The Legend and Tenshi

In the times of light the powers of Evil are revealed. Tenshi with the guidance of powerful beings of old aid him on his journey to seek his true purpose. He finds out that he is prophesied to take on the Legend.
Here is Legend

He has a mighty gang of overlords

Here is Komari

Here is Tenshi confronting Legend


Really like the torso in the first picture.

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Looks cool, though the color scheme is not particularly interesting.

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Thanks I worked hard to make the villian have a fun build. [quote=“Hutere_the_Toa_of_Air, post:3, topic:22837”]
Looks cool, though the color scheme is not particularly interesting
Thanks, I know the color is a bit bland but he has been corrupted from his light.

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Legend looks really good from certain angles like in the first picture, but after that, the MOC sorta falls apart. The MOCs biceps look pretty exposed with the armour only being at the lower part, the blue pins really stick out with the mostly dark colour sheme, and the armourless part right by the neck looks odd. But I will say that the rest of the MOC looks very solid and well done.

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Good photography in the first pic, Makes Legend look reallyy nice. However, it took me a moment to realize the first and second pic were the same Moc, as the first pic makes Legend seem much bigger and imposing. Tenshi is good, but the chest looks weird.


I really like this, the Avohkii actually works here.

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Dang! I can see why @Chronicler calls you a great MOCcist. Legend’s torso is just awesome.

Nice job! :smiley:


Looks particularly mech-like. I might suggest adding actual hands, but that’s more of a nitpick, really.

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Thanks, I didn’t know what to do for the torso but when I figured it out I was satisfied. [quote=“Yveran, post:7, topic:22837, full:true”]
I really like this, the Avohkii actually works here.

I know it does. My first attemped was with his mask but it looked off so I rebuild him so that the mask fits well with the mocs color and flow.

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