This is no Chicken 2.0, but it looks really neat.
Looks pretty cool.
0/10 I was expecting this
you don’t know what the inside is like
I was expecting a fence.
(Anyone understand that?)
Captures the look of the animal it’s based off very well.
Is it’s name Ivy?
It does sort of look like a kiwi fruit as the real thing does too, so good job.
I wanna eat it…
This is wonderful.
I love it a lot.
(Totally not saying this because the Kiwi is my favorite bird.)
Hey! A kiwi-colored kiwi!
Real neat design, I like it!
Delightful MOC, isn’t it.
Great moc! 10/10
Cute little thing.
Colors of the fruit, look of the bird.
I hadn’t noticed that till now. That is really cool.
I’m a kiwi, and I r8 this kiwi a good ol 8/8 gr8 m8
mediocre moc, great photography
needs more floof imo
What do you mean by “Floof”?
fluffiness + poofiness = floof