The "Let's build JtO Makuta" topic

OK, thank you so much you have no idea how much it means. You’ve really been great on this topic thank you so much.

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You’re welcome! You guys made an awesome model! I’m so happy I was able to build it.

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No worries, as a fan, I completely understand, this is why we wanted to make the JTO model buildable! Thanks for being such a great fan! : D


Seeing as you’re a member of the message boards, have you ever, or do you ever submit your own MOCs to the lego creations category?

i made a topic where a lego designer commented…


Hahaha, not really. I have pretty much just been a lurker, silently building away at home since the throwbots/slizers era. It wasn’t until recently that I posted one of my mocs publicly on Eurobricks.


Hi Niek! As a member of the BIONICLE team, would it be possible (are you allowed?) to give a clearer answer as to why BIONICLE was cancelled? The only things we know about the decision is vague conflicting information given to us by LEGO’s Twitter (It was selling well, it was not selling well…)


I feel like if this form of Makuta had an official set, it would be a hybrid between what he looks like in the 2D animation and JtO.

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I guess, this was bound to happen. : P I cannot. I can repeat what was said in the press release and stress that it has been a really hard decision for LEGO.

I am not actually a part of the core BIONICLE team, I work in the LEGO Mindstorms department. I was borrowed from them to specifically make this model together with 2 colleagues, being a fans and all.


I think a good idea would be for someone to recreate their already-constructed Makuta in LDD (Lego Digital Designer) and post those automatically-generated instructions to the boards.

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I guess that would work for the core construction, Only real trouble is the Bionicle parts that aren’t in LDD.

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Exactly what I was thinking. I’m not the type of person who can replicate BIONICLE models via photos, especially for a model this big. I was thinking that we could just do some LDD instructions for the core construction and some of the available BIONICLE parts, then we just fill in the blanks via photos. Hopefully the missing parts are builds that can be easily replicated. (shells, add-ons, etc.)

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I made a basic construction of what I could see and posted it earlier in the thread. If you want, you can edit it to be more accurate.



okay i hope we get instuctions so we can officaly build this. i really want to. however i think i could work it out with what you guys have done. this community is great for this sort of the thing. all of you who are getting it together give yourself a big pat of the back for a great job (thumbs up)

you dont need proper instructions to build the JTO makuta, the pictures they gave us are good enough to build off of imo


I’m trying to order all my parts on Bricklink, and I’m having a bit of a tough time. Do any of you know some bricklink stores with a good amount of Bionicle G2 parts?

did you set up a wantlist? They got some search feature that’ll direct you to the stores that have the parts you want and give a preliminary quote based on that before you add them to the cart.


I will do that. Thank you.

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