The Brotherhood of Makuta - What About a Community MOC Project?

Yeah, that’s as far as I got too.


Perhaps an accident might be the best way for him to die - something with a virus, perhaps…

Updated list is in post 1065
Rules can be found in post 1065 and additions in post 1
All Makuta are currently assigned

Dicussion about more regions to be assigned in post 1079

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I’m giving Kohuru a pretty drastic overhaul, and am combing him with lots of elements with a previous MOC (not yet posted here). However, if I did post the MOC to a contest before posting it to the project (because backstory stuff), would that be fine? I seem to remember there being a rule against previously-shown MOCs, but now I can’t find it.

Nope, there isn’t such a rule. As long as the MOC fits the project rules and you don’t steal a MOC from someone else I really don’t care what else you do/did with it ;).

Updated list is in post 1065
Rules can be found in post 1065 and additions in post 1
All Makuta are currently assigned

Dicussion about more regions to be assigned in post 1079


I’m just saying I’m gonna make a makuta for when a spot opens up but I have just one question. Do we have to make a makuta based off of a specific makuta

You are removed from the list due to not answering the reminder:

@Silver_Falcon, @JordanWill, @SmeatyFlavor, @MakutaTexxidos, @TheMoltenKing, @Dragon_Ben

You can join again as long as there are spaces open.

As to the assigned region discussion in post 1079:

I think I won’t include more regions. a) because it probably would rather confuse people and b) because all of them can be part of a bigger region.


Usually you make up a character. Have you already read the rules in post 1065?

Currently there are some spots available again - all non-canon male Makuta. Shall I put you on the list?

Updated list is in post 1065
Rules can be found in post 1065 and additions in post 1
There are Makuta to be assigned again

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@Sushiyoda Now that is unique, but it does not look very makuta like

@Maarlfox Now thats a makuta

Edited for Double Posting. Hey there, @SonicBionicleMaster please read our rules on double posting by clicking the link, thanks! - Waj

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Just an update

Makuta work has been pushed aside a bit thanks to AG3, but hopefully something complete will be finalized by the end of the month.

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Yes but I can’t garuntee I’ll have a moc made


I’ll put you on the list then.

It would be nice that if it turnes out that you won’t do a MOC after all you tell me.

Updated list is in post 1065
Rules can be found in post 1065 and additions in post 1
There are Makuta to be assigned again

Can you save three slots for me? I’ve finished all the dudes and I’m just writing their stuff to conform with the standards.****


I can put you on the list for one Makuta. As soon as that one is accepted we can talk about you doing more if there are still spots open.

Updated list is in post 1065
Rules can be found in post 1065 and additions in post 1
There are Makuta to be assigned again

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Actually, nevermind. My makuta don’t meet the requirements
EDIT: due to the fact that they are all warriors. Please notify me if you get any more Mutanists spots open.

And name ideas that you could use instead of mutanists: Divergents, Teridax Groupies.


Making the moc now. But could you assign me a makuta to revamp

EDIT: or can I make up my own?

I vote for Teridax Groupies as official name for the Mutanists.


There aren’t any Makuta who could be revamped left for you at the moment, so you actually have to make up your own one. Just make sure he fits into the rules.


Well, it’s forbidden to make your Makuta a creator of particularly big and/or dangerous Rahi, but otherwise there are always spots open for Rahi scientists (after all that’s what the Makuta were originally created for)

Nah, most of them probably don’t even care much about Teridax - what they want simply is the freedom to do whatever they want to with their experiments. If any faction could be considered as Teridax’s groupies it probably would be the warriors (with a few exceptions). They probably are the only ones who actually care about ruling something - which is what Teridax offered at the Convocation.

“Divergents” might be an option, though…

Updated list is in post 1065
Rules can be found in post 1065 and additions in post 1
There are Makuta to be assigned again

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I’ve been thinking about the Brotherhood’s command structure lately. Who actually decides things within the organization? The leader - Miserix and later Teridax - most of you will probably say. While that is definitely true, I figured that the leader would also have some kind of council to discuss stuff with - and to provide him with detailed information. The Brotherhood concerns itself with matters from all over the Matoran Universe - that’s quite a bunch of stuff for one being to keep track of.

Convocations might have served this matter to some extend, but I personally believe that the purpose of convocations was rather to inform everyone of important things or make major decisions as a group. For everyday problems they probably wouldn’t be the correct commitee.

So I figured that there was some kind of small council in which sat the “heads of the different disciplines”, everyone else who had an important post within the Brotherhood, as well as maybe some Makuta whose opinions were particularly valued by the leader.

Prior to the Convocation I’d put these Makuta on the council:

  • Miserix (leader)
  • Teridax (Miserix’s right hand)
  • Kojol (head of the Rahi scientists)
  • Tridax (head of the “other scientists”)
  • Antroz (head of the warriors)
  • Sachel/ later Xoth (head librarian/archivist)
  • Vyrdran (chamberlain of Destral)
  • Ornek (field marshal)
  • maybe Krika and Furtaan as advisors

To get a little more into detail as to why these Makuta:

I made Antroz, Kojol and Tridax the heads of the “disciplines” because I’d say that the rank of these Makuta within the Brotherhood were directly related to the regions they eventually were assigned to: Kojol got Artakha - the island of creators, Antroz got Xia - in terms of trade this island was at least as important as Metru Nui for the Matoran Universe, Tridax got Nynrah - the island of the famous Nynrah Ghost inventors and master metalworkers. All three of them also were really ambitious and their skills weren’t just limited to their “discipline”. Kojol created viruses for weapons, Tridax also was a noteworthy Rahi creator, Antroz was canny and knew how to best solve any problem - be it with violence or without.

The head librarian sits on the council to provide everyone with information from the Brotherhood’s archives - numbers, names, a place’s history.

Vyrdran as Destral’s chamberlain pretty much runs the whole place - in name it might be the Brotherhood’s leader assigned to Destral as a region, but both Miserix and Teridax probably had more important things to focus on than actually taking care of Destral. As Destral’s chamberlain Vyrdran would know about the Brotherhood’s available resources and about what the various scientists on the island were actually doing.

I wouldn’t put Ornek with the warriors because I feel like his position warrants a category on its own. He takes care of the Brotherhood’s army outside of Destral (all troops on Destral are under the control of Karthax, who in turn is subordinate to Vyrdran) and leads the campaigns - usually he also plans them, with Miserix just telling him what the goal is.

Krika and Furtaan are in the “lieutenant” category, so I figured they might fit here, too. They definitely both are are pretty intelligent and their opinion on matters might be one worth hearing.

After the Convocation it might well be that the council was disbanded. Teridax isn’t one to share his plans or let others influence them. He would likely simply have told everyone what he wanted without caring what their opinion was.

Just some thoughts. :wink: What do you think?

Updated list is in post 1065
Rules can be found in post 1065 and additions in post 1
There are Makuta to be assigned again


I’m still working on my makuta

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I was actually thinking the same myself, recently. This makes perfect sense, and is a great idea! Especially the Chamberlain of Destral bit, it would be absolutely necessary.

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@Gilahu This sounds like a great idea! I say go for it!

Would Syrai also be present to take notes on the proceedings? Not comment on the meeting itself, of course, but to document the plans created?

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