Fair enough. Could still be used as a secondary weapon though, if Mr.Monopoly wants to use it.
Can’t you use another colour other than the trans red?
I’ve got that piece in old light grey, black, trans-clear, lime green, tan, and new dark grey. I just thought the orange went with his eyes.
Yes but seeing how small the amount of trans red is in this guy it would brake the colour scheme. If you want to keep the trans red then you should add more of it as an accent colour in the rest of his body, but then I would say that the color scheme would be too crowded.
I like that weapon.
Can’t properly judge how well the trans orange will look with the rest of the MOC without seeing them together, but black might be a better choice. I’ll leave that decision up to you, though, as I’m of the opinion that weapons don’t necessarily have to follow the colour scheme of the rest of the MOC.
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Is this still open?
… I should maybe edit the first post.
Currently all spots are assigned. You could check back in May, though.
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Still waiting for your entry.
Your entry still needs those backstory modifications.
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Is this still open? I’ve been working on Kojol and the Makuta of Stelt. Here’s my version of the Kojol with KhingK’s Brotherhood variant of the Mask of Incomprehension.
Unfortunately I think all entries are taken; Gilahu’s posts usually say if there are openings left, and it should say in the first post, as well. That being said, that’s a nice-looking Makuta you got there. Fantastic build, whether it’s a part of the project or not.
You can always name him a different Makuta
@TheOnlyGuyWhoLikesMistika For this project, maybe. Other than that, I plan on keeping him as Kojol. Partially due to the moc being a collaboration between KhingK and I; another reason being that I intend on writing a short story that develops the Makuta and his viruses. Hopefully I’ll complete the Makuta of Stelt in the near future.
@jayzor17 Understandable. I appreciate the kind thoughts nonetheless. My moc of Kojol is a collaboration between KhingK and I. He and I decided that the Mask of Incomprehension would fit this secretive Makuta best. Hopefully I’ll write a short story regarding Kojol in the near future.
Edited For Double Post - BioKnight
I like that Kojol MOC!
But yeah, both Kojol and the Makuta of Stelt have been done already…
I feel like your Kojol here is a little too iconic to be declared a different Makuta (especially since you’ve shown him as Kojol not only here), but since the Makuta of Stelt neither has a canon name nor a canon appearance things are different there…
If you want you can have a spot for a male non-canon Makuta? - tommorow I’ll clean up the list again anyways and it’s pretty clear that at least one guy will drop out.
Keep the project rules in mind, though (especially which Kanohi you’re allowed to use in case you plan to use another custom one). Complexity of the MOC just like Kojol here is alright if it looks as good.
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Reminders again: Presently only for @TotalMaddness - your MOC is due this month.
@Toa_Vladin - still waiting for your entry? Otherwise I might as well remove you from the list again.
@Styrofoam - your Makuta’s topic still needs edits.
@Ivan, @TheOnlyGuyWhoLikesMistika - removed you from the list due to inactivity.
@Kodiak You want a spot or not?
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There are 2 Makuta to be assigned again
I’ve prepared my set-up. The photos should be done by tomorrow.
I finally found those black technic parts, so expect him up today or tomorrow.
Ahh sorry bout that, I can’t make Mocs
Not for right now, no. I’m working on the Makuta of Stelt atm
Yeah, I’ll have the edits out in a couple days