The "Look What I Just Got!" Topic

So, I won’t post pics, but my birthday BIONICLE haul consisted of:

  • 2 Lewas (2016) and 2 Uxars

  • UTD

  • Ikir

  • And a second Ketar.

Cool sets with cool pieces.


The most recent addition to New Stud City


I am so Happy right now


@Apophyx i will mind. your not looking at my posts on here :stuck_out_tongue:


So I needed a sleeve for my laptop

And I found one that was perfect


Just got Gali’s other arm piece.

BTW I’m going to be making a voice acting tryout topic soon, because I just got a burst of motivation to finish a really old project of mine.


Here they are! :smiley: And a lot earlier than I expected them to be.

(Yes, I am bad at posing figures)


Nice! I’m thinking of getting some of them myself off of Amazon for parts. I need that dark red on Worriz…


The dark red was one of the reasons why I wanted Worriz so badly. This, combined with the dark tan from the Chi Vardy set, was two of the colours I wanted.


I got all of these puppies not too long ago:

(The picture didn’t turn out all that well and I’m way too lazy to take another)

My parents were out shopping last week while I sat at home like the worthless member of society I am. While I was on the boards, I got a text from my mom:

IKIR - creature of fire?

Followed by:

The only Bionicle they have

I was debating whether or not I should get him because I don’t have Tahu (I can’t find him anywhere, nothing against him) and creatures are 13 Canadian dollars if I’m not wrong, when I get a third text:

On sale for $8.

I payed her back and I now own Ikir. :stuck_out_tongue:

A few days later my dad is out and about when he calls me. Apparently the store he was at had quite a few bonkles, which is uncommon around here, take it from me. He lists them off (He really struggled with the pronunciations and just spelled them all out :stuck_out_tongue: ) and it turned out they had the Kopaka and Melum set. Kopaka is my favourite Toa Mata and for some reason I still didn’t have his Uniter form, so that was a no-brainer. He wasn’t too happy that I was spending so much money on sets, but reluctantly agreed to buy him if I payed him back.

They also had Onua…

That took some convincing even though I was paying, but it all worked out in the end. when do you guys think the winter wave will stop being manufactured (if that hasn’t happened already)? I still need Tahu, Umarak, Terak, Ketar and Uxar, though I might pass on some of the creatures.


@timmytowntim reminds me of me and my parents finidng bioncles. i own all of them but trying to get some parts. having them phone me up and try to say there names is so funny some times. i yersterday went shopping for some but found 0. did find some new wave of minifigures but got some of the not so good ones of them.


Yeah, I’m going shopping for some of those in a few days. I really hope I find some, because I want to get that feeling of grabbing a bionicle off the shelf of a store and bringing it home with you, at least one last time. The sets I need are purely for the Makuta build though.

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I can’t wait to go to TRU at some point this week. I need bonkles to cap off the first week of high school. :stuck_out_tongue:


I definitely understand that.


I got this from a TRU near where I live earlier today. I was trying to look for this while I was at Brickfair, but could not find it; so one Lego store and one TRU later, I managed to find it, along with tons more of them on the shelf to my surprise.


I just want that set for the MCU Spiderman.



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They seem to have stopped being manufactured. They’re pretty much all retired/sold out on Canada’s