The Book of Ramblings

You don’t? Not gonna lie that’s kinda cringe.


you got me there.


I play it because Tetris is the unofficial boredom game of my highschool robotics team and its just fun.
(yes I know this wasnt directed at me)


Chapter 16

You threw the doors open.

The instant you did, the light burst into your vision, and burned away the countless eyes enveloping your conscious. You heard a verbal acknowledgement of your existence, and as your vision cleared you felt a thud against your leg.

It was Cordax, who had bolted towards you, been unable to stop in time, and was now lying on the ground gripping the spot where a nose would theoretically be.

“You and your stubid leg…” Cordax mumbled, slowly returning to his feet and rubbing his mask. “What habbened to your armb?”

“Arm.” You looked down at it, surprised to see it was there. The sleeve was torn off at the elbow and stained with an oily liquid, but your arm was perfectly fine. “It, uh, yeah. Like it? Trying out a new style.”

“Rearry?” Cordax groaned. “I ask a simble quesbion and get what I only assumbe is an answer.” There was a violent snort. “Okay, I think I’m good. Can we go now please?”

“Where’s the kid?” You ignored Cordax’s plight and began walking back to the train. “He was pretty beat up a little while ago. I threw him out of the room and I haven’t seen him since. I hope he made it back here.”

You stopped and looked back at Cordax. He had a peculiar puzzled expression on his yellow face. “That’s the thing, see, I thought I saw him just a little while ago. He was limping, talking very excitedly, and then he was just- gone. Like he sudden zipped into the air. I wondered if I ever actually saw him at all.”

“And where’s Zero?” You asked.

“Oh yeah,” Cordax brightened up. “He brought me out here and said there was one more person he had to- oh.” His face fell. “Where did he take him?”

“Likely back to his home. He’s not cut out for stuff like this.”

“Neither am I.” Cordax mumbled, rubbing his arms. “Can we go now?”

With great caution you entered the train, just in case Zero was waiting for you here. But he wasn’t, and then you had a horrible realization: without Wild you would not be able to operate the train, which means there was likely no way you could…


Your shoulder was hurting a lot.

So were your ankles and yeah pretty much every joint on your body. Cordax jeering at you from the inside of the locomotive cab wasn’t helping, either.

“Mush! Mush! The Iditarod waits for no one!”

“Cordax if you don’t shut your mouth I’ll suplex the train on top of you!”

“That’d be entertaining, at the least!” He laughed out his response. “Speed it up! We’re almost to Cancun.”

Boy, the urge to punch his stupid little face in was strong. At least it motivated you to keep pushing the train. Specifically, the locomotive engine, which you were forcing back along the rail with all the might your shoulder could throw into it, and you had been for half an hour. Walking seemed like a much saner option, if the path taken here hadn’t been mostly uphill.

Which means just a little farther and you would hit the incline. And right as you switched shoulders for the 15th time and pushed hard, you felt gravity shift and the train began to move on its own.

Grabbing the cow catcher, you propped yourself up as the train began to pick up speed. Cordax hollered his excitement and then quietly held on for dear life as the train went faster than he anticipated, shooting down the rails and out across a long sloping hill. The sun was beginning to set at this point, baking the landscape in orange light and seriously making you realize how tired you were.

A couple nods later and you could see the train station in the distance. But of course you were going too fast to stop it, so with a sluggish demeanor you climbed around to the cab of the train, sluggishly grabbed Cordax, wrapped him in your massive arms, and jumped from the cab, rolling across the hard concrete and coming to an eventual halt.

“I might barf again.” Cordax mumbled, prompting you to quickly jump to your feet and leave him in a relatively undamaged pile on the ground. You also noticed the bus and its driver were present, the latter standing with his mouth half open as the train shot past the station and continued down the track.

“If he promises not to throw up.” Keksalot mumbled and cleared the way to the inside of the bus. Your journey was almost over.


another great chapter


I’m just

so confused


Same, what happened to @Ghid? Was that some kind of hallucination?


I think I don’t get it anymore.
What was the whole mission for? Or is there 1 more chapter where everything will be explained? What happened to Zero and Wild? Where did Zero and Cordax go before the explosion?
I probably just couldn’t understand Ghid’s high level of beautiful brirtish english, so I would be gald if someone explained me something…
But hey I like that story! It is unique style, it is consistent, cruel, with unexpected turns. I am very glad I’ve signed up for the next one, and anticipate for it.


To find the previous team and Ghid.

Zero took Winger home after the explosion, and Wild was probably killed in the explosion.

zero took Cordax to safety.

Keep in mind that this is my interpretation of events, so I could be wrong.


you expect me to actually explain things? disgusting

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I thought finding Ghid was unintentional. Also, I should’ve concretized, I meant what was Mr. Monopoly’s mission? He knew that previos team was dead, or did he?

I thought they were the ones who triggered the exploision. It is too unclear…

I expect you to give a lot of contradicting hints that will be harder to combine than pieces of wall where Teridax’s plan was inscribed.
Okay, so I’ll just hope that, after meditating for a year or two, I will understand.


it’ll take at least 5 years to reach the level of enlightenment required to understand this divine verbiage.


hey, Zaktan figured that out in like five minutes

and then he destroyed it


From what I gather, that was supposed to be the plan: Zero would take Cordax out, then trigger the explosion. But then Pakari got Krelikan’s message, so Monopoly had to improvise and triggered it himself.


And then Pridak came and assembled all the pieces. Which is A LOT of pieces.

That sounds fitting.


I eat it.


Roll for accuracy


I rolled a 4.


the locomotive misses your mouth entirely and crushes you, killing you instantaneously


0/10 will not have you as a Gamemaster again. Too railroady.