Hello everyone. Welcome to the third installment of The Hawkflight Archives, the series where I post MOCs that can’t be found on current sites, or can’t be found at all because I never uploaded them anywhere.
We begin our story in 2013. Having gone through the six LEGO Master Builder Academy kits, I decided - in one of many decisions that I would consider questionable - not to get the next three sets. (I would ultimately find them online at a good price last year.) Instead, I was going to focus on creating some characters from an original story. I won’t tell you what that story is, because while the idea of making it out of MOCs died out, the idea itself survives to this day…
Starting off on an ambitious one. This was intended to be the leader of a stone-themed tribe, and likely the biggest of all of them. I’d want to say the reason I went for this first was due to it being the only MOC to use any sand blue. I don’t know whether my supply of such, non-printed, dried out around the arms, or I just chose not to continue.
This was a foot soldier. I think it was at this point in my life that I decided white and dark red was a color scheme I liked a lot. I also had a matching faction with white and dark blue that I never built anything from. Incidentally, now that my wheels have been turning a bit on what I could have done/could possibly still do with the MBA sets, white and red would be cooler than a few of the color schemes I did choose.

I believe this was to be a captain of the same faction. Shoutout to the one dark green click socket I have.
I think after those three was when I decided to shelve the idea for a bit. This MOC might have been vaguely intended as a revamp of the “Fire of Eternus” MOC. Only replacing the orange Zamor sphere I used to represent its core (which I don’t think I mentioned" with a light brick.
There are very few MOCs I would qualify as complete mistakes. This was one of them. I clearly wanted to build something that was out of my ability to build at the time. I think my standards for what makes an “impressive” MOC have grown quite a bit since this one - the click hinge elbows, at least the way they’re implented here, are pretty sore sights, as are the skinny thighs. Also, realistically, why would you actually build a bipedal robot and give him a two-handed gun? At the very least, the shaping and coloring of the shins and feet still look decent.

This one is definitely better by comparison. This one actually won me a contest - it was a city themed contest, and I think the winner acknowledged that this was a stretch, but sometimes the City construction workers need miners. I wanted to print decals for this but didn’t in time - one item became my very first logo on a website I joined called MOCpages…
Join me next time, maybe, for my initial ventures on such website, and the my first foray into custom BIONICLE lore.