**Major changes:**This topic is now used to show(again)my Brotherhood army. My old topic was now “blocked”, I couldn’t edit it anymore.
Description and Backstory:
While Matorans and Agoris are enjoying the new era of peace and harmony, Makuta Teridax is recovering from his injuries. The Battle weakened him so much, that he can’t take a physical body for years. He wants his revenge. Too weak to create an army of his own, he creates special engineers to build a new army. But since he can’t command his new army on his own, he creates a powerful being to command it. Naturally, Teridax fears that his new commander will betray him. So he created one special weakness that only Teridax knows. The commander has no name, but he doesn’t need one. Rumors are spreading fast, and many describe him as a tall and strong being, even if no one has really seen him. But his reputation precedes him. The Toa Nuva were sent to stop Teridax’ plan, but they were soon defeated by this dark creature. Will the Glatorians and Toa stop him?
These one are naturally a must have for Makuta Teridax’ Army. They come with several colours, but I only made a black one.
Fohrok stand for False Bohrok. This is the name given on the Bionicle Wikia. Those were used before by the Brotherhood. Iruini and Norik fought against these. Now, they are stronger than before, with the capacity to throw modified Krana clones.
Vahki were actually invented by Nuparu, but Makuta needed soldiers for the Air. And so he recreated Vahkis to keep the sky clean for him.
A new designed long-range weapon to defend his bases. They can also be used to attack, but they aren’t powerful enough alone. They are pretty similar to Visorak.
Ceravad’s are elite soldiers, specialized for tracking and capturing Toa/Glatorian and Matoran/Agori. They usually try to separate their enemies so that they become easy targets.
Known to be used as massive tank, they can be either enemies or allies, depending on who commands it. A Toa Metru/Agori/Toa Mata can easily fit in.
A simple turret I made out of scrap.
And naturally, the most important one,
Description and Backstory:
“After his defeat, Makuta decided to stay hidden for a while. Everyone thinks that he is finally dead, but Antidermis never really dies. But he is too weak to fight, so he created engineers and a new commander to fight for him. His plan is to create many Suits(like this one) to use it against the Toa if needed. If severely damaged, it will explode(if he decides to) everything at a radius of 230 meters. Toa and Glatorian wouldn’t survive that. He can then easily transfer himself into another suit…”
He is my tallest MOC, and consists mainly of Darth Vader, Toa of Earth pieces and a golden Krahkan which I painted black long ago.
There are also 2 Toa of Shadows, but I didn’t place them since I already made a topic a while ago.