The most important constraction piece of each year

Here’s a thought that’s been flying around my mind for a long time. Starting in 1999 with Slizer, which new constraction pieces introduced each year are the most important? It depends on their usability and versatility. General Technic connectors like pins and axles don’t count. I’ve picked one (sometimes two, when others have suggested another important one) piece from each year, feel free to discuss and add your own thoughts.



This one’s a no-brainer, I don’t think I need to elaborate why I chose this. It’s a super versatile connector with many different uses, and one of the few constraction pieces to still be kicking around today - with a variety of mold updates and stability improvements, it looks quite different today but still works the same way.



I found it more difficult to pick a part for 2000. Most new pieces introduced for the Roboriders aren’t super useful outside of the theme. I decided to go with this Technic block, used as a head on some Roboriders. I’m not sure if this fully counts as a constraction piece - several Technic sets from this year also use it, and I don’t know which theme it was first designed for - but the aesthetic fits. It’s a nice decoration piece that found a few uses after its introduction, retiring in 2007.



2001 being the introduction of Bionicle brought a slew of new pieces, I picked the Toa Mata foot. It was used often throughout various Bionicle figures. Most of the time it’s just a foot (and it’s a good foot), but there’s other creative uses for this part too, e.g. on a torso. It got a mold update in 2008 (receiving the fragility boost sockets) and made its last appearances in some of the first Hero Factory sets from 2010.



This one was easy too, the Bohrok eye! This is one of the few originally-Bionicle pieces to find a much wider use outside of Bionicle, it’s used as a decoration element throughout various Lego themes and sets. It’s still being produced and appears often.


The Rahkshi from 2003 were the first Bionicle figures with articulated knees, and they’ve paved the way for future Bonks to get more and more articulation as time progressed. That’s why I picked the Rahkshi shin as this year’s most important part. It allows to build legs and arms with knee and elbow articulation easily, and was used on many figures. Last appearance was also in the first Hero Factory sets of 2010.



Another easy pick, a versatile piece with countless uses, though primarily as thighs or upper arms for figures. It got the fragility upgrade in 2008 and made its last appearance on a Ninjago dragon in 2012.



Let’s take last year’s part and elongate it! Another versatile and useful connector that everyone knows, it made its last appearance in the same dragon set from 2012.


The Hordika neck is probably even more well-known. As the name implies, it was originally designed for the heads of the Toa Hordika, but quickly spread to other uses simply because it’s a very useful connector. It’s still in production. Thanks @Wekua for reminding me of this one.


This year introduced many new pieces with the new building style of the Piraka and Inika. I decided to go with the Zamor spheres: they’re really simple parts (basically just solid plastic marbles) but they’ve made many appearances in various sets. Still in production today!

It’s fun to note that the original 2006 Zamor launcher and its ammo storage were probably two of the G1-specific parts that stayed in production the longest, being included with the Mindstorms EV3 set that was made up until around 2020.


The Inika torso is another notable piece. Not much to say about it, it’s a nice upper torso that works well on many figures (and was used accordingly). As @Hawkflight mentioned, this one is really recognizable as a constraction element, whereas the Zamors aren’t if you don’t know what they are.



For 2007, the Mahri breathing tubes are a strong candidate (thanks @Monopoly for the suggestion!). They’re a simple decoration piece with many uses that’s still being made today, even getting a shorter version at a later point.


As @Huemus suggested, the Barraki eye should be noted as well. At first, I didn’t even think of this one, since it appears so frequently outside of Constraction, I think it can be considered more of a system piece by now.



Love it or hate it, 2008 was the year that brought us the big simplification of small figures like the Matoran. 2 types of torsos and various one-piece pre-bent limbs were introduced, each being limited in its reusability. I decided for the 90 degree bent limb since it made the most appearances, and I also think it’s the most versatile out of the bunch.


Here’s one I just remembered, the Mistika wing! It has made many appearances outside of Bionicle, often as a tail wing/fin for smaller planes or helicopters. It is still being made and appears every now and then.



For 2009, I think the Glatorian hand is a good pick. I don’t even really know what to say about this, it’s just a cool piece! There was a mold update in 2011 giving it a stronger socket and 4 fingers, and it was used up until 2018, last appearing in those Star Wars constraction figs.


I completely forgot about the Glatorian neck, thanks @Racie02 for the reminder! Another useful connector that’s notable for still being made today.

And now, it’s your turn to continue!

These were my thoughts up until the end of Bionicle G1. For the 2010 Hero Factory sets and, most importantly, CCBS from 2011 onwards, I’d love the opinion of someone who’s experienced with the parts - I’ve barely used CCBS at all since I just don’t have many pieces.

@TheTDChronicler made a nice list further down with parts that seem like good choices.

So, what do you think? Which years do you agree with, for which would you suggest a different part? Tell me, I’d love to know!


For 2007 I’d say the Mahri breathing tubes, since they’re super useful and I’m fairly certain still in production. They even got a shortened variant in 2017!

Not sure about all of CCBS, you’ll have to give me a minute to think. But 2012 would undoubtedly be the small torso introduced with XT4, that thing became invaluable for Matoran-sized characters


I think the Inika body piece would have been a better pick for 2006, as a constraction piece, since it was more consistently used as such. Zamor spheres seem more like an accessory to rather than a core part of the system. The rest of the picks make sense to me.

For CCBS, I’d say 2011 would of course be represented by the simple, one armor balljoint and no holes variant of limb. 2013 I think the piece that got the most use afterward was the friction add-on piece. 2015 could be represented by the BIONICLE styled CCBS add-on, and for Star Wars constraction I think there were new long shells and the shoulder pauldrons that were pretty widely used across the subtheme.


Friction adder was introduced in 2012… perhaps that’s more significant than the small torso?

As for 2013 itself, I guess I’d have to say the large Chima sword piece simply for being one of the few constraction pieces still in production


2004 was a super loaded year, we had the dual socket limb, the metru head/eyestalk, the waist peice, axle masks became standard, and some of the vahki tools have been staples throuought the years


Super interesting idea, and I think I agree with all these choices!


In 2001 was relesead the Technic Ball Joint, which is still being produced.

And 2007 we also had the Barraki Eye, that go beyond just Technic

About 2006, I think the Zamor launcher is more important than the spheres, it’s more a proper piece.


Is the single-axlehole ball joint still in production, or just the through-axlehole variant? The latter would definitely rank highly (and is definitely still in use, possibly moreso than it was in the Bonkle days), not sure about the former.

I know I just argued against the spheres’ importance myself, but in between the two I think the spheres had more impact through appearing in more years and wider themes. The Zamor sphere launchers were used in 2006, a little bit in 2007, as well as in EV3, while the spheres themselves extended to the Phantoka and I think for every year of Hero Factory to some degree (plus some Ninjago and the like).


I suggest the three-toed piraka foot is a good contender for '06. That one was reused for a number of villains and creatures, even beyond Bionicle, and it had such an effectively spooky monster vibe that it got a little brother in the form of a two-toed Matoran-scale variant. I believe as well it’s one of the relative few Bionicle parts that kept a seat at the table after the CCBS switchover

For 2005, the Hordika neck could also be a contender. That thing got applied in a number of sets throughout constraction and even got a straightened variant that ended up carrying the torch in a way.

Minor comment but I think this topic was an excellent addition to the boards, very fun discussion topic


Thank you everybody for the suggestions, there’s a few noteworthy parts I myself completely forgot! If there’s more, keep them coming!

The original Zamor launcher also appeared in 2 sets from 2008 (Mazeka and Pohatu’s green vehicle), then they went on a hiatus in constraction sets. They returned in 2014 for Sir Fangar and Fluminox, those being their last time released in a new set.

Outside of constraction, they made some appearances in 2007 Exo-Force and a Mars Mission set, and they were both included with Mindstorms NXT 2.0 (2009) and EV3 (2013), the latter being produced up until mid-2020.

Does anyone know how long Lego waits before recycling an old part mold? We know that most of the G1 part molds are probably gone by now, but seeing how the Zamor launcher and its ammo holder were still being produced almost 4 years ago, it could be possible the molds are still alive and well? And unlike parts like the Hordika neck, the Zamor launcher really has the mechanical style that’s typical for G1.


Both appear to be in production, though the latter is much more common now.


I beleive its used more in system as a ball peice now, since that axle hole doubles as an antistud and theres not a whole of constraction nowadays


2009 introduced the glatorian neck, which is basically the Hordika neck but better, and it also survived the fall of constraction.

Also, i think the single axle hole ball is noteworthy for being the only piece that was on the first Tahu set to reappear on the GWP Tahu.







2016: (technically 2 pieces but lol still putting it here)




What’s that 2018 part from? I don’t think I’ve seen it before.


It’s a neck piece used on two of the Star Wars constraction figs released in 2018, this dude and some kind of red-headed Darth Vader (?). This set has it in brown, the other one has it in black. It only appears in said two sets, never to be seen again.


Darth Maul