The Emoji Movie

This review exists unironically…


So I watched the film. And I have to say:

when I said [quote=“Ninja, post:10, topic:21666, full:true”]
This proves that we are doomed as a species.

I thought it was accurate. but upon watching the film, I realized that I was wrong.

The emoji movie is one of the best films I’ve seen all year. The acting, the screen play, the jokes, all of it was beautiful. When Gene said he needed to get to dropbox, I nearly cried at how good of a scene it was. I was blown away by Patrick Stewart’s performance as Poop Emoji.

The main problem I had is that gene and Wildstyle didn’t get together in the end. They obviously had feelings for each other, yet they make nothing of it. they don’t even kiss or say “I love you”. I guess they’re going to do that in the sequel.

So overall, I give the movie a 11/10. It’s one of-no, it is the best movie of the year. It’s better than Spider-man Homecoming, it’s better than GOTG 2, it’s far better than that stupid Lego batman movie. Buy a copy for every member of your family and your future kids.


I see you didn’t survive the experience. My condolences. /s?


Sure, that way my kids can fail school and end up living as hobos on the street.


So I took my emoji movie poster to school today, and gave it to my journalism teacher as a gift.
He loves it.


this cry for help was needed but it did not work… there is a broadway show of it coming out. NO JOKE!

No one, not even god can save us now…

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Yeah, so I looked up “broadway emoji movie” and “emoji movie musical” and I found nothing. You sure this wasn’t from a satirical site?


I sure hope it’s fake; that would ruin theatre for me.


The emoji movie is only movie I sat down to watch that I gave up on partway through out of disinterest.
I left around the part when the evil robot things started chasing the main characters.


This is one of the movies that I have to remind myself actually exists even though it’s already been more than 3 years.

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:unamused:+ :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t2:+ :princess:= emoji movie

I saw this movie when it first aired on TV, probably a year after its cinema release. Don’t remember much except that it was incredibly stupid and that the style of the animated emojis was pretty ugly. I did find it interesting how the apps are portrayed as self-contained worlds in the phone, though.