'Cause why not make @Political_Slime?

C&C Welcome
Definitely looks like him.
Did you try metru feet for the lower legs? The skrall feet are alright, but a little thick. Anyways, nice moc! Slime is quite the popular guy with community mocs, isn’t he?
this is pretty cool brah
the feet are a bit small and the eyes are the stuff of nightmare fuel, but otherwise it’s fairly good
He looks very sad
You have the Miru of approval!
I was thinking of it, i’ll try and hunt down dome.
I know I have 1 floating around, just don’t know if I have another one.
That’s a great moc. It really looks like slime.
Welp, taking advantage of the “Double-post is OK in creative content if there’s an update”,
I present @Political_Slime’s new weapon, in a similar style to Cronk’s Pencil Gun:
Pen Sword, in Pen Mode:
And a size comparison:
And the back of his head looks like:
Some how this is totally what I expected.
He was lying on a lego board and his slime adhered to that shape.
Looks fancy
I’m more of a hammer guy but cool
I was thinking “Epic Swordsman”
Would you prefer an Eraser Hammer?
I would love an eraser_hammer
OK, then consider the pen to be a mechanical pencil.
Once again, creative update, double-post is OK-
Eraser and Lead Holder:
oh my sweet mother of @yran it’s better than i ever could have imagined
awesome 10/10/10 the most enjoyable meme