The Book of Dreams

i go from comic relief to narrator

I’m very confused on how rectangle Krelikan is still intact, considering that there was kinda a nuclear bomb set off in the facility that housed the vent he was shoved in.




oh how foolish to assume such things


oh whoops I forgot that Tott is most definitely not Cordax and is one hundred percent someone new and different and has nothing to do with Cordax at all

man im going to sound really dumb if it turns out that Tott isn’t actually Cordax


oop found my one reference in the book
i am the word ‘goodness’

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my gee golly gosh gloriosky notahffan you’ve been typing for an hour

this better be a full critique of the deeper sociological and theological meanings of the entire trilogy of books and how they have impacted you as a person


Three chapters in a week! I like your dedication.

Alright, since we got a lot of information in this one, I think it’s time for my second totally useless analysis!

Several people already theorised that Tott is Cordax. I don’t think that it’s the case, and here’s why: In the Book of Ramblings Cordax was a puny annoying kid, and this Tott fella is… while also puny and annoying, certainly is not a kid. Like, can you imagine Cordax smoking!? I can’t.
Also, there is a phrase in the first chapter that implies that Tott most likely doesn’t know Monopoly personally, which only confirms that he is not Cordax.
This book appears to be a continuation to the Book of Ramblings, so some could say that Tott is just an older, matured version of Cordax, implying that a long time passed since the events of the first book. I think that this can’t be true, since it creates a major plot hole: why would these shady people (who I will get to later on) start tracking down Monopoly only after such a long period of time since the cider factory events. So my theory is: The Book of Dreams is a direct sequel to The Book of Ramblings, with only a few weeks in between.

This leaves us with next to no information about Tott, so let’s not build any conspiracy theories and move on to the other characters.

Starting with… the trashbag figure. After an extensive research I found out that this character’s description doesn’t mach any profile pictures or self-MOCs of the people involved in this. Luckily, I happen to be a very good lurker, meaning that I know some things that others might not remember. Ghid once called Sonus’s old profile picture a trashbag poncho-wearing robot, so this grumpy fella might be Sonus, but I’m not entirely sure…

wait, no, forget all the nonsense that I just said about the trashbag guy, only now I realised that this must be Hawkflight, whose self-MOC is extraordinarily edgy and wears a black cape with a hood and breathing filter of sorts! I’m a genius!

(Seriously, I realised this as I was writing this reply, it just came out of nowhere)

Alright, let’s take a look at this classy chrome champ who… might actually be me?
This description does remind me of my self-MOC a lot.
White eyes? Check.
Well-built (in terms of figure)? Check.
Intricate armour details? Check.
Metallic armour? Check… kind of… my Self-MOC also has a lot of grey and black, though.
The hight is what makes me doubt, since this character appears to be shorter than the trashbag figure. Or maybe the trashbag figure just is even more extraordinarily tall, who knows?
Another option would be Rukah, but… nah, there are not nearly enough Lewa swords.

Also, the post-vent box Krelikan is a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
Though, I wonder… how are you going to include the characters like the chronicler and Racie, who undoubtedly died in the previous books? We’ll find out later, I suppose…

Phew, I think that this is the longest text I’ve written on this site so far… the only thought of how many mistakes and typos I must have made there makes me shiver in terror…


Ah yes the story is a sequel to itself.

It all makes sense now


Well, as I said,

I’m shivering in terror right now, by the way


Then my work here is complete


@Ghid will every character in the book be from the list of users?

I want an answer not a fave

Ghid this is not acceptable



I mean


I actually have a really, really stupid twist involving the trashbag figure and I genuinely hate myself for it but I can’t spoil that til the high fall sequence

O ye of little faith

Idk I’ll figure it out


please tell me it’s long leg good guy

he liked it that means it’s canon

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oh neat a new chapter
apparently tott is cordax for some reason
dunno who the trash guy is

is this me??

never mind. I’ll keep it in mind though.

I’m not certain at this point in time if that’s the route I’m going to take, but I accomplished it in book of logic, so it’s not out of the question. Depending on how I handle some of the later chapters, we may see some non-list peeps, but it’s either going to be none or next to none or, like in book of ramblings, you’re going to see hundreds of nondescript entities not on the list.



this is all speculation ghiddy boy

for you it is, nerd


Who said there was only one of me?


there’s only one rectangle Krelikan


Like Cordax said, unless Monopoly’s been busy crushing a number of you into cubes this whole time, this is the only rectangular, eyeless iteration of you that there is.

As for any other implications, no comment.


rare photo of Tott and Cordax next to each other, 2021, colorized