The Book of Tears | ARMAGHIDDON

We just made up a structured lore But Ghids weren't there to help us Nor Osiris, nor Anubis, nor-

What did you think that emoji was, approval?

You haven’t gotten away with something so blatant, no

it’s time for you weebs to goku sleep and vegeta good night’s rest

my brain reminded me of the cringe plague that is radiak memes rn… bionicle community sucks :pensive:

did you know that the pope in spanish is the potato


no monopoly please don’t crawl into me

The CIG method (I hate how that’s a thing now) would drop Renner off wherever the world decided was the center of focus, which with nobody in control essentially meant nowhere. Not a useful spot to be.

However, with Renner back in the world, he would be in control, and actively deciding where the story is taking place, hence why all the Dreamers landed at his location along with Axelford.

That’s what I’ve been saying-

I mean right, in the story, yes, mhm, yepperoni

man becomes a pacifist at the literal worst time

The ultimate BoT Theorizer, everyone

You might want to read this chapter again

:sunglasses: I fooled both you and Cordax, he he he ha

How to do a little trolli-

uh oh

c’mon notahffan I wouldn’t do something that stupid

I’d do something stupider

what, no milktoastcritical reaction gif?

gosh no

I have ideas with actual merit make one of those an animation not this garbage :pensive: :face_vomiting:

one morning he woke up and chose evil

gun skull

Next chapter will have a timeskip

I have a feeling you’re only doing this to save the orphan laptops I keep abducting :dizzy_face:

Somebody isn’t reading the invisible portions.

Really NotaHFfan, you’ve never known about this? Try harder man.

Also your biocup entry is wack

you still haven’t

you heard it here folks, incest is objectively better

which will happen first, mods slapping me for that citation, or ttv casuals rushing that to the ooc topic

how deep and thought-provoking your comments are rukah my boy