets haven’t aged as well as you might think, they were do for a rebuild. Nice job
These are so unique and creative! They look great
These look pretty awesome ngl. I’m just curious as to why Lehvak Va is primarily black rather than green.
These are gorgeous! The Va were underrated, they deserve a makeover and a spotlight. Pahrak and Kohrak are my favorites as always.
These are some cool little dudes.
not bad, really nice improvments over the originals!!
They’re so derpy! i love them!
nice head builds, they make them look so organic
although because of the bohrok shield piece some of them look really goofy
Lego hasn’t released the 90-degree leg joints in green, so I decided to go with black leg joints and dark green.
I always thought Lehvak Va had a bit of a Rambo vibe to him with his knives, so I didn’t mind making him look a bit more grimy and jungle-camo.
Impressive! This is quite an improvement on these characters!
I’d have made the system equivalent of that connector for all of them and called it a day so as not to draw attention to the mismatched colors. It doesn’t match the bionicle aesthetic but at least the colors would be consistent.
Appreciate the creative solution, but I personally think the System joint looks pretty ugly.
I’d rather stick with the dark green and black. Most of the others aren’t colour-consistent with the original sets anyways - Kohrak Va has light grey instead of black, Pahrak Va has Hewkii brown, etc
I wouldn’t call it creative, it’s a more utilitarian solution. Maybe if the uppermost tiles had pin holes printed on, it would disguise it better. But it would still be kinda thick though so maybe the technic connectors are the better solution.
They actually look like alien bugs, rather than just bohrok drones. Nice!