The new Cartoon Network

No surprise here


Well they didnā€™t really give us many options now did they?

Meme Girls
ADHD Squad
Tumblrā€™s 3 Hindu Gods


yeah thatā€™s not even fair

comparing characters who have been extremely developed to the 1 dimensional cut outs of 2 reboots, but still

git rekt TTG amd PPG, you shallow reboots

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There is a severe lack of Evil Con Carne in that poll.

I know I used to be one of these people butā€¦

Can we stop rebooting things based off of nostalgia? Cartoon Network is only going to make it bad so people like their new stuff and put a sour taste in our mouths.

Think about it. CN is trying to appease fans with this, sure, but maybe there is something more sinister about it. Maybe they know we donā€™t want all these modern trends in the show and are ruining it with that so we WANT the reboot to die?

That way we want to watch the new stuff instead.

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Samurai Jack tho.

Is that one passable?

I think Samurai Jackā€™s probably gonna be a continuation, plus it actually has the original creator and is on adult swim

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Man Adult Swim is so awesome with these kindsa things.

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I like some references they make in some of their shows to other media

like the reference they made in the The Amazing World of Gumball of The Last of Us


Modern Cartoon Network is probably my faveorite channel right now. I seem to like all of their shows (except TTG and The Powerpuff girls reboot)

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Cordyceps are freakinā€™ scary

yeah same, I thoroughly enjoy most of the shows (just TTG and new PPG I dislike)

Iā€™ve only seen a few TTG episodes, and going off them, I donā€™t think the show is as bad as people are making it out to be, and I grew up being a fan of the original show. It seems mostly consistently mediocre and forgettable but nothing Iā€™d call horrid. But then, Iā€™ve only seen like 5 episodes tops so it is likely Iā€™ve seen the top 5 best.

Havenā€™t bothered with the new PPG so I have no say on that.

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well like, it isnā€™t god awful, itā€™s just such a step down from the original, I know itā€™s meant to be comedy but I just think it would at least benefit from a little bit of intelligent humor

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True. It does seem like the sort of thing that would be an 11-minute follow up to an actual episode. Just a gag reel or something I suppose. Think RWBY Chibi, or whatever.

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Cartoon Network Executive: Intelligent humor? HAHAHAHA! We all know kids donā€™t like that! They will laugh at anything that is dumb and stupid. We know what sells. Shoot, weā€™ll even promote our terrible shows over our good ones! Thatā€™s how business works!


yeah something like that

well, they do promote their bad shows a lot over their good ones, however I do see a lot of their good ones getting advertisements

maybe they just really need people to watch TTG and PPG, thatā€™s why they are advertised more 8P

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I just realized something. What Cartoon Network Shows arenā€™t pure comedies? Aside from Stephen Universe, Iā€™d say the Lego shows and the Dragons show. You know, the ones that arenā€™t made by CN but theyā€™re getting paid to keep it on air. They cancelled Teen Titans. They cancelled Tenkai Knights (I think). They cancelled that anime show with the two people who were from another planet, and they had cool mech suitsā€¦ (I swear I remember this, just not the name). It seems like thereā€™s just one original CN show with an actual plot, all the others they get payed for.

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wait, Adventure Time has plot right? IDK I havenā€™t seen it in a while


They cancelled symbionic Titan a while ago(the mecha you mentioned)