The BRAVE Adventures of Kyoryu Yellow

Hey guys, Kyoryu here, with a new thing I’m doing! This is basically Kyoryu Yellow’s origin story, so if you’re interested in reading that, then this is the place! A few things to note:
1: These first few Braves take place shortly after the 3rd episode of Kyoryuger.
2: The universe in which this occurs is a cross between several universes, much like Crystal Bonds and TTV Infinity.
3: For future reference, Jonathan is my real name, and therefore Kyoryu’s real name.

Gaburevolver: Gaburincho! Deinochaser!

Kyoryu plus Ruby! Crossing over billions of universes to protect the world, this forum’s stronkest BRAVE team has now appeared! YOU’LL BE SURPRISED WHEN YOU HEAR!

Kyoryu: The BRAVE Adventures of Kyoryu Yellow!

Wow wow, wow wow wow wow just wow!

Wow wow, wow wow wow wow just wow!

We are the invincible Lucky Stars!
Our dino motorbikes have been fully charged, our Tumblrs are aflame!

Our dreams come alive, we feel oh so wonderful!
So always tamper with IMAGINATION, always be the chronicler!

If you’re asking when Biocraft comes out,
Then why use Time-Travelling Muakas to go?
When you have gathered friends on your BRAVE side,
All you must do is look at that Deviantart logo!

Let’s Shrek ‘em!

Gaburincho! Mecha mucho!
We’re going to ToysRUs today!


Let’s go on, Kyoryu Yellow!
Send them trying, send them dying,
Ruby, take a bite out of your cookie!
No mods can ban us now!
Tremble as you hear our BRAVE roar,
The BRAVE Adventures of (Let’s go on!) Kyoryu Yellow!

Wow, wow, wow, wow just wow!


Brave 1: Beginnings!

Kyoryu was a simple human known as… Jonathan. He lived most of his early years in the United States, but shortly after his 15th birthday, he, his sister, and his parents moved to Japan because… reasons. One year later, and Jonathan is now 16. The Deboss attacked his home town, and a legend… is born!

As Jonathan walks home from school, he is ambushed by two paramonsters! They fight him, and Jonathan narrowly escapes their blows. He punches one in the face, if you can call it that, but the other one knocks Jonathan to the ground, and is about to strike, when Kyoryu Black appears with a Gaburevolver!

Gaburevolver: Gaburincho! Parasagun!

The Gaburevolver fires, and it knocks the Paramonster out cold. Jonathan observes the carcass.

Kyoryu Black: Could you hurry up?

Jonathan: Uh yeah, sorry about that.

Jonathan gets up and hurries to his apartment. Once there, he finds the Deboss commander, Dogold, with a dozen Paramonsters outside the building. He ducks behind a nearby bush.

Dogold: You six, stay out here and guard. The rest of you, come with me.

The six Paramonsters guard the apartment building, and the others get inside. Jonathan sneaks his way around the Paramonsters and enters through the back door.

And that’s it for Brave 1, guys! Tune in soon for Brave 2!



Still updated more then TTV: Infinity.

So I like.


I think they’ve both said it.

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This is a little late, but this story is really cool.

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