The Jewelled Knight - Spider bioformer / beastformer

Ok, it’s not really a spider that the knight transforms into, but neither are the Visorak. Idea for this one is that if I had more Bohrok eyes, I’d use them since ever time this guy kills anyone or anything, he gains a new energy jewel.

I’d be interested to see what y’all think of this one. I’ve got issues with it which are noted below.

This one was a challenging build for one big reason: stability. The humanoid and spidery modes are both less stable than I would like for posing and playability. Also, when you try to launch the rhotuka from the spider, it collapses. :frowning_face: I still really like the concept of this but the execution isn’t what I’d hoped for. I do like that the creature has a few different modes, and I dig the flipping weapons akin to the Piraka. Oh yeah, the big gear is the wrong colour.


This is really cool :sunglasses:. I’m thinking about making a bioformer myself. But I’m having trouble with how I’m going to do it. I’m building a spinosaurus crystal beast that’s like beast wars Megatron.


Thanks, man! I’m glad you think so. :slight_smile: That sounds awesome! I look forward to seeing that.

Fair do’s! I don’t really agree on that though since I like that he has multiple different colours of trans pieces, multiple small coloured jewels that contrast with the silver and black.