The modern Bohrok (Update 2)

looks good

Think this is the closest we have gotten to a perfect CCBS Bohrok, encorporates most of the functions of the original while adding a new unique spin to it by using the creature heads. Is even the same size, which is neat.

I’d be interested to see if you could do the Bohrok queen’s in this style? I think they could look fairly great.

@Scarilian I have no idea how I could do the qeens and in general I am good with small and medium sized mocs, but some bigger mocs get sometimes unstable and are hard to pose.

Creature heads for G2 Bohrok? You sir are a genius.

I really like these. I saw them and thought Bohrok. I might copy or do something like these for my own MOCs. Very nice job.

These are awesome! We should have G2 Rakhshi next.

Very nice. I love the design! Then again I love all things bohrok. Though I find you’re lack of a nuvok disturbing. Also, how did you make those gifs?

Confirmed, G2 Bohrok that curl into a ball is impossible

These still look fantastic though, I just find it funny out of like the 5 attempts to do this and get the appropriate head snapping function working no one can seem to get it into a ball. XD

@MaximusPrime I made a video and converted it with an app to a gif

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Mind telling me what it is?

“Video & GIF Memes”
It was one of the best suggestion when I searched “Video to GIF”

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But the original GIF were to big, so I used less frame rates and a lower quality

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Wow. That’s actually pretty impressive for utilizing CCBS so much. Holding the Kraana is one thing, but I never would have expected such a function in that design at first glance.