The Experiment RP sign up

I need a bit more explanation for this… and you have around 10 hours, because I lost my phone and only get it for school.

Well, a Krahka can transform into beings it has seen and copy their powers.

If I have a stand do I need to post a photo? Because I don’t have a stand moc but I still want a stand.

I think you can just describe it.

Yeah u can just describe it that’s what I did for mine

Good, except for the fact that it will have to be a weaker version.

Okay then…

My name is Nikar! (Get it, because my name is Nick Arroyo? no? Okay)

Important nicknames:
Stupid, bisado, mom, plural stole my wallet!

Species: Matoran, I think.

Gender: Attack Helicopter He’s actually a male

Weapons: That giant frickin gun he has instead of an arm.

Stand name: Maria Maria

Stand Ability: The ability to change anyone’s emotion.
Destructive power: D
Speed: A
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: A
Development potential: D


(Yes, I know I suck at mocing)

Ok, no teleporting islands :stuck_out_tongue: Got it :stuck_out_tongue:

Where do I start?

Could I come through an Omlak Portal?

Only character in the RP with an Olmak is Texxidos, being one of the few characters that came on their own accord.

Best thing to do would be that you just woke up in a mysterious swamp.

Go Ahead and join

You and @Ninjanicktf woke up in a desert, and had to fight off murderous robots, until you found the door leading to the current location.

Just wondering whether I would be able to kill one of my own characters in the sense of a suicide @Omega_Tahu

Sure, I don’t see a problem with that.

Thanks :wink: :skull:

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well that got dark

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@Omega_Tahu is it okay if you take control of Reu, since he’s kinda related to the story, so I can a new character?

Hi I am not sure how much I will be on, but could I join in?

@Omega_Tahu probably wouldn’t mind.

Name: Prof. Amd

Nicknames:The mad man, 867787

Species: Cyborg

Gender: Male

Weapons: Forest Blade, Crossbow, Wrist laser and blade (The arrows which are tipped with a compound that can knock out somebody for an hour and heal recent wounds)

Powers/Abilities: Enhanced strength, speed, super intelligence, and can absorb and mimic people’s powers for a short time

Personality: Crazy, he is basically the villain everyone can get along with



@Omega_Tahu since you were grounded when I ask previously, I guess I’ll reiterate. Is it okay if you take control of Reu, since he’s of some story significance(or we retcon him entirely) so I can have a new character?


I forget who he is.

But yeah, either have them killed, or they just disappear.

But don’t retcon.

All new characters are accepted unless otherwise said, or they’re OP, or 3 edgy 5 me.

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