The Minecraft movie

OK. Yes. This is happening. Why? I don’t know.
Surprisingly, there is no Wikipedia page about this movie. Just a page on the Minecraft Wiki, so this may be another one of those MIB 23 cases of movies that are said to be made but never actually appear in the theatres.
What do we know about this movie? Well not much. This is the only ‘official’ image we have:

It will be a Sweedish- American movie. I don’t see if this is good or bad, but I like that they are bringing guys from the home country of Minecraft to work at the movie, instead of bringing guys that probably never played the game.
It would be directed by the Nee brothers which… I’ve never heard of.
It will be a Warner Bros movie, which is definitely a pro.
The movie was initially supposed to be released on 24 of May, 2019. The development of the movie started in 2014, saying that is is a ‘high-budget’ film. The movie lost it’s directors this year, so it seems that it have some troubles.

Will it be good? The Minecraft player inside me hopes so, but I really think that, if it will actually be made, it will be bad. A movie about Minecraft rises a lot of question marks. Will it be good? Will it be in the story mode universe? What would be the difference between it and the silly Minecraft animations that I can watch on Youtube for free?
Anyway, what do you guys think about this movie?


Probably this won’t even get relised. Minecraft was the best-selling game of 2016, but it’s sales are now decreaseing. After everyone played it for like 3 years, they got bored of it. If they made this movie in 2017, it could have worked. But in 2019? I don’t know how many people would watch it then.
If they made it like Minecraft Story mode, it could be OK. But other then that, I don’t want to just see things which I already did in the game in survival so many times before.
Also, like in the Case of Angry Birds movie, Prince of Persia, or Assassin’s Creed, usually when you try to make a videogame into o movie just doesn’t work that well.


I can’t see the logic. There are older games that are still played today. [quote=“LegoDavid, post:2, topic:47487”]
If they made this movie in 2017, it could have worked. But in 2019? I don’t know how many people would watch it then.

This is so true that it hurt. The same with the Angry Birds movie. Instead of reliesing it in the middle of the game’s popularity, they decided to do it a few years after the games died.

I don’t know about Prince of Persia or Assassin’s Creed (wait, there is a movie about this?) but it’s not the fact that it is based on a movie that made the Angry Birds movie bad, but what I explained above (for most part).

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Yes, but they performed so terribly that they are pretty much forgotten now.

Prince of Persia (2010) Rotten Tomatoes critics score:
Assassin’s Creed (2016) Rotten Tomatoes critics score:

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You mean the Disney movie?

How could I not know about it?


The Prince of Persia film was made by Disney (adapted from the iconic game series), it did not do well, but it had LEGO sets

whilst the Assassin’s Creed movie…I forget that film exists

that’s a certain stigma created due to the fact many video game adaptations have been poorly received.

As for this movie, though there’s not even a trailer out yet, but I did find a really small summary on IMDB

“Steve is the only person in the village that doesn’t fit in, but one day while mining for stone he meets Klunk, the iron golem and together they have wacky adventures”

The casting also says that Steve Carell will play Steve.


So basically, Steve lives in a villager city, and find an Iron Golem.
Another movie about a guy that can’t integrate. I mean, we have proofs that this type of movies can be successful (look at the Lego Movie) but in the same time we have proofs that these type of movie can be horrible (look at the Emoji Movie).

I must see this movie.


It was already dead in 2016.

Anyway, this is probably fake or not going to be released.


This is exactly what I was thinking.

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It’s not fake.

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Good. I need this movie to exist.
because i still play minecraft since i’m a pleb


Even if this movie gets realised (which I kinda doubt). I won’t expect it to be better then Angry Birds movie or other animated movie similar to it.

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######was secretly hoping for a documentary about the rise of Minecraft…

Just a heads up, I have a few random thoughts on this, so sorry if this post seems jumbled:

I’m reserving all judgement on this until I actually see something from it. There really isn’t much that could go wrong with this, compared to the other more story-driven video game franchises that have been/are going to be adapted to film.

Even if the movie is bad, I don’t really see it hurting the game much, if at all. The themes of the game are so far removed from what you typically see in films that even a “faithful” adaptation wouldn’t be very similar to the spirit of Minecraft.

In other words, since Minecraft is so open-ended in its gameplay and has no real central characters or story to speak of, it would be very hard to make a film that could hurt the image of the game, unlike, say, the Sonic movie.

My only real hope is that it’s animated, and in an appealing art style. My worst fear would be for this to be a glorified YouTube Minecraft animation.

Realistically, the best this movie can do is basically be The LEGO Movie, but for Minecraft.

Heck, even if it’s live action, I could see that working to some degree.

So I’m intrigued. I see no cause for worry.


I don’t think a movie would go along pretty well. There wouldn’t be a big enough time window for the plot to build up.


I’m not sure if I should be surprise or not, but let’s just hope it somewhat have the same style as the game and… well, Being Good

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Considering how VideoGame movies have been up to this point… I doubt that.

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When I first heard that they were making a live-action Minecraft movie, I doubted it was going to be any good. Well, they’ve finally released a trailer for it, and it turns out it isn’t as bad as I thought.

It’s worse.

For a second, I thought it might be okay, seeing the panoramic scenery shot, it looked really beautiful actually. Then all hope died instantly the second they showed the first mob.

Minecraft CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be made live-action. This trailer is perfect evidence as to why. You remember the first sonic trailer, with the awful Sonic design everyone hated so much they actually fixed it? Well, the mobs we see here make that Sonic look like a masterpiece by comparison. And it’s not just one character, like Sonic: it’s everything, everyone BUT the main characters. It’s an entire world of ugly Sonics.

The movie tries to translate Minecraft’s unique animation into a more “realistic” style that fits with the human actors, and it is horribly ugly. They all look like terrible plushies. The blocky shapes of Minecraft creatures do NOT work well with realistic textures, and it slips deep into the uncanny valley and downright nightmare fuel with some of them. Minecraft already has a unique and iconic art style. USE IT.

The plot of the Movie seems to be a family going from the real world into the Minecraft world. First off, WHY? This concept is a cheap and easy way to give an “audience surrogate”, someone who is unfamiliar with the world and can learn alongside the audience. Which you might need, if you’re making a movie for Bionicle – fun fact, many studios Lego approached when they were making a movie in 2003 wanted the main character to be a human kid. Lego correctly recognized that this would be a terrible idea. Unfortunately, Warner Bros did not.

Bionicle has a lot of bizzare elements, and most people aren’t going to know what a Toa or a Bohrok or a Rahkshi is. An audience surrogate isn’t a terrible idea, and Bionicle does this in 01 by giving the Toa amnesia. Minecraft, on the other hand… has sheep, and wolves, and cows, and spiders, and skeletons. Sure, there are the more unique ones, but even they are pretty simple. PLUS, plenty of them are iconic. I imagine there are plenty of people who haven’t even played Minecraft who know that creepers explode, or endermen teleport. And of course, any decent story-teller knows how to show the audience what the creatures of their world can do. Giving a Minecraft movie an audience surrogate is the laziest choice they could have made, and actively harms the movie because they have to alter the mob designs to fit.

Secondly, if they really want to go with the premise of “real people go into the minecraft world” for some inane reason, there is a way to do that. Just make them have Minecraft avatars in the Minecraft world. This idea has been done before. You can even have them be their live-action selves in the real world. Look up “Scoobynatural” if you want to see an example of what I’m talking about.

I can’t speak much to the plot of this movie beyond that, because we know so little about it. But given that they’ve already messed up in every conceivable fashion so far, I don’t expect it to be good. I’m placing my bets now: the dad is going to learn to think outside the box and be creative (hah get it?), with the help of the boy, and that will be the main moral lesson of the movie. The mom is going to be weirded out by the mobs (and who can blame her) and then wind up having a bonding moment with like a wolf or something. The girl will just be there to do cool stuff because the movie needed a fourth family member. The plot will be that the family is trying to do something, maybe make a portal back home, accidentally makes a portal to the nether instead, and then the piglins invade and they have to stop them, with help from Steve, who knows how the world works.

Minecraft is a wonderful open world with so much potential, and it isn’t surprising that so many people have made stories set in minecraft. Many, many youtubers have done Minecraft animations, and I’ve seen quite a few that are really good. A big budget movie like this had SO MUCH potential. But so far, they’ve dropped the ball hard. This movie is going to go down with the ranks of the live-action mario movie.


I generally agree with everything, but I’d also like to offer a more optimistic counterpoint, especially since my opinions have softened a bit since the initial reaction.

For starters, many have pointed out that this is being directed by Jared Hess, the director of Napoleon Dynamite, generally considered one of the greatest comedy movies of all time. That’s not to say a director who’s done well in the past is always going to do well, but it does tell us that the movie they’re trying to make isn’t meant to be some self-serious examination of Minecraft or its world or themes, but mostly just something that captures the fun and feeling of playing Minecraft while being a bit ridiculous and goofy.

Which is fitting in its own way considering that the world of Minecraft, if anyone is being genuinely honest with themselves, is quite goofy and ridiculous.

This is just me, but the one snippet of a scene we see where the group is crafting and Mamoa’s character makes some double-chained bucket with a goofy little animation and all of the items in the background actually does look fun and charming to me.

Second is that, apparently, the producers of this movie went to great lengths to ensure the film is being as true to Minecraft as possible. Personally speaking, they could obviously only go so far with that considering the live-action limitations, but I’ve seen that the crew invited many Minecraft YouTubers to the set and seem to have put a lot of attention and effort into making all of the props and environments look and feel like Minecraft.
Personally speaking again, the “HD, realistic texture-pack” look has never appealed to me, and it still doesn’t here. But that’s mostly just for the mobs - the background environments actually look quite cool.

Last point I want to speak to is the plot. I’m not sure that the main cast is a family - I’ve never heard that anywhere.
The official synopsis reads as follows:

“Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity doesn’t just help you craft, it’s essential to one’s survival! Four misfits—Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison (Momoa), Henry (Hansen), Natalie (Myers) and Dawn (Brooks)—find themselves struggling with ordinary problems when they are suddenly pulled through a mysterious portal into the Overworld: a bizarre, cubic wonderland that thrives on imagination. To get back home, they’ll have to master this world (and protect it from evil things like Piglins and Zombies, too) while embarking on a magical quest with an unexpected, expert crafter, Steve (Black). Together, their adventure will challenge all five to be bold and to reconnect with the qualities that make each of them uniquely creative…the very skills they need to thrive back in the real world.”

“Four misfits” doesn’t sound like a family to me. What it does sound like is Jumanji, like exactly, which while completely unoriginal and a bit overdone, does work narratively.

I’m a big believer in the idea that the specifics of a plot on paper don’t really matter - what ultimately matters is the pathos of the story, the raw emotion and feeling. The synopsis, to me, does have the potential to be emotive, to have pathos. I think if the themes this movie is trying to deliver on (that being the core idea of Minecraft, that creativity and imagination are central to the human experience and fulfillment) are delivered with any ounce of sincerity, then it can still work.

Not that I’m doubting it won’t succeed; this is the most popular game in history we’re talking about here. It will make millions, if not billions, at the box office regardless of its quality. At bare minimum, you’ll have Minecraft’s predominantly young children audience flocking to it, and if it is bad you’ll probably have many adults flocking to it to see just how bad it really is.

Don’t get me wrong, I still think that this movie should have been a LEGO Movie-type animated affair. I could see a movie that looks very similar to the official Minecraft trailers and animations, maybe with a stop-motion effect, and a story focusing on Minecraft characters exploring the experience of playing Minecraft working extremely well.

That’s sadly not the movie we got. And yes, the visuals are extremely jarring and weird. I don’t think they’re original Sonic movie uncanny, but they aren’t ideal.

I’m also not a big fan of Jack Black in this movie. He was great as Bowser, but his portrayal of Steve seems to just sort of be…his usual self. Not that Steve has any identifiable character traits, but personally I can only handle small does of Jack Black’s Jack Black nature.

But while it may be a little bit goofy and weird, if it winds up being fun, then I think that’s okay in the end.


Live action is an interesting choice.


I think I’d rather just play Minecraft. I already had to pay for it twice.