The Book of Tears | ARMAGHIDDON



ah cool a new chapter.

also I was a silver sliver.

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i read that one and kind of understood the rest
now i beg of @ghid to:

the rest of the book


gosh I want to keep writing

but I miss my theoriser :droplet::eye: :eye:


make a song for the book and then he’ll comment on it


you expect ghid to sing




We absolutely expect you to sing.


ghid = tolkien confirmed?!?


I can’t wait for Traykar to show up, say it’s Traykar time, and then Traykar all over them


I have a theory that we can get the same results from the other side of @Ghid ’s mind.


Haha this didn’t age well lol


Well anyways I’m back. Hopefully someone here still remembers me

So, I kinda don’t want to be a hypocrite, so I’ve read the thing and I’m going to review it, I guess…

Though, I’m not going to dump the whole thing in one part, because that’s no fun. I’ll split it into parts and will cover four to five chapters of the story in each of them… I just don’t wanna sit here and type my nonsensical ramblings for hours straight like the good old days.

Alright, here’s my thoughts on chapters 1-4 of the Book of… I honestly forgot what it was… oh, right, Tears

So, I like that we’re starting off the book with the deep-ish hilariously over-the-top musings. It’s been a consistent thing since BoR and it’s nice to see the tradition continue. Although, I think this time the beginning is not the most memorable one, nothing will top the reference to the Shrek song in the beginning of BoR for me.

It’s also surprising that this story is the first one in the series that picks up right after the events that occurred in the ending of the previous book and features the characters that we are already familiar with (I’m talking about Cat Boy aka the grand master of evil, Clint Eastwood corpse and an Animal Crossing character in a purple hoodie). It certainly makes the story much easier to comprehend from the get go.

I would complain about the fact that it takes away the fun of trying to figure out what the hell is going on and who the hell all those people are (there was a plenty of that in the beginning of the other three books) if you didn’t introduce the second plot in chapter two. At this point I have no idea who Tomorrow is and what role they are going to play in the story and it certainly would be fun to theorise about that, but I fear that it’s a bit too late to do such a thing at this point.

Pain. Physical pain.



Also relatable

I really enjoyed this whole fight in the car. I can definitely see that you are improving at this. In your previous books it was sometimes quite hard to understand what exactly was going on in scenes like this, but here I can clearly envision where everyone is and what they are doing. Nice.

I was about to comment on how inconsistent Eilrach’s ability to control things was (he is able to control dead bodies with no blood circulation, air flow and brain impulses, but can’t make a car move without the fuel), but you deprived me of such an opportunity by getting rid of the inconsistency.
I’m very offended.

Do speedometers do that?

Started what? Morbing, I assume…

And there’s one thing that still confuses me a lot. Tott’s character. Sometimes he is this evil narcissistic sociopath who wants to take over the world and sometimes he genuinely cares about others and wants to save them. It’s not really a complaint, it’s just something I find particularly interesting. Hopefully this will be developed more in future chapters.

That caught me off guard. I genuinely forgot how violent these are at times.


I must say, that must have been an extraordinarily tall cliff, since they spent so much time falling from it.

Well, I think I’m out of things to say for now. Future chapters have a lot going on, so destroying them with flawless critique should be fun…

@Ghid look it’s done! It sure feels nice to be back

It’s time to sleep now


I miss the good old days :pensive:

there are many things I could say in response to this which emphasize how well this sentence encapsulates the books, the boards, and all of society, but I’ll leave it open to very vague interpretation instead.

doggone it notahffan, if you would just catch up I wouldn’t have to hold out on the next chapter which lays the groundwork for the bombshell twist OooOOoooOOooOoOOOOOooo. oo.

very good :sunglasses:

very good :sunglasses:

if you get undead skeleton lord gas in them maybe?


that word does have a meaning besides beginning an action


you have no idea how much I want to drop that bombshell twist OooOOoooOOooOoOOOOOooo oo

so I need to try harder


see you in chapter 5.


Ch 13

Chapter 14


Your first word.

Your first breath.

Your thoughts unfolding into limitless dreams, infinitely logical and infinitely limittless, which fled to every hilltop, each with a voice and rambling on about the possibilities of tomorrow. Every thought upon tomorrow spoke of a new horizon, a new hope, a glimmer of light on the horizon, a thrill which pushed you ever forwards unto that promise of breaking dawn and new, incredible discoveries waiting to be conceived in the matrix of your intellect.

You were that tomorrow.

You are Renner.

With one hand you swept aside the chambers of your mind, stepping back out into the grass-filled forest you had only just departed, your mind unraveling and reshaping your appearance from vague and uncertain to refined and definite, a human face nestled in sleek, futuristic armor, dozens of patches of blue lighting up as electricity coursed through them, a wolf helmet held in your hand which reflected the dark rays of the inverted sun.

With one hand you swept up, in dramatic fashion, two pointed fingers aimed at the inverted sun, and the idea of rupturing his form and spilling his energy across that distant meadow came to mind, but a far more ironic concept formed in your conscious, and you twisted your fingers to beckon.

With one word: “Remember.”

The silence was broken by a furious glow of orange light as the sun’s colors transformed back to their fiery glow once more. “That no-good The One To Trust! If it’s the last thing I’ll do I’ll break him into so many pieces- well, hyperbole. So you’re the one that got his spine ripped out, I recall?”

“Yes.” You replied, your expression determined and still.

SON∩S implied a grin. “Well, if you’re thinking of grinding that tooth-headed creature’s noggin into the sidewalk, you can count me in! I’ve been his puppet countless times, and was never given a chance to rest, always called again and again to serve his hypocritical purpose. It’s time it ends,” The celestial body rose into the air, surveying his surroundings. “But since you seem to have broken his control, well… What limit is there to what you can do?”

You thought for a moment. “You were called again and again… Were you the same as you had always been?”

“One hundred percent. It’s strange how he didn’t just make a new me, but maybe that’s beyond his capabilities somehow.” SON∩S replied, hovering thoughtfully. “But it seems that, well, it look like you’ve shut him out.”

You closed your eyes, your thoughts focusing into one concentrated motion, determination coursing through your veins. “It’s time to come back… Jethryn.

Your eyes opened at the surprise of physical contact, two harms gripping around you with the strength of Diero. Jethryn released his grip and looked up at you, his formerly tattered hood now whole again. “Renner, buddy… I owe you two.

Your eyes traveled around to face the Chronicler, his face a pure reflection of the flabbergasted awe bubbling up inside him, with his eyes widened more than what would have been theoretically possible and all inactive arms dangling limply from his worm-like body impossibly suspended in the air. He attempted to begin some kind of response, but instead closed his eyes and gestured with a bow that the journey, and the decisions thereof, were yours to envision.

Your eyes returned to SON∩S as another thought entered your mind. “We’re going to need a proper fighting force to take him on. My new armor has some unique capabilities, but we’ll need the forces of the departed in order to truly challenge him.”

“I’m thinking of people, but none you would know.” SON∩S replied. “Have you any willing to combat this monster of a foe?”

Your eyes closed, and then opened in confusion. “But that… I guess that one’s still alive. Alright then, what about…”

There was a metallic clang and an incredibly loud and irritated groan which followed it. “You’ve got to be KIDDING me! I was LITERALLY PERFECT and barring the fact that I still died, I’m BACK TO BEING THIS STUPID BENT PIECE OF-

“uh,” The axle noticed the group of strangers staring at him. “Oh, hi SON∩S. You… Were you there, too?”

“Let’s bring you up to speed.” You replied, placing the helmet in your hand overtop your head. “I’ve got a plan in mind.”

Ch 15


Not as long, but the next chapter will be a doozy.

Also yes, you can finally talk about it - the twist I had planned since BoD! Renner’s still being alive was pointed out by a few key things occurring during his supposed death, so I hope the bread crumb trail will be easier to spot now that the twist has been revealed.

Also the amount of spelling errors I make in these books is unbelievable ugh smh smh smh smh :pensive:


ah a new chapter, very interesting
also hi NOTaHFfan, Sonus, Hawkflight, and Axelford

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Man, Axelford really is having a bad day.


man I really need to reread this

and probably BoD too


We need these published by Random House. It’s the perfect name for a publisher.


Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about! The biggest loser from BoD has finally arrived, let’s gooooo!