The Mad Creator

A mad okotoan who committed acts of mad science in attempts to create artificial life. His results, The White Knight, Raina, The Master of Wisdom, and many others (so basically most of my system robots). eventually the Protectors found him and apprehended him.

He started out of scraps of another character, and the first model lacked horns, the misxel eye, and the robotic hand. one night while I was supposed to be doing a school project, I decided to spice him up a bit. and this was the result.

I really don’t care about criticism on this one, as it mainly was just fooling around, but it would be appreciated. This is the first of three mocs I’m posting tonight. Hope you Enjoy


Hey. That’s my shtick. This MoC has a simple but charming look to it.


Cute little bugger.:blush:


Thanks, I might bring him into the self moc roleplay as a neutral character. IDK

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The mixel eye really adds to him

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The brick built hand looks interesting and the rest of the moc looks good. Also, are the two blaster pieces on his right arm supposed to be a weapon or a grabber of some sort

The mixel eye is what makes this perfect :laughing:


The head is…interesting.

There’s something oddly adorable about the stubby build. Not sure why.

Since the left hand is supposedly robotic (like prosthetic), I think the Mata Hand piece should be black or grey so it differs from the rest more.


I couldn’t stop smiling while looking at this moc.

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#What Monstrosities does he make

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Thanks guys!