The Nexo Knights Topic

The set includes five scannable shields for NEXO Powers: Ground Power, Super Human Speed, Hawk Holler, Chicken Power and Charging Attack.

Chicken Power? Against monsters made of fire?

@CM4Sci is HiGhLy SuSpEcT

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Well, the Hype train on this topic has come to a slow, whimpering stop. Is it because it reached its destination, or is it simply that there are no new leaks?

I think more leaks are needed, or for the sets to just be released. Thatā€™ll get everyone on it again.

I think its reached its destination for now, itā€™ll peak again when we get official images of all the sets and again at release and the TV series release, but until then we donā€™t have much to discuss :stuck_out_tongue:



-extra characters!-

No, just different equitable powers. They actually say that in the trailers, that they can download different powers into their shields.
No new characters.
Just Shields/ powers.

Goodbye, guys. Itā€™s been fun.

Kahi interaction with some developers.


Gotta say, theyā€™re really taking off after this whole comedy adventure thing. Not sure what I think of that.

I guess it really depends on how itā€™s employed. Iā€™d kind of hate to see it go like Chima wherein you get some dark or serious characters that end up awkwardly making a bad pun or immature joke completely out of the blue. Take Sir Fangar for example; he was supposed to be this psychopathic genius and brilliant manipulator, which he did manage to come across as most of the time, but then heā€™d say something super immature and it would just make you cringe.

Instead, Iā€™d like to see them play it safe like they have done in Ninjago. There were right places and right times for jokes, just not always and not with everyone. For instance, The Overlord was solidly serious throughout his run(thus maintaining his malicious demeanor), whereas with Master Chen there was room for comedy.(It only strengthened his charismatic nature)

What Iā€™m trying to say is that I hope they upheld the boundaries between the humorous and serious moments and people. Some of what he said suggested that they did, and some of it that they didnā€™t. I suppose Iā€™ll just have to wait and see.


These guys seem to know what theyā€™re doing. I look forward to the show.

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New update to the Nexo Knights site on

Also, set list for the summer wave (Just numbers though):


well here are some of the named villains we do have.


Beast Master




also it appearace to be different books these monsters comes from too, like the Book of Fear and the Book of Chaos, there might be other books too.


At least Hasselhoff is safe from being named after fires and stuffs.


one thing that im startign to wonder isā€¦ why just fire? i mean why are all of the monsters a form of fire based creatures all of them are fire monstersā€¦ why not give us some three monsters or snow based monsters or somethingā€¦

And if anyone is going to say that the reason is because they are saving those elements for later seasons, then i am just shaking my head at that.

also if they are fire monsters, why are they not being like the Ice Hunters from Chimaā€¦ you knowā€¦ spreading their element around themself, like everywhere they go, they are burning the ground and anything in on it.

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Meso is gonna have a field day with these black and red villains.


Well for starters it gives us a consistent army. I would welcome other elemental monsters but putting them altogether would be a little odd.

Probably because burning the landscape is a lot more dire than simply freezing it. Say a monster freezes your house. Itā€™s bad but you can just wait till it thaws out. Monster set your house on fire? Whelp, if you donā€™t put it out quick enough Iā€™m afraid your life just went up in flames.


well at least one of them was orange, and also a girlā€¦ have anyone else noticed that this theme have more female villains than past themes?

[quote=ā€œDr_Chronos, post:1262, topic:11247ā€]
Probably because burning the landscape is a lot more dire than simply freezing it. Say a monster freezes your house. Itā€™s bad but you can just wait till it thaws out. Monster set your house on fire? Whelp, you donā€™t put it out quick enough Iā€™m afraid your life just went up in flames.
[/quote] i think you forgot that the Ice hunters gave a permament winter to Chima, and that they wanted to freeze all of the other inhabintants.

Fire and Ice are both pretty dire if you look at it in the right way, and when i think of fire monsters, i canā€™t help but imagine the Destroyer from Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon.

a large fire monster that burned the world wherever it wandered.


Yes, but they made sure the freezing could be reversed so they could have a happy ending. You canā€™t just burn someone to a cinder and un-burn them. Thatā€™s not even a little realistic.

Just looked at the site
-ā€œThe capital city of Knighton is Knightonia.ā€ :confounded:
-It seems that Chaos and Fear enemies can cause chaos and fear in others, based on their descriptions
-I want a set with Aaronā€™s hair piece

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Totally not one of the snake villains from Ninjagoā€¦ :wink:

Probably my favourite, mostly because of the body print. Though his TV form looks kind bad.


In the main description about the main kingdom (aka the castle) it says that Jestro and the book are looking for generals, which seems to be what the named monsters are, the generals of the monsters.