Discus this beast of a movie here
Anyone can cook
Discus this beast of a movie here
Anyone can cook
Rats are delicious. This movie is delicious.
I highly enjoy french stuff.
I enjoyed the bonus feature about the history of rats more than the movie itself.
I can make cereal…
good movie, I watched it again the other day
I have this. It’s a fun movie, although I haven’t seen it in a year or so.
What’s up with the Spanish subtitles?
Yes, this is probably the best scene in the movie!
Dunno, first clip i found.
A French guy, speaking in English, with Spanish subtitles.
Seems legit.
Totes man, 3realistic5me
When I was young I used to think that Ratatouille was a bunch of pepperoni and ham slices stacked on top of each other. I wanted to eat that so badly back then. But then I discovered that it was vegetation dish with tomato and cucumber slices (my two least favorite vegetables)…needless to say, I was
I hate to correct you but, a tomato is a fruit, as it has seeds…
As is the cucumber, in fact.