Welome Users, to the 100% Official Krika Fan Club! Woot! Woot!
Not much else to say other than: Does anyone like Krika?
If so, feel free to post.
That’s it really.
I thought he was one of the best sets of the Mistika.
I wish I had bought him…
Hands down, the best Makuta set released in 2008. The unique build was pretty sweet, and I loved the color scheme, which reminded me of Pridak, but better.
I wish I could of gotten the Mistika sets
But, I did get a fair amount of Phantoka
This all may change, for I am soon to recieve a whole bunch a’ Bionicle sets
I liked Krika because he was one of the few anti-villains.
“Do you know why we Makuta hate Toa so much? It’s because you are what we could only pretend to be, once upon a time – heroes who do good for no reward. And so we call you fools, and even slay you… because we could not be you.”
— Krika to Tahu, Swamp of Shadows
I think that sums it up Nicely.
Agreed, Krika is the best Mistaka and my favorite Makuta
I wanna say it’s “Mistakea” or “Mistake-a” but I’m not sure.
Because almost all of them were mistakes…
Krika was always one of those sets for me.
Now you may be asking yourself, “Hmmm, I wonder what that incredibly handsome and no doubt very humble cat means by those sets.”
Well the answer is quite simple.
Those sets, are sets that were released and I had money for and I really wanted them BUT THEY WERE NEVER AT THE STORES AND I NEVER GOT THEM GOD DANGIT.
So yeah.
Krika is one of those sets.
I wish I got him
but he is awesome
awesome in story
Krika’s dumb.
Kalmah is best! ~Pyrox
I knew this would happen.
Krika was my only Mistika set and now he is lost to my lego bins.
The Makuta were pretty nice. It’s the Nuva that were mistakes.
Now Tahu Nuva was perhaps the most decent of the Nuva. At least he didn’t look like some weird bunny or a knock off Teridax like his other colleagues.
Krika was the only Mistika set I ever got. No regrets; he was fantastic.
Third wave of villains with a non-red leader…
…although Pridak and Krika both did have red secondary colors…