The Hunt

Based on this canon I created.

##Subject Epsilon

10 years ago Subject Epsilon escaped a laboratory in Wal. He killed all of the scientists working there, and is believed to be the only test subject to have escaped. From Wal he made his way to Fol, where he crafted a staff using a skull.

He is very aggressive and will attack on sight. Danger level: 8.


Japanese schoolgirl laugh.


Born in Kel, Kana is a member of a guild called the Iron Mercs. They are Toa for hire, generally aligning themselves with good. She is one of the best members of the guild. Her fighting style is 50% strength, 50% skill.

Safety first.

She was assigned to track down and kill Subject Epsilon by the Great Turaga of Fol.


Goin’ for a walk.

##The Hunt

Let me know what you think!


Kana looks pretty cool, but the creature/rahi thing looks kinda funny (I don’t really like the feet). Nice job though!


Epsilon is pretty cool reminds me of the dark hunter Airwatcher

Kana uses too much parts from general g…


The beast looks pretty good, a bit skinny but eh. Kana looks a bit generic in my opinion, but I like him nonetheless. 8/10

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I really like the first one, reminds me of Airwatcher. The second one is great, I like the use of the Exo-Toa blaster.


Did you just combine a metru torso with ccbs, and make it look good? you sir get a cookie.


And mildly disturbing.
But I like em.

I like Kana more…
But these are cool.
I especially like how you made Kana’s head actually grevious’s.

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Not a fan of the design really, but I gotta admit I like the colors on the second one.

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Thanks, I found a way to, and I’ve been using it since. I’ll post a tutorial when I get home.

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I really like your creative usage of parts on Epsilon. I mean, an Inika head, and a Metru torso? Two parts which I previously thought to be useless. Epsilon looks really sp00ki and the color scheme is very striking. Krana seems a little generic and[quote=“Rockho, post:3, topic:24414”]
Kana uses too much parts from general g…

But all in all looks pretty cool. One thing I would recommend would be to beef up his neck a little. Even a simple tire could help a little bit (my god I can’t believe I recommended using tires… what’s wrong with me…).


Is it bad that I thought of Slime when I saw the first picture.

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