The "Look What I Just Got!" Topic

I had a few more things come in over the last week. First, two of the CDL KO’s of Nicee, being the Elita 1 and Cat versions. The cat one is staying in vehicle mode. Also, $55 of dice. I had taken photos, but my computer now refuses to read my handheld cameras Sd card.
What I can show off is:

More Starlink;

Yesterday’s shopping trip, and;

the various things that arrived this morning. Also, I got the last of the things I needed for the photo/video recording area that I used for those images.


Is that a transformer with a Rhotuka?


Neo Shifter, Megabloks attempt to cash in on constraction. Neo Shifters are kind of a Fusion of Bakugan, Transformers, and Bionicle. There is a little guy who turns into a ball, and goes into the chest of the big one, who also turns into a ball.
And yes, that is a spinner launcher.


neo shifters are actually pretty good, but the joints loosen disappointingly quickly

I’ve got a few myself


This is my first Neo Shifter; and I have another one coming. Considering I bought them as cool robots to display, the joints might not be a problem for me, but it’s still good to know about that problem.

And since you replied, I don’t have to edit my last post to show what I just got in, as I can just use this post!

The Gobot that jumped universes, a movie, and 10 pairs of metal chopsticks/ 20 Bo-Shurikens. A Bo-Shuriken is a sharped metal spike, usually 12-21 cm long, that must be thrown without imparting spin. Historically, if you attacked a ninja who was in the middle of eating, they would throw their chopsticks at you using the same technique as a Bo-Shuriken.
Also, as this;

This is my 3rd statue. I prefer things I can play with, so deciding to pick up a statue is a rare event for me.


my brain trying to decipher what the box says read it as po poop instead of popup

I’m guessing it’s something anime so I’m legally required to hate it
also nice crasher


as this is your first neo shifter I’ll give you some tips from my experience with them

  • As I mentioned before, many of the joints become loose over time. Larger sets typically use ratchet joints for anything load-bearing and as such are mostly unaffected, but regular figures may have a hard time standing up.
  • The rubber cord piece that secures the back-mounted ball halves in place is very tricky to attach properly, but it is possible. When done correctly, it should cause the halves to automatically spring open when going from ball to robot.
  • The pins that attach the shoulder panels seem to be fairly fragile. I’ve already had one of them snap on one of my figures, and the others all feel a bit flimsy already, so be careful with them.
  • Similarly, the mini robots that fit in the figures’ chests also seem fragile. All their joints are ridiculously tiny and stress marks are already appearing on the necks of some of mine. While I personally haven’t heard of any breakages, I’d still advise caution.
  • Lastly, more of a technical thing but I thought I’d still include it, the button that activates the light-up head only seems to properly function if the printed power symbol is correctly aligned with the rest of the head. No idea why, or even if this issue is widespread.

this doesnt seem like something that should be on the boards :skull:

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More Arrivals at my house:

A big package from Lego, and paint for the airbrush Amazon hasn’t shipped yet.

CDL’s clear version of the Nicee mold;

And HF Witch Doctor, the other Neo Shifter I bought, a sword stand and sword cleaning kit.


My neighbor let me have all his downwood, just under a facecord and eight tinder buckets. Should keep me warm for at least a few weeks


More of my orders came in. I am trying to group arrivals from multiple days to avoid spamming the topic, but they just keep coming!

An Airbrush and the context for the sword stand from last time. Yes, that is a real sword, and it was supposed to come sharp, but the way they packed it means I have to re-sharpen it.

Here is a Geats RP weapon.

Finally, Part of the Cang toys Predaking in its huge box (Crasher for scale).


I think Santa will need a bigger sleigh for his new helper.


I got a Christmas tree today.


How tall is it


6 feet or something, I’d say


Got a new robot today.


More stuff on my end:

Holadayus Prime and a officially licensed boot leg Lego.

TWO Shinkalions; Being the H5 Hayabusa and E5 Hayabusa.

And more of Cang Toys Predaking!


I just picked up this majestic specimen:

I can’t wait until I’m by a shore for some pictures… in about 6-10 months from now…


I love the Shoretrooper design. It’s perfect!


I have received many, many packages this week. To start: transformers

TFC toys Heracles W/ rage upgrade, Mastermind Creations Demonicus Prominon and two RID 2016 Strongarms, one missing its gun.
Next: Lego

No explanation needed.
Now for some more mecha, namely, Symphogear:

I feel like there is something I am forgetting… something so big and obvious that its sitting in frame of every photo I took here… oh right, my 3D Printer!

Did you know that 3D printers need to be set up to match the voltage from the outlet manually? I have a voltage tester on the way so I can set this up.