The LGBTQ+ Community Topic

It feels good to be percieved! I have to enjoy it while it lasts before I become an incorporeal being once more.


Indeed, happy trans visibility day! I think itā€™s kinda hilarious that itā€™s happing on Easter Sunday, it feels fitting somehow, yet also ironic.


yup, a day commonly associated with eggs happens to be Trans visibility day too

get it? eggs? eggs? as in the trans thing?


Pride month 2024! Howā€™s everybody feeling?

I had my two year transiverssary last month, which was exciting. Itā€™s kind of weird honestly. Last year I felt like ā€œWow, I canā€™t believe itā€™s already been a year.ā€ where as now itā€™s ā€œWait, itā€™s only been two years? I feel like itā€™s been longer.ā€

Iā€™ve been living so out and so openly as who I really am, itā€™s hard to believe this isnā€™t how Iā€™ve been my whole life.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re doing well! I actually just went to pride fest yesterday, it was a blast as always, and I took one of my friends who had never been before, and who only recently realized they were bi.


Iā€™m very happy, as itā€™s been nearly one year of me being out.

It hasnā€™t always been easy but Iā€™m pretty pleased with where and who I am today.


Both absolutely wonderful!


3 years at this point. still no support from family. nothing ever changes.


An interesting thought about my name recently

So, some necessary context. My dead name is Maxwell, but people really only ever called me Max. Maxwell was mainly just used for formal stuff, school, work, etc. And when I thought about changing my name, I didnā€™t really want to change that. Or more specifically I didnā€™t want to change Max. Thatā€™s the name Iā€™ve been called all my life. The idea of being called something completely different just felt unnatural.

So the choice in name was obvious. From Maxwell to Maxine. Itā€™s a nice sounding name, and Max can stay my default casual name while Maxine is used as a formal name, the way Maxwell was. For a long while after I came out, Max still felt perfectly fine.

But lately it justā€¦ doesnā€™t? Max just doesnā€™t fit as well anymore. The more and more Iā€™ve heard people call me Maxine, the more awkward my old natural name has felt. Maxine feels right. If feels honest. Max just feels good enough. Like putting a peg in a hole that technically fits, it gets the job done, but it just isnā€™t as comfortable as it could be, or as it used to be.

Oh no! Iā€™m sorry for not nothing the edit sooner, and Iā€™m really sorry to hear your family refuses to be supportive. Itā€™s a terrible thing to not get basic support from the people who are supposed to always be there for you. I hope that you at least have a group of friends or loved ones who give you the support that you deserve.


One year of being out as a transgender woman today.