The Jeopardy! Game

What is “fish and chips”?

What? never had fish nuggets?

This book is very pretty and very short.


What is BIONICLE: Tales of the Toa?

This 2007 BIONICLE set was known for being the thiccest of all the BIONICLE sets.

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Who is Carapar?

This book is complicated and features people from message boards.

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What is “FBI Documents on the Most Wanted criminals in the United States”?

This horror game from 2014 follows a security guard fending off four animatronics trying to murder him in a Chuck E. Cheese clone.


What is Shovel Knight?

This video game follows the adventures of an abandoned child as she manipulates time and space to beat the life out of a girl with a moustache.


What is Kirby?

This species of Therapod which existed 365 million years ago is considered one of the largest land predators to have ever existed.


What are the biomechanical dinosaurs of Bota Magna?

This is a large underwater creature that lives in the lower levels of the ocean.

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Who is Ghid?

This is a small rodent with an extremely powerful bite and the act of domesticating such a creature is also the title of a book.


What is a beaver?

“Uh, ‘celebrity chefs’ for 100, Alex.”

This English chef is renowned for his shows of excessive swearing in order to bring a restaurant around.

Who is Mister Rogers?

This laundry tool was frequently swallowed by teenagers in a social media trend in 2016.


What is a LG Washtower with Center Control?

In fantasy and horror storytelling, this curse transforms people into a wolf creature at the turning of a season or a full moon.

What is a furry?

This white powder if very cold and made in the clouds.


What is crack cocaine?

This man, called “the Magnanimous”, was the second and last Emperor of Brazil, reigning over it for 58 years.

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Who is Ghid?

This person is a scribe of the High Emperor and considered his favorite.


Who is Winger yep mhm totally very confident about that answer.

This item is wielded only by the most verbose and intellectual of individuals.


What is… sadness…eternal, unescapable sadness.

This series of paper documents follows a android, and a slug as they try to kill a god, and fun tidbit , it also contains one whole chapter that is hidden by website limitations.

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What is it?

It is filled with confusion, and yet is capable of making art. It uses the internet to steal material for its outlandish stuff.

Who is Ghid?

This is a toy line selling plastic buildable action figures.


What is NeoShifters?

This video game released for the Nintendo Switch in 2017 features squid-like characters who have the ability to shoot ink.

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What is Skyrim?

This man was the 14th president of the United States.