The Mystical Emerald-Man (Comic Book)

Your intuition is correct, Emerald-Men are a known thing. Will delve into that next issue, but let’s just say one confronted the mob before Stephen. Also in the first issue it was shown that Stephen’s father was one as well. I’m trying to be subtle in some things and have readers pick up connections. Not the best at it but I’m glad you’re noticing it at least!

And thank you for critiques on the dynamics. I originally was having my script lead my plot and drawing it but I realized after making NAG that I should let my drawing tell the story first. I will use that in my next issue.

I will try to use the names more. It’s hard however because I desire natural dialogue.

Anyways thank you. I sorta want to make a fanmail or questions page at the end of my comics too. For more fan interactions. If you guys have questions or things to say, I’d love to feature them!


A third way done through the comic. I feel a little bad, I kinda slacked through half of february. (Not to say I didn’t draw; I have a third of the comic done. But I could have gotten MORE done.) However, I plan to work continuously through the rest of February and March. There are some pretty strange pages I drew this time, so it is taking me a while to color and stuff. Also did some last minute writing changes, to make the script a little more dramatic.

I would love to share some panels, but everything I want to share is a massive spoiler! I am pulling no punches with this one. And hopefully addressing some burning questions (but not all of them).


A little preview on one of my favorite pages i’ve drawn so far.

Apathy is death.


I love the reference there. Great work!


9/16 pages finished. My goal is to release on St. Patrick’s day. Let us see if I can make that goal!


Best of luck! Excited to see it whenever it drops! :+1:


So I’m actually ahead of my goal pages wise (about 13.5/16 done, plus needing to draw a cover), but because of plans on St. Patrick’s day, I doubt there will be a release on that day. :confused:

However, the comic should be coming soon.


Well dang guys, I hate to say it… But I won’t be able to make the St. Patrick’s day release at all.

Such a shame!

Per usual, constructive comments and critiques are welcome and appreciated!


Emerald-Man Strikes Again?

By Katie Ellen - March 5th, 2022

Last night, a 4.0 magnitude earthquake hit the city of Portland in the center of the town, leading to minor damages and four injuries. Police reported that the injured were four prolific gangsters in Portland’s criminal database.

The first was Robert “Bobby” Poppins, who has previously been charged with armed robbery, coercion, extortion, and armed assault. The second was Russo Marino, who had previously been charged with assault and fraud. The third was Joseph Marino, older brother of Russo Marino, who in 2021 was charged with armed robbery and trespassing. Most interesting of all was their apparent boss, Mario Valentine, the son of the prolific Enzio Valentine and his mafia family, previously known for committing kidnapping, extortion, theft, and armed assault.

Police believed the four were behind a reported attempt at extortion toward a local small business, Barnes Jewelry. According to testimony from an employee at the store, the four asked for 15,000 dollars. The four were charged with the kidnapping of the store’s accountant, Carolina White, as well as armed robbery for stealing the store’s jewelry.

Detective Jackson Hemsworth of the Portland Police Department stated, “The four were completely unconscious, and looked like two of them suffered a slashing wound against their chest, likely from a knife or other bladed weapon. We found Valentine unconscious against his desk, apparently taking significant head trauma from the earthquake.”

The Portland Police Department stated that Mario Valentine had claimed he was assaulted by the vigilante Emerald-Man during the time of the earthquake, leading to his and his associate’s injuries. “It certainly explains why we didn’t find Ms. White with them,” Detective Hemsworth said.

The Portland Police Department had also stated Ms. White was found at her apartment, injured but otherwise safe.

So what does this mean? Emerald-Man has not been spotted since late last summer when the police claimed he was behind the events that orchestrated the capture of Enzio Valentine and his gang. Why the long hiatus, Emerald-Man? Are you back for good?


What did folks think of the newest issue? Would like feedback, as I’m working on issue #4 right now (finishing up the scripting process and rough draft.)


I’m not the best critic the world has ever spawned, but I really enjoyed it. This was a good arc for his origin story, and I’m definitely interested to see who he takes on next. I’m sure Valentine isn’t necessarily gone for good either. My favorite visual was when he was seeing all the badness in the world at once, I think that panel expressed the “visions blurring into visions” atmosphere really well.


Nexus Technologies Debuts Teleporter

By Carl Waxer - March 6th, 2022

Nexus Technologies announced on Saturday that a new device, inspired by experimental colliders, was going to be demonstrated and tested on Monday. The project is spearheaded by Dr. Megan Matter, a young physics graduate from Olympia University in Washington.

Director Jacob Enoch commented, “Megan is what I call a prodigy. She was behind the theory and science in the entire project. Of course, she was helped by one of our leading engineers in building the device, that being Dr. Seth Dwarn.”

K-Intune News tried to reach out to Dr. Dwarn on the project, but he did not desire to comment on the project.

“If this test succeeds, we will see a huge change in American industry in fifty years,” Enoch said. “No longer will we need to use trucks to transport goods across the country. Transportation will be faster, cheaper, and reliable.”

There have been some worries about potential industrial espionage on the project. In particular, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned the company about the device plans being stolen or the machine tampered with to make it fail. One agent noted an incident down in the city of Los Angeles where a renowned super-criminal, James Cutler (known by his more sensational name “the Cuttlefish”), stole an experimental cloaking device from Caveyar Industries. Police presence has been called to the facility to guard the project to ensure nothing is stolen or tampered with.

Mayor Robert Naise assures K-Intune, “The Portland Police Department will do their job and do it well. We hope the test runs successfully. The people of Portland are excited to have such a big scientific discovery taking place in our city.”


I like the lore you’ve made in preparation for the next bit of the story. It’s really interesting…


I’m glad. Might write more of these to keep interest up while I’m making the comic. My story boarding is almost done for issue 4 then I will get on drawing it.

Did anyone else have comments/critiques to make on issue 3? I’m surprised there hasn’t been a lot to say because I thought this one would lead to more questions or comments!


I will be leaving a critique soon, I just haven’t had the time to read it yet.

I started a new full-time job as a graphic designer, so suffice to say I don’t have as much time on my hands as I used to!


Nice to hear about the job! Wish I could do that for a living. But I never went to an art or trade school.



Harold Barnes (1972-2022), respected small business owner and beloved community figurehead, passes away at 49.

Harold Barnes, 49, passed away on January 22nd of 2022 due to reasons the family has not chosen to disclose. He was survived by his wife, Jacinta Barnes, and his son Stephen Alexander Barnes.

He was born in Vancouver, Washington, on March 14th of 1972 to his father Patrick Barnes Jr. and his wife Elizabeth Cosgrove Barnes. Harold Barnes was known well around the community as a respectable businessman, taking up his father’s jewelry business in the late 90s after his passing. In 1996, he met the love of his life, Jacinta Brown, and got married the same year. The next year he had his only child, Stephen Alexander Barnes.

During his life, Harold Barnes was noticeable in his belief that he should “give back” to the community. He donated to several charities in Portland in hopes to help fight homelessness and crime. He also was quite involved in city council meetings, often representing the small businesses of the city and giving a voice of concern over mandates. Many asked him to pursue election for mayor, but Harold was, as some put it, too humble to take on the role.

“He believed he had already given enough to the community,” Laura Miller, secretary of Mayor Robert Naise, stated. “In his words, 'he was doing more than many realize.’ We cherished his bright view of the world.”

The Barnes family is holding a private funeral at the Portland Mills Cemetery, where family and friends will remember his life. According to a statement from Barnes Jewelry’s accountant, Carolina White, the business will remain closed until the funeral and memorial service have taken place.


A Relic of Old Town Portland: Barnes Jewelry

By Richard Moore - January 17th, 2022

I’m sure many have noticed there is not a lot left from Portland’s olden days. Particularly because the old town of Portland was once a crime-ridden, filthy city of the old west along the Columbia and Willamette rivers. However, despite our notorious Shanghai tunnels and their connections to organized crime, a smaller, nicer relic remains from those days: Barnes Jewelry.

The Barnes family settled in the city of Portland in 1896. Alexander Barnes and his wife Cathleen were, as the family claims, “ran out” of the city of Chicago due to Barnes’ marriage with an Irish immigrant, controversial for the time with ethical tensions against the Irish in those days.

Before he came to Portland, Alexander Barnes worked as a private investigator within the city of Cleveland, but moved to Chicago in the year 1893 and was involved with the police in the now-infamous attempted bombing of the 1893 World’s Fair Columbian Exposition.

As for Cathleen McCandall, she was originally from County Cork, Ireland, where she tended her father’s estate. However, growing tensions in Ireland and the sudden death of her father Garrick MacCandall, the last of her immediate family, led her to pursue a new life in the United States. She worked at a textile mill within the city of Cleveland until she met Alexander.

According to Harold Barnes, “my great grandmother was a witness to a murder case my great grandfather was investigating. She, apparently, proved to be more than just a helpful witness, and often assisted him in his investigations afterward. She was a clever woman, and he was a highly intelligent, if not brash, man.”

Alexander Barnes’ murder case led to discovering a plot to murder hundreds of people by an anarchist named Dr. Devin Dynamo. Dynamo had planted bombs across the Columbian Exposition, and in pursuit of the criminal, Alexander was injured and lost his eye. However, thanks to his coordination with police and a still-unknown third party, Dynamo was captured and the bombs were disarmed.

Then in 1896, after a long move, the married couple settled within the city of Portland. There, Alexander desired to retire from detective work and followed his father’s profession, jewelry, and established the Barnes Jewelry we see today in the Old Town. Alexander used much of his own money to build his store, which doubled as the family’s home.

Now, four generations later, we see the business is now helmed by Harold Barnes and his son, Stephen, who run the store in what they consider “the good, old-fashioned way.” The business is still in the same old building where it was first established, and in 1996, they celebrated their 100th anniversary.

The Barnes family invites people to visit their store, which not only has some family historical displays, but still is open for business.


So I am in the ink phase for my black and white pages (I tend to draw 'em out like this first) so progress has begun. I did wonder, however, if folks were interested in just seeing black and white releases along with the full color. If so, I may invest in a scanner.

This is what it usually looks like in the pen.


That scientist guy looks like Director Krennic. Maybe he’ll end up the same way…