Yes, that is one of the few creative things done with CCBS. Also, I’ve used it for every Ta-Matoran MOC I’ve made, since there’s no 2.0 body armor in red. Or orange.
There is yellow, dark red, and a bright light orange
close enough
“Maethorneth said:
No body uses CCBS in a creative way”
And your opinion is now invalid.
Oh, I forgot about Pyrox. Alright, let me amend my statement: no red 2.0 body armor except one on Pyrox. And I know there’s the yellow from Jetbug, but I never disassemble Jetbug anymore.
Oh yeah; @Verakion : his opininion is not invalid. And I’m sure he meant almost no one uses CCBS creatively. With enough creativity, you can use a rock creatively.
It came across as saying that no one does it.
waspix has yellow
stringer 3.0 has a sort of orange yellow
That’s Keetoorange, which I never use in MOCing 'cause I don’t like the color. Also, unfortunately, I lost Waspix’s instructions, so I don’t disassemble him. However, typing this reminded me that there are online instructions I could print off, so…
Also, my point that there are no light red 2.0 body armor pieces still stands. I don’t think there’s any blue either, but, as this whole discussion has shown, when it comes to CCBS pieces, I can be wronfg… I mean wrong.
btw tahu will have the red chestpieces
in red!
This really depends on what it means to use it creatively. Creative use in bionicle is different from creative use in ccbs. Bionicle pieces are designed to be used in multiple ways. Ccbs is designed to be used as it is. Armor for armor and bones for bones. I personally have seen many creative uses that keep the pieces in their intended categories. With ccbs it all depends on how and where you use it as the piece intends it to be used.
I personally believe that a good MOC has to have smooth parts and details. When blended together even moderately well, it looks pretty cool to me.
As I said, in my opinion (I was referring to for what I build).
I know. I was just stating my perspective that it is not too smooth if you blend the systems well.
Although I do agree that on its own, it is a little too smooth for my tastes.
It’s like people who make spaceship mocs. Some use greebling, some use smooth surfaces, some use both.
I like both of them In my eyes they’re both “snap together and make something out of it.” Creativity is endless!
This guy. With people like this in the world why are we even debating this? Can’t we all just be as happy and simple as him? Why aren’t we puppies?
(No sarcasm was used in the making of this post)
You forgot to mention the brick system.
The brick system is the worst ever! There is little to no articulation and you only make basic shapes: squares, rectangles, triangles, pyramids, and circles!!! It’s utterly useless!
I’m just kidding! The brick system is like the icing on the cake (Over used metaphor)
I am saving this quote for next time someone gets on about BIONICLE not being LEGO
@Nyran OK fair enough. I didn’t really think of the giant fist as a chestplate as being creative because I’ve seen it a few times. So you have me there. I should amend my state and say, very few people use it creatively, in ways it was not intended to be used.
Again just want to point out, not saying that everyone uses BIONICLE system in creative ways but not CCBS. I’m just saying that CCBS is rarely, if ever, used in creative ways.
@Verakion Opinions can’t be valid or invalid. Opinions are just that, opinions. We can have differing opinions. Everybody else can have the same opinion while I hold something completely ridiculous, but that doesn’t make either of our opinions more or less valid. Opinions are what a person believes and so it can’t be valid or invalid. And as to your other point, see above reply.
@Sidorak I agree that ideally, both systems should be combined but I don’t feel like LEGO has really done much to help in that area. CCBS doesn’t usually look good when mixed with the other systems. Not that it can’t be used in an aesthetically pleasing manner, it just usually isn’t.
@Ekorak I don’t mind that it’s smooth because that can be rectified with textured pieces but; attaching textures means we lose connection points! That’s a big issue to me.
@ToaOrrel When I think of using CCBS, or any part really, in a creative way, it’s a way that nobody, or very few people, has ever used it before. Not necessarily using armor for something besides armor, but maybe combining parts for new armor shapes. So yeah, that’s what I mean when I say creative use.
@Corex11 I partially agree. I don’t hate either system but I don’t really prefer one over the other. I think both systems can be used well, I just think the old BIONICLE system is used better =P
It’s honestly surprised me how much response this post has gotten XD
when you say something like “no one has ever been creative with CCBS” that is an invalid opinion because 1. it’s not true, and 2. you present it as a fact.
Because in my mind, my opinions are fact. Just as in your mind, your opinions are fact. Maybe it’s not true but a belief cannot be invalid. It’s just not possible.