The CCBS Topic

Having the belief that you opinion is fact is what a lot of people generally think, however when your opinion contradicts the evidence then it comes off as obnoxious. In this case where you state that “No one has ever been creative with CCBS”

Creating things using CCBS for example is not judged on quality and anyone who has ever made a CCBS design is actually being creative. Not to mention the tons of designers who worked on creating the sets, supported by the fans who brought these sets.

A majority of your opinions are direct contradictions of the facts and while having an opinion is fine if you have no ground to stand on with your opinions then it comes off as arrogant. This is one of the problems with a post that even you claimed as rant, its went too far into saying that one system sucks when pros and cons can be found with both systems.

If you want to provide an argument for or against the CCBS system the best way is to analyse the facts about both system styles, compare them and then explain why you personally prefer one over the other.


You talk about how my ‘Opinions are contradicting the facts’. Well most of what you just said contradicts the facts of what I’ve said.

I’ve said at least twice that this is not meant to say that CCBS sucks and BIONICLE system is better. I’m just pointing out some of the flaws I see with CCBS, and I did, in fact, point out that the BIONICLE system does have flaws as well.

As for the being creative, I defined creative with CCBS in this particular topic (and really for all intents and purposes in LEGO) as using the parts in a new way. And with that definition, I can safely say that CCBS is rarely used creatively (I amended my statement in an earlier post in this topic).

So that is where I stand. If you still think it’s ‘obnoxious’ or ‘arrogant’ then by all means, feel free to feel that way. But I’m not going to change what I think just because it may offend others.

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Ladies and gentleman, we all have opinions. THE END. Now enjoy smileys.
:smiley: :smiley:


This is getting a bit hostile. Let’s lower the argue-meter a bit.


Smileys are great. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

@LoganDub I agree. :stuck_out_tongue:


END films approves. :smiley:

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(Perhaps if the clips for the CCBS had axle-holes instead of Lightsaber-pins, they’d be better.)

If you’ve noticed, every five-ish years, Lego changes the system for constraction.

The first was the Slizers/Throwbots/Robo-riders 19??-1999 Era.

  • This was the infancy of constraction. They had different themes because they were trying to see what would stick.

The second was the BIONICLE 2001-2005 Era.

  • They finally found a good theme. And so began the evolved version of the Gearboxes.

The third was the BIONICLE 2006-2010-11ish Era.

  • This was the age of flexible ball joints. Or, the infamous Inika build :open_mouth:

The latest was the Hero Factory 2011-2015-??ish Era.

  • This is the age of the famous CCBS era. The improved Inika build.

Now, perhaps Lego is right now coming up with the new system. Lego always tries to improve its products and appeal, and with BIONICLE returning they are, possibly, going to try to create a system that is old and new.

Part of the reason I think the new 2015 sets look awesome. I’m excited because they’re bringing together old and new concepts.

I, personally, like the 19??-2005 Era the most.
I enjoy the GEARS!!! >:} They’re my favorite.

But, the 2006-2015 Era is still great.

All of these years have potential. But, remember it’s you, the creator, that makes creative things.

Edit: Oh, and, smileys!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


CCBS did get old after 3 years, but by this logic so did the inika build after 4 years.

@Kretta what about knights kingdom, Exo-force… and Galidor


Um, Super Heroes used CCBS…


In my eyes, all other forms of technic based constraction figures are irrelevant. O_O
(Unless they have ball joints… :smiley: )

Silence! The Kanohi Alumni wearer has spoken…

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@CausticKrana I agree with you. I think the Inika Build was way overused and achieved all that was possible from its system during its run. I thought I put it in the speech thing up top but apparently I didn’t.

@Kretta That’s my thinking. The lightsaber pins are fine but they don’t really work with any form of Constraction we’ve ever seen until now. If those holes were for axles and the official clip on textures had axles as well, I think the system would be a lot better. I had never noticed that but now you mention it, it does make sense =P

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I honestly don’t see LEGO changing their successful system. It’s a durable, simple build that can be translated into more complex products. I mean, as much as I myself don’t like to admit it, but CCBS was a large step forward for LEGO, and unless they can think of something else that could be even better, they won’t bother changing it. Look at the minifigure, it’s so good that they’ve kept it for over 50 years. And they may have tried some new stuff, like those ridiculous NBA players in the early 2000’s, but that was all to get people into LEGO again.

(Note: Kretta, this isn’t all aimed at you. =P)

Now that LEGO is the name in creative building, they might not ever change their minifigure construction. The same could be said for the CCBS system. Lego will most definitely try new stuff with it and make it more open for MOCers, but they aren’t going to develop a new system until CCBS is proven faulty. Yeah, they do look pretty smooth and plain, but looking at the new sets, you can see they’re trying to make use of the CCBS system as well as make them look pretty darn cool. I’m honestly really happy with the way LEGO has integrated CCBS into their sets. The heroes are very basic and stuff, but the bad guys were always the most interesting and they had some pretty creative builds. I almost bought the Witch Doctor, which (Witch AHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAH kill me) probably would have gotten me to buy more Hero Factory, even if I never build them.

But of course, the old system is a nostalgic way of looking at 2001-2010 and I do praise the ingenuity and the freedom that came with it. I used to think that CCBS meant locking yourself down to a basic frame and a few bits of armor, but, just like I had with the Inika build, I can see that it is really full of possibilities. So many that it makes me regret not buying any.

Now, I don’t want to put words in your mouth @Maethorneth, but you know the pros and cons of each system. You know that CCBS can be used in extremely creative ways, all it takes is a little dedication. I think that it’s nostalgia that’s holding you back. Yes, it’s a new aesthetic, but that doesn’t mean that they have a fault in them. BIONICLE’s previous aesthetic is really complex and actually kinda confusing when you take a look at it closely. I like the detailed style, but I also appreciate the clean style of CCBS.

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves. This I agree with wholeheartedly, and I try to push all of my personal biases out of the window when I write a post like this. You may want to consider checking your biases and seeing where the faults really lay. If you disagree, that’s totally fine, but just try and take a look.

TL;DR It’s a problem with you and your biases, not a problem with the system itself.


I’ve posted my response to this on the topic you made in the LMBs, but ima gonna say a few things more so that I don’t sound like a barbarian :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t have a problem with using CCBS, and I’m fine with others’ opinions about it. But sometimes topics like these feel like they’re beating a dead horse. The CCBS won’t satisfy everyone’s visions of what Bionicle should be, and of what they expect for MOCing. However if you just sit down with a pile of HF pieces, you can build some impressive creations. I don’t know why, but I enjoy leaving the armor off and exposing hordes of the black bones to give a skelton-robot feel :stuck_out_tongue:
So to each his own I guess.


@BioRaiders532 Hmm, I do see what you are saying. Of course there are the Friends mini dolls so that is a change in the Minifigure but I don’t think it will replace the classic fig. I also agree that the new sets look great. Probably the best official use of CCBS we’ve ever seen (as in, official sets). I don’t feel biased towards either system (even though it may come across that way), I just grew tired of everyone saying that one system was superior to the other and I decided to speak my mind (what a mistake that was XD). Really though, I do think the CCBS is a decent system and there are some useful parts in it however at the same time, I think it’s old and hasn’t been used very creatively (Creatively defined as a new form of use for a part aside from what it was originally intended for).

@Leoxandar Lol OK. I’m not trying to get into whether CCBS should or should not be used for BIONICLE. I’m just saying, ‘I’m tired of people saying it’s better when it really isn’t and this is what I think is wrong with the system’ =P


I understand. I personally use each equally.

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(Political_Nuju has entered the fray!)

I think it’s important to remember that just because YOU have an opinion, it doesn’t necessarily make it right. I’m seeing @Maethorneth state his opinion very respectfully, and lots of people responding with “you’re wrong”, however fancily they put it. It’s not a good sign when someone is saying,

As far as my personal thoughts on the CCBS, I am in support of it. I also try to use old Bionicle parts. Like many others have said here, they can mix together quite well if you have the skill.


I agree with nuju
this is this person opinion, everyone here was just saying it was a wrong opinion
that isnt right

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I hope I didn’t sound like that. That’s one of the main things I avoid sounding like. even more so than I avoid sounding like a troll.

yeah, I’m afraid mine was a little like that. I wish I had worded it better, but being on caffeine and NyQuil has… Interesting effects. It’s not an excuse, I know. But if you ever want to feel a bit loopy… Yeah.

Again I’m sorry, and I will try in the future to keep such foolery out of my posts.


I don’t see a problem with CCBS. I’ve seen that many MOCists, including myself, can work with it just fine.