The Mask Of Ultimate Power Is Evil (Discussion)

Created by Makuta, The Mask Of Ultimate Power possesses the powers of each of the elements - something forbidden in the land of Okoto. Yet the trailer seems to imply that the Mask itself may have a mind of its own, taking over Makuta and driving him to destroy Okoto.

“When Makuta put it on, it took control of him” - The trailer referring to the Mask Of Ultimate Power

While Makuta is definitely evil, driven by his jealousy of Ekimu, he never seemed to have a desire to destroy Okoto. He merely wanted to be the more powerful of the two brothers and destroying Okoto seemed to be something that only occurred because the Mask manipulated him to do so.

Would like to hear your thoughts on this


I’m getting some serious Ninjago vibes.

My theory is as follows: The Mask turned Makuta totally evil, and there will come a plotline sometime down the road where he is cured/redeemed, and Makuta becomes a good guy, like Garmadon in 2014

All the while, the Mask will take on an identity and sentience of its own, starting with a MNOG-like fight agaisnt the Toa using a bunch of spare CCBS Parts. 8D


Power can make even the warriors of light “evil”
(In real life 2)


I did notice this but I didn’t pay any attention to it. I’m going to really hope so much that when Makuta awakens he’s not evil. Seeing the errors of his ways he doesn’t make such a mask again and helps fight whoever’s being controlled/using the mask.

Yeah, the more I think on this matter, the more I’m thinking of the Ninjago path. So if the Mask of Ultimate Power is sentient, does that mean It could possibly have the power to create a body for itself like the Mask of Life? Considering we’ll likely get a Ekimu with the Mask of Creation, and a Makuta with the Mask of Control later down the line. If we get a set with the Mask of Ultimate Power, who would be the bearer?


Pure darkness? Or “The Great Being Of Destruction?”
And Mata Nui could be The GB of Creation!

Interesting you should say that, as I have a theory that the Mask Of Ultimate Power may actually be revealed as a new version of the Avohkii;


I can see your basis, what with the three prong-things out to the side.

It’s interesting to be sure.


What if Makuta had found the Avohkii, and “upgraded” it? :smiley:


To be honest, tI doubt they would go that route with ol’Maky Terry (no, I will never stop calling him that). Makutaa is regarded by us Bionihippies as the greatest villain ever created. Lego knows this. Lego’s relying on that. It’s the whole reason he’s here to begin with. I don’t feel like Lego would ruin the character that way. (this one is my opinion, as I don’t like redemption stories for the main villain)

As to counter the theory in canon, this story is admittedly, a lot like Ninjago. HOWEVER, it is much more akin to Vakama’s legend of Makuta, where Makuta and Mata Nui were brothers, Makuta got jealous, and he threw Mata Nui into an endless slumber. In that legend, Makuta never wanted to destroy the island of Mata Nui, nor the Matoran Universe.

however, all this is my opinion and speculation. I could be entirely wrong.


Possibly - either way I hope we see the Mask Of Ultimate Power again before 2017, though I feel this will probably be the final mask xD

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It won’t be, if we’ll buy the sets, and support LEGO! :blush:


True, hopefully it will continue longer. At the moment my current thoughts stem from this layout;

2015 - Mask Of Creation
2016 - Mask Of Control
2017 - Mask Of Ultimate Power

If they continue they could probably have;
2018 - Mask Of Light
2019 - Mask Of Life
2020 - Mask Of Time (Vahi)


Assuming it is still Teridax though, with it being a soft reboot we might not discover if it is actually Teridax.


Correct. But he did want to take over everything and rule.

And then in 04 it was revealed he planned to put the matoran to sleep, and then wake them with him as ruler. By installing his teachings and ideals into them

You could almost say he wanted to Remake Metru-Nui in his own image

Y’know who else wanted to do that? be it with Skeletons, Snakes, or Stones?

Our old pal Garmadon. Just saying.

Also, another Ninjago parallel that makes it more akin to that than the legend(which in themselves are both similar): Makuta desires to take over using a magical macguffin of some sort.

Y’know who else did that? Lord Garmadon. Golden Weapons or Shadowy Masks, a macguffin is still just that.

Suffice to say, I respectfully disagree with you, but I understand why you want Makuta to remain evil. However, in turn, I ask you understand something.

As far as we know, and as far as I choose to believe at least, “Maky Terry” as you call him, or Makuta Teridax, is not the same entity as Makuta from this legend.

As such, another point you made, about your opinion, namely:

They cannot ruin Teridax’s character because that Teridax’s story has been told. Bionicle 2015 is a separate entity, soft reboot or not.

Take it as such.

It’s like when people say Michael Bay ruined Transformers. He didn’t.

He just made one crappy installment among the dozens of good installments. Right after the movie, Animated came out, and Prime after that, both of which are fantastic.


And at the end, they’ll do something with the mask o’ time, which will create the G1 universe :stuck_out_tongue:

I could see the Island Of Okoto cracking apart and revealing itself as the Island of Mata Nui :stuck_out_tongue:

In seriousness the Vahi and its second half is likely going to be used to tie the two universe together, given its cameo in the trailer

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I also respectfully disagree. I do believe this is meant to be the Makuta. The Mask of Control looks like the movie Kraahkan, and his lore is the same as his G1 lore

What if this G2 Makuta is the first one, and they created the others as… His “clones” in the G1 universe?


Yeah, I agree. I could see Makuta originating from this universe. The jealousy of Ekimu may have left him weak to the powers of the Mask Of Ultimate Power. The Mask itself could be the evil that consumes the original Makuta of this which then proceeded to flee into the other universes upon his defeat at the end of this second era of Bionicle. Essentially making the G2 an origins story for Makuta Teridax, making it an effective prequel, sequel, time loop, alternative dimension storyline.

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That would be interestin indeed…
And what if the Toa now just… Data collectors? I mean they’re here to get the masks and info about stuff, which will make somethings in G1? And that’s where’s makuta from?

Maybe they work for GBs now?