The Kahi Self-MOC Mark II: Now Featuring Hands


The only problem I have is the hands feel a bit too big. Otherwise, it’s pretty good.


Well the hands look alright, just a bit big, and the MOC is definitely improving. Just the only thing that looks a bit off about it is that the MOC has a lot of Metru red on the upper part, while the legs have none.`

the shoulder armor is from the Star Wars build able figure line not custom.

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I just realized, I am stupid :laughing: #hunaisblind

I realize that I use a lot of photos that have the hands closer to the camera, so they look a little larger than they are proportionately.

That being said, they are a little big for a Matoran build. Personally, the Calix is oversized and I felt like the hands match the face and shoulders. The proportions are a little lopsized, but I do think that they work for the most part.

I wanted to try making hands out of official parts, but a lot of them ended up being very did and still didn’t really have finger articulation.

I initially only bought this so I could do an “Objection!” pose, but I ended up absolutely loving it. It’s so much more expressive than I imagined, and I had a ton of fun posing it and working it all out together.

I actually support using non-traditional pieces a lot - I’m not a MOCist by trade, and I’m one of those guys that favor cool function over pure adherence. In the past, I’ve always been favor of allowing custom painted/printed pieces and other non-LEGO related substances in our contests. I realize some people are, and I’m not necessarily knocking that - restricting yourself often leads to very creative innovations - but I also really enjoy the fact that someone saw a design issue with Bionicle and CCBS and took it upon himself to fix it.


I wanna get my hands on those hands

I keep reading these captions in Jaller’s voice…



This makes me want those hands in black for Ek or Entropy…


(The MOC is not bad, either. It’s cute and Kahi-ish, just wish it came with some sort of accessory. Maybe a briefcase or a lunar mounted death ray.)

Those have to be the best hands ever on a Bionicle MOC.

[quote=“Kahi, post:25, topic:14487, full:true”]
In the past, I’ve always been favor of allowing custom painted/printed pieces and other non-LEGO related substances in our contests.[/quote]

Using custom parts for regular MOCs I can understand, though not entirely agree with, but contests?

That…doesn’t sound like a good idea.

Like, at all.

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Good point! I’m trying to figure out a way to solve this problem. Maybe painting it will be my only option? There are precious little Metru Red CCBS parts.

Huh, I think I might need a picture or something to see exactly what you mean.

They were $11 ($15 with shipping) and in my opinion completely worth it. I might be splurging on the more expensive ones for $30, to see if they’re better in quality.

There’s a lot of requests for an accessory. I’ll see what I can do.

Clarification: this was for contests related to concepts like Worldbuilding, i.e. our Anniversary Contest. I was against restricting stuff like these Papercraft Stands from being entries just because they weren’t made out of LEGO because the spirit of the contest was different. Obviously enough, a MOC Contest would not have the same amount of freedom.

(That being said, I’m still mostly undeturbed by the presence of painted parts in MOCs. I would be remiss to reject this as an entry, for instance. But that’s mostly just me.)


If Nick V shows up we need to reject him from contests for unfair advantage of being the best of the best.

obvious joke is obvious but it would be kinda depressing to have no hope :stuck_out_tongue:


See the Whit rim pieces on this MOCs back? they are attached to some lime system, and some trans lime dishes?

Maybe if you put those on his neck, it may look better.


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[quote=“Kahi, post:1, topic:14487”]
“Hello, ladies…”

Also, you gave him gorilla hands.

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Looks nice!

It’s worth mentioning that these hands were designed by ToaLeewan over on Flickr. He designs a lot of neat parts like these.

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Holy mother of Mata Nui. I love that reaction.

Where can I get those sexy hands?

(the necropost is real)

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