Based off of this canon rahi.
I always wondered what it would look like for a fish to have Makuta’s smile.
I always thought a Makuta fish would have a head shaped like the Kraahkan.
just read the bs01 page…
nokama’s trident is fish bones?!?
Huh, and I assumed the Makuta fish was the name given to a fish from MNOG… Either way I like this a lot, very sleek. Uses some more modern parts but it’s so compact it really works.
Okay, I really like this one. Would it be possible for you to post instructions for this?
Great news guys I made free instructions for my Makuta Fish moc! The link for it is right here.
Before I made the instructions for this I built it irl and the fins can be moved so that it isn’t clipping
It was a nightmare to assemble in real life (some of the pieces just didn’t want to fit together), but I’d say that it still looks good.
It’s pretty cool to see my Makooti Fish built irl
Yeah, it looks pretty cool irl.
Ah ok thats good. Just have to get the stuff to build it at some point
i mean technically she doesn’t need to follow the toa code since she’s a turaga i guess
plus the fish is a rahi
it doesn’t apply to rahi?
Yeah that’s what I was saying…
didn’t know that
Very nice, I like the compactness of this build. You’ve really captured that fish shape. Great job 10/10
I wonder if the movie edition Kraahkan would still fit?