I never even realized that because I thought it was any written message, regardless of who wrote it.
Ah a new chapter! Very nice, certainly a way to go out with a bang.
Avengers: End Ghid?
I ran out of the cringe stupid song references for the “hide details” things, so
Sussus Amogus
Pakari and Bird rn:
inhaling deadly amounts of copium intensifies
The gift is for the society in general. It will serve as a warning or something idk
The one thing I learned from you is that in order to become an emperor you need to get high.
Y’see the problem is that I can’t read in general, so I can’t be expected to be able to read the subtext. Moreover, the way I write my theories and critiques is by pressing random keys while banging my head against the keyboard.
Zippy is definitely Heyzorks, but don’t tell him because he doesn’t read these books and thus doesn’t deserve to know
And I never even realised that because I can’t read subtext
End Ghid indeed. How much of the book have you read?
We need more people to theorise about this book because I pretty much monopolised the market and I’m horrible at this job.
Like, where is everybody? Atobe? Monopoly? Chronicler? Anyone? N01?
And where the hell is Winger?
He got the drip
I hope you appreciate your fingers
Ok I won’t, can’t tell if he’s really just desperate to get under my skin or if it’s some weird angst thing as he used to have me blocked because ??? man bri ish people
NOTaHFfan has such a hard life
Not enough, it seems, to know he should’ve read up on how to survive a falling elevator clickbait youtube videos
is my self moc gunk going to be crushed by a rock
without reading it you’ll never know
so you’re saying there’s a chance
he may have already been, or he may still be alive
as long as he hasn’t encountered an enchilada we’re fine either way
Calling Ghid at 3 am challenge (real)
Ye. and nothing bad is gonna happen to them right?
It’s funny ‘cause for the longest time I assumed that you were British for some reason… well, until you started to use the hamburger units
See kids, this is why you go to school instead of posting cringe on main
New theery (I used both of my brain cells for it, so it’s pretty smurt):
So, there’s this guy known as AI, who very briefly appeared in chapters 9-10 before completely disappearing from the narrative. He didn’t get much description, but what he did get was a name, meaning that he was a user.
Because there were no hints. Or so I thought…
Then I realised something:
This character doesn’t have a form, doesn’t have an identity, or even a proper name… he is literally nobody… @N01InParticular
I read the subtext
Chapter 2
Diero gently set his boss back down on the ground and took his skeletal hand off from over his mouth. “Boss, I really think we should wait this one out and see what happens.”
“HE is GHID!” Renner retorted, spitting out the taste of Diero’s extremely filthy gloves. “Diero, you had better let me through so I can rip his tiny head into confetti and ensure he NEVER comes back!” Ducking Diero’s arm, Renner bolted through the hall and made a diving tackle for the little Ghid who had just begun to open a door on the other end.
As Renner’s dive successfully caught the little Ghid in his extended hands, the door was pushed open to reveal a very large banquet hall on the other side. A large amount of eyes turned to greet him - from a very small amount of attendees inside, all of whom bent their tall forms downward to observe the silvery newcomer.
“Hi guys, sorry I’m late.” The little Ghid, who seemed completely unfazed by the incident, looked down at Renner with a smile. “Thanks for the boost, pal.”
“N-No problem.” Renner forcibly composed himself, getting up off the floor and dusting off his armor. “So, uh… What are we waiting around for?”
The voice of Volume suddenly sounded from somewhere in the ceiling, crackling over a speaker system. “Thank you all for your timely attendance. I'm running a little late, so make yourselves comfortable with some complementary refreshments.
” Renner’s eyes turned to a completely empty set of trays which bore the crumbs of having once contained a numerous amount of sweets.
As the speaker shut off, one of the attendees gave a snarl and raised a revolver towards the ceiling, but hesitating, eventually changed his mind. “Why don’t you come down from there, you hideless coward! Do you have any idea how long we’ve been waitin’, hearin’ the same nonsense from you over and over again?!”
“I told you, it’s a recording.” Another attendee, shorter than the rest, hissed at the angrier one, only for the angrier one to immediately bite back. “And I told you, there ain’t no such thing as a replica of a man’s voice! He’s up there, hiding, makin’ us waste everyne’s time with this nonsense!” Raising his arm again, he fired two shots in the ceiling, making certain other attendees duck in response. “Come down, you yellow-bellied… Hm?”
The small Ghid had an expression of abject horror plastered across his simple features, and the armed attendee tipped his hat and returned his firearms. “My apologies son, it’s… It’s been a long night.” He sighed, and waved his hand towards another one of the attendees, the shorter one who had retorted to his tirade before. He approached, his squat and sphere-like body entirely mechanical, with a very large head with fearsome features. But inside that head, protected under a transparent substance, was a sleek, white face, with no features aside from sunken cheeks and holes for eyes, which squinted and blinked at the even shorter newcomer.
“Our condolences for your circumstances.” The mechanical arm extended and shook the tentative noodle limb of the other. “We- ahem, I am Krana Za number 7894. Clean-” The mechanical arm smacked the head suddenly. “Someone else taker over.” Krana Za number 7894 stalker off, gripping his mechanical cranium in disappointment.
A four-meter figure walked forward, his face hidden behind his helmet with only his left eye visible - until Renner noticed the slots in the right side of his helmet his two extra orbs. The figure seemed to recognize Renner’s discerning them, leaning forward with a metallic hiss.
“Ghidrius the Endless.” He rumbled, standing back up after a moment, not bothering to acknowledge the small Ghid as his eyes stayed fixed on Renner’s. Backing away, he was replaced by a pile of some dark liquid which grew itself up to Renner’s height and allowed four white lights to glow out of its form, in very Ghid fashion.
“That one is Tarnish.” Krana Za number 7894 interjected, having broken from his apparent migraine to pay attention to what as happening. “He cannot speak. It took us three hours to find out his name.”
The gun-wielding one made some kind of noise of disgust under his breath in retort. Before anything could start between the two, a much more human-looking Ghid stepped forward, grabbing Renner’s hand and shaking it violently with the sleaziest grin possible. Unlike the others present, he appeared to be human, with the only distinguishing factor being his extra eyes, which were illogically nestled around his right one.
“Very happy to meet you, sir, very happy.” The human Ghid spoke, his small mouth turned up at the corners with an artificial smile. “I trust you’re not one of these neanderthals with their poor fashion sense and disgusting, protruding extra eyes?” His low nose and spiked silver hair added significantly to his untrustworthiness.
Renner slowly removed his helmet with his free hand, trying desperately to hide his concern from the figure. “A real person! Sorry, human, a real… Well, you get the idea. Hanging around these persons has been an ordeal, what with their constant talking and even more constant getting into fights with each other. It’s been so bad I haven’t been able to talk about me or my interests in overseas media! Tell me stranger, have you ever heard of Kochira Katsushikaku Kameari Kouenmae Ha-”
A hand grabbed this Ghid by the back of the collar, and the assemblage of different Ghids began viciously stomping and hitting the human Ghid. Renner fell back in shock as it began, with even the little Ghid rolling up his sleeves and stalking forward to partake in the brutality. It grew increasingly violent, descending into absolute carnage with what little remained being absorbed by the tar abomination.
All eyes in the room turned and approached Renner, looming menacingly. “I didn’t know he had such heretical opinions.” The little Ghid spoke, walking up on top of Renner’s chest and looking down at him with empty eyes. “Thankfully no one else here shares them… Right?”
The armed Ghid suddenly growled and drew his revolvers, firing two shots over Renner’s head which ricocheted into tar Ghid. A stony hand lifted Renner up from the floor, the scowling chin of Diero coming into view.
“I’ve made my choice.” Diero growled, his eyes locking with the armed Ghid. “Boss, get writing.”
“For what, your last will an’ testament?” The armed Ghid snarled back, stepping in front of the other Ghids. “I’ve hunted you a long time, Diero, but you could never outrun McGick.”
I cannot confirm or deny allegations that some1inparticular is no1inparticular
What is this? Ghiderman into the ghidverse?
The loathsome dung eater
NOTaFHFHFFfan when Ghid doesn’t fave his wacky theory
Looks like Renner entered his own hell: a room full of Ghids of varying shapes and sizes… and some of them look familiar:
Our good friend Morbius
Is this… no it can’t be… it’s him! Anime Ghid is canon!
Oh. Was canon…
And this might be Cobalt’s Ghid?
I still haven’t been able to distinguish the rest, but I’m 80% sure they’re all references to Ghid drawings. I need to go through the “Mausoleum of Good Feelings” topic again to tell which is which.
Also, it looks like they all hate each other. I think Diero and Renner can just sit back, relax and enjoy watching the Ghids tearing each other apart
Ghid: ghinfinity war
Ghidius: it’s ghiddin’ time
Ghristopher Nolan’s Ghidception
Wow you actually managed to do that in time
alright simp shady here is your fave ugh smh
lol I drew that one
proto names include tartarus, tarshish, tarmac, tart, and tartar sauce
when you pull a toho and canonize stupid w*eeb ‘ghid’ just to kill him off as violently as possible
now I must email it to five people
Looks like my new tactic is working! Skeleton gifs inferior, sad cat and dog pictures superior
you see, I never fact check
Ha! You’ve fallen right into my trap! I made that mistake on purpose. You see, you only corrected me on this matter, but you didn’t disprove my theory about this particular Ghid, meaning that it’s correct!
Get skeletoned, nerd
I lied when I said that about my precious skeleton gifs
You call that “violent”!? Man, this Bo_ stuff really fell off…
Compared to Jethryn’s death this is tame
you forgot my trump card, weeb boy
I cannot confirm or deny allegations that I take inspiration from myself
this is how we startin
also I have to be careful because this is the ttv message boards and there are rules in place for a reason but don’t worry there’ll be more
Describe it as a cake of something like you did with Jetman
And you could always make a director’s cut and send it to me through discord
I like this. The Ghid Civil War has begun…