The Book of Tears | ARMAGHIDDON


ok im gonna do it

im gonna write the chapter

i can’t stop myself








Ch 18

Chapter 19

Renner watched the tower fall in a heap of smoke and rubble, the thundering of the impact sending out small shockwaves through the air. The Chronicler lowered the clipper ship to where it gracefully floated above the rooftops of the grey, dirty buildings beneath it. The cacophony of music that had been playing died into silence at the sight of the tower falling.

“People aren’t gonna be happy that Volume is dead.” Jethryn murmured, holding his chin while he looked out over the sea of neon. “Ghid got rid of the only proof that he and Volume were the same man.”

“His body.” Renner sighed, nodding his head. “Without that, we have no way to prove to people he was the monster we claim. I don’t like it, Jethryn, but with so many people here who could get hurt, we may have to leave the city for a little while until things cool down or until we find some kind of proof to aid our cause.”

Jethryn nodded in reply. Renner pointed towards the cliffside, and the Chronicler dutifully turned the ship into a slow ascent. With its trajectory set, Renner turned to address the group.

“I know that most of you must be under a significant amount of stress due to what’s happened.” He began, noting Racie in particular was huddled in the darkest corner of the boat with her hands over her ears. “Ghid’s masquerading as Tott was… Impressive, honestly. He completely fooled me for the longest time. But I’m not one to mince words. Ghid’s identity of Volume was beloved by most of the people here in this city. Their resources are not quite significant enough to pose a serious threat to us at the moment, but if we stay we will most certainly be attacked to avenge their fallen leader. Diero,” He turned towards his trusty Dreamer. “I wonder if you might know where Volume’s body may have gone.”

Diero, who was thumbing through the book from Ghid’s library, looked up in confusion. “Uh, yeah, uh, so. Bit of context first, I think. You remember all those Ghid Dreamers that attacked us in the cider factory?”

“No?” Jethryn commented.

“Well you weren’t there at the time.” Diero continued. “Anyway, they’re on the moon.”

“What. WHAT.” Renner clenched his fists. “What do you MEAN they’re on the moon?! Have they been there this ENTIRE TIME?!?”

“Well, yeah, I mean, look,” Diero took his hat off and scratched at his smooth, skeletal scalp. “It was a rough moment, and I was feeling adventurous, so y’know… Look, sending everything to the sun gets boring. Is it so bad if I want a little variety now and then?”

“No?” Diero shrugged as Renner’s scowl got more animated. “Look, you hadn’t ever asked me to send anything to the sun before until that Dreamer that killed Jethryn, so don’t blame me for not adopting it as protocol immediately.”

“Ghid is ALIVE.” Renner hissed. “Diero, I need to reestablish your Dreams again and then I’m going to have you send so many wild cards-

“That’s the second thing.” Diero continued, shielding his eyes from Sonus, who heard the Sun get mentioned and found himself curious. “Before Ghid saw Ghid- No, after he saw him, okay Tott saw Volume and then gave me orders to throw a wild card to the moon and collect all of them.”


Diero’s neck retracted as far down between his shoulders as it physically could, his knees bending to get away from Renner’s reddened face. “Man I do not like it when you stand on your toes to try and get taller than me.

“GET BACK TO THE TOWER!!!” Renner roared, the ship turning about sharply and making speed towards the ruinous wreck just in time to enter a hail of gunfire from below. Everyone on deck moved astern aside from Renner and the Chronicler, both being armored too heavily to allow any gunfire to injure them.

“Looks like the welcome party came a little soon,” Renner quipped as a bullet knocked the wolf mask out of his hand, which he quickly snatched back up and placed atop his brow. “Can someone find out if there’s any opening down there?”

“Well tomorrow, I don’t think there’s any sort of is that a car?” The Chronicler glanced quizzically at the rectangle flying through the air towards the ship. Diero quickly jumped in front of Renner, but with no written command the car easily picked both him and his boss off the ship and down into the city below.

Landing and catching Renner in one motion, Dier set his boss down to collect his stomach while he looked about the alley they had landed in. “No sign of the police. You alright?”

Renner shook his head, staggering back slightly. “I’m alright, about twenty five pounds lighter I think. That car knocked the wind out of me. Well, getting back up there will be a challenge, I suppos-”

Diero smashed a finger over Renner’s mouth. Down one of the alleys, which ran up to a large, grey wall with a service entrance, stood a very short individual with a large, round head, which reflected the limited light in the alleyway. He tapped his foot in irritation, eventually kicking the door and groaning loudly. “Hasn’t anybody decided to follow procedure?!”

Diero had approached during his remonstrance, and the figure spun about suddenly. A simple, cartoonish face was almost drawn across his smooth, mostly-spherical skull, which perked up immediately upon seeing him. “Oh, finally! I get invited here all on my lonesome, told to go find this Volume guy, but when I get here this big cloud of smoke blasts me into the alley and I had to spend at least twenty seconds figuring out where the stupid building was. What’s your story?”

“Uh,” Diero awkwardly stalled, hoping his boss would take over. “I guess we’re in the same boat? Or were, eh?” Diero nudged Renner’s ribs with his elbow. “Regardless, let’s not wait around here.”

“Good point,” The short figure smiled, turning back to the door and slamming his tiny foot into it, denting the steel but doing little else. “Wish these stupid things had a knob.” He grimaced, clutching his kicking foot and hopping away from the barrier. Diero politely opened the door by ripping it off its hinges. “After you.”

“Thank you very much, mister-?” The little figure asked as he squeezed in front of him.

“Diero, much obliged.” Diero’s ever-absent cowboy accent came crawling back even as the light of the hall they entered made Renner rub his eyes to adjust.

“Thank you very much, Mister Diero.” The little figure smirked, walking backwards, the light which passed over his white head revealing the extra pair of dot-like eyes on the right side of his noggin. “My name’s Ghid. Shall we?”

Ch 1?



I’ve got to stop doing this to myself

ok ill stop

don’t read it til your chapter review :skull: :skull: :cold_face: :skull: :smirk:








we’re saving that image, oh yes we are


posting so cordax can rant




Before I start the ranting I just want to say not adding a bunch of random one- er, three- line characters at the end is very good

Anyways the brain hurting part of this is less the writing being confusing and the pacing being way off and more things just not making sense

so the biggest brain hurting thing is that the ending kind of seems like only Tott dies, but Volume/Real Ghid was also in that tower and should be dead aswell, yet the book makes no mention of it

oh there’s also that little skrunkly at the end who I swore was about to be N01 but then was Ghid #3 who feels completely unnecessary but if this isn’t really the end then I guess he’s fine

Ok and now here are the things that are more based on the writing and how you develop the characters and less on the plot itself

so the whole deal with Winger being Tott’s son is handled really oddly

Like I understand that Tott doesn’t want to rouse any suspicion

, but he shows no empathy towards anyone except Cordax, which makes it seem like he thinks he cares about Wungler but he actually doesn’t

The other character problem is how Racie has no character whatsoever. Not one single line. When she is one of the only completely human characters, not killing her off in the final act of BoD made it seem like she was going to have some purpose in the story, but no. very sad.

The Ultimate Bo_ Theorizer already brought this up, but the fake universe portion is wayyyy to rushed. If Tom had went on some semblance of a journey, then it would have felt a bit better but his entire story in that world is just meeting The One To Trust and Sonus, arguing with cobalt for a bit, entering his own mind, and then dipping


speaking of The One to Trust, he kinda just disappears from the fake universe for some reason. Maybe there’s some explanation for this that I missed, but if not that feels very important

Other than all of that, though, this book was definitely the most well-written and cohesive of the bunch. Though, I think BoL still edges it out in terms of my favorite book.

oh there’s also this line which I’m pretty sure is a typo because this is the only time wild is ever mentioned but maybe not I don’t know


Start here.

Much like most everyone reading the books, Winger didn’t know Tott = Ghid. As Tott explained, playing his hand too early would’ve ruined his whole plan, which for the majority of BoT and all of BoD was his driving focus - but while he did not show any externalized empathy towards Winger, taking extra care to emphasize his distaste for his outfit, there’s a lot of moments where he breaks character due to his son’s plight in both books where they coexist.

But, as you said:

Any faith that the guy who orchestrated a massive movement which killed dozens of people (some repeatedly) and put thousands more in potential danger because he was too long getting the milk is morally and logically justified is a faith misplaced.

Now, if it were choccy milk…

I’m sorry I should’ve killed her :cry:

I’m very upset at the ultimate Bot theorizer for not digging through the cringy 2010 zalgo usage in both Ch 11 and Ch 12, but in short:

for those who don't want to time travel back to the early years of last decade

Renner locked himself in his mind, causing a paradox by existing inside himself. Without Ghid present to influence his thoughts, he was able to force his own mind into telling him who he was before reality completely destroyed itself. Ch 12 shows the real-world effect of this when Ghid (as Tott) is hit with a Tear (more info to come) and is drawn abruptly out of it by Renner’s name being mentioned.
For NOTaHFfan when he eventually looks at this out of curiosity:

Oh yeah that should’ve been Bird whopos
although Wild’s been mentioned tons of times idk what you mean


Chapter 19


Chapter 13

Cordax said that Arrax and his group of unicorns had said they were going to burn down Cordax’s house. Julie and Ghid had tried to get to Cordax’s house to see if Cordax’s house was on fire, but Arrax’s group had tried to set the house on fire. They had set fire to the backyard, and then they had set fire to Julie’s house.

Cordax told me that Arrax’s group had not set fire to Cordax’s house. The house that Julie had told me was on fire had been set on fire by Arrax’s group and burned by them, not by Cordax. Cordax told me that Arrax’s group had wanted to burn Julie and Cordax’s house down because they thought that Cordax’s family was trying to burn them down.

Cordax said that Arrax and his group of unicorns had tried to burn Julie’s house down. When they couldn’t get to Julie’s house, they had set fire to Julie’s house and burned it down. They had burnt Julie and Cordax’s family alive inside their house. Cordax was upset about what Arrax and his group had done to Julie and Cordax’s family. Cordax was upset because Julie was the only family he had left.

Cordax’s great-grandfather Arrax had been trying to murder Julie and Cordax’s family because Arrax’s group was trying to make it look like Cordax was trying to burn Julie and Cordax’s family down, so they could blame Cordax for Arrax’s killing of Arrax’s family. Julie didn’t believe Cordax, and Cordax didn’t really want to talk to Julie, but he did talk to me.

Cordax told me that he had tried to kill Ghid because Ghid was trying to blame him for Arrax’s death. Cordax tried to burn Ghid’s house down, but Ghid had told him not to do that, so he hadn’t burned Ghid’s house down.

Cordax told me that Ghid and Julie had been trying to escape from Cordax’s great-grandmother’s house, which they had thought was on fire, so they would be able to escape to the city to be with Julie. Cordax had wanted to see Ghid again before Ghid left, so he hadn’t burned Julie and Ghid’s house down. Cordax had not intended to kill Julie. Cordax hadn’t meant to kill Julie. He had wanted to burn Julie’s house down and kill Julie, but he had stopped himself from doing that. Cordax had stopped himself from doing that because he wanted to see Ghid, so he had called Ghid on the phone, hoping that Ghid would come and save Julie and Cordax’s family. Ghid hadn’t come.

Cordax’s great-grandfather Arrax had been trying to kill Ghid and Cordax’s family because Arrax had been trying to set the city on fire. Cordax was trying to set the city on fire so that the city would burn down and the unicorns would burn down too. Cordax told me that he didn’t want to kill Julie and Ghid because he had tried to kill Julie and Ghid before. That was what had made him afraid to burn Julie and Ghid’s house down. That was why he hadn’t burned Julie and Ghid’s house down. He had wanted to burn Julie and Ghid’s house down, but he had stopped himself from doing that. Cordax was afraid that he had been trying to kill Julie because he had been trying to kill Ghid and Julie. Cordax didn’t want to kill Julie, so he stopped himself from killing Julie.

Cordax’s great-grandfather Arrax had wanted to burn Cordax and Julie’s house down, so he was trying to make it look like Cordax was trying to burn Julie and Ghid’s house down. Arrax and Ghid’s group were trying to make it look like Julie and Cordax’s group had burned Julie and Ghid’s house down, so that Julie and Cordax’s group could be blamed for that. Ghid had asked Cordax not to burn Julie’s house down, but Cordax had wanted to burn Julie and Ghid’s house down, so he had done that.

Cordax told me that he had called Ghid on the phone, hoping that Ghid would come and save Julie and Cordax’s family. Ghid had told Cordax that if he did that, Ghid would be blamed for everything, and the whole city would be on fire. The whole city would be on fire because the unicorns would burn the city down.

Ghid had said that he wasn’t coming to rescue Julie, but that Cordax had to be on his side in this whole thing, and Cordax had told him that Ghid and Julie had been trying to kill Cordax’s family. Cordax had told me that he was trying to kill Julie and Ghid because Julie and Ghid had tried to kill his family. Julie and Ghid had tried to burn Julie’s house down so that Julie’s great-grandfather would be on Cordax’s side. That was why Ghid had asked Cordax not to burn Julie’s house down. Cordax told me that he wasn’t trying to burn Julie and Ghid’s house down because he wanted to kill Julie and Ghid. Cordax was trying to burn Julie and Ghid’s house down so that the city would burn down too, so that the city would burn down, so that Julie and Cordax’s family would burn down and the unicorns would burn down too.

Cordax told me that he knew that Julie wasn’t happy with what was happening, so he tried to be nice to Julie. Julie was trying to escape from Cordax’s great-grandmother’s house. Julie was trying to run away from Julie’s great-grandfather, so she was trying to escape from Julie’s great-grandmother’s house. Cordax had tried to tell Julie that she should run away from Julie’s great-grandmother’s house. Cordax had tried to tell Julie that Julie’s great-grandmother’s house was on fire, but Julie had been scared


Chapter 1?


doggone arsonist bronies


ah there’s more. very nice, and the last part with Ghid sure is interesting.

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Ah yes, another Cordax AU.

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Oh I forgot to mention this in my rant but this line

made me think that Tott was going to tell Cordax what happened with the whole Monopoly viciously murdering him shenanigan but eh that was another one of my silly cordax interpretations


if anyone ever gets a haircut that’s me

Wait, let me get the scissors…