Hey, guys! As you’ve surely noticed by now, the new website is finally live!
If you’ve anything to say about it, good or bad, be sure to let me know here. We’ve come this far and I’ll be darned if I’m gonna let any bugs survive. Granted, I don’t think there’s any, but there’s only one way to be sure…
It’s very blue, and very bright.
This makes for quite the contrast between subdued blue of the boards, ut only time will tell.
I haven’t delved much deeper than that, but so far, so good…
I was sad to see the cool comic book wallpaper disappear and get replaced with a brighter color, but I guess it is okay (by that I mean wow it is very bright and does not relate to the somewhat darker aspect of Bionicle). Another thing is that there is not much of a variety of t-shirts being sold (and the one that is being sold kinda bums me out because I was planing on making a ■■■■■ similar to it, but now if I do everyone will think I am a ripoff). It was cool how the old store had a variety. Is the whole idea with a different ■■■■■ every month mean that there will be only one ■■■■■ available, or will there be other shirts sold as well for longer periods of time? Other than that the site is easy to navigate.