The Gift Racie Received But Claimed That She Received

Here’s my Secret Santa gift to @Racie02, an interpretation of her Self-MOC, which I didn’t actually complete on time but we’ll just ignore that part since I was eventually able to get it to her.

I used a Gladitorian head because her Self-MOC is a Gladitorian, if you’re wondering. Enjoy, I suppose.


Despite how simple this is the posing and color scheme work really well, and the way the shoulder armor is attached allows for some pretty unique poses. I know you didn’t have the opportunity to start on this until late in the game, but for the amount of time you had you really knocked this one out of the park.

Excellent work!


I like the asymmetrical design, plus the colours mesh together well

Nice moc


Don’t you just hate it when the person who received your gift starts claiming that they received it :face_exhaling:

I really enjoy the shaping here and I’m surprised how well this colour scheme works despite having so many different browns.

Despite the limited time, you did a great job!

you probably could have found a more elegant way to attach that mask though, that rubber band and 4L axle combination is messing with my brain


this moc works really well, clean and simple. great job


Very neat. I like the design and the excellent color blocking overcomes the clashing of various browns. Nice moc!