The Nexo Knights Topic

Yeah… :confused:
Probably true.

Found by Just2Good:

Complain all you want about the title, this is our first look at the bot connection piece.

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looks to me that these bots use two original peices, the torso and the shoulder peices.

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If the nexo power is the one on the book’s cover, they just made it so it is no longer exclusive to whatever set Aaron has it in.

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it comes with a green midget

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RoboKnight, now with jumbo sombrero.


I’m pretty sure you already knew this, but it’s this piece


New video on the Nexo Knights website called “Heroes Wanted”.

It’s probably the best trailer for the series we have so far. The monsters actually set stuff on fire! Some of the lines are a little… odd, but I’m going to pass it off as regular trailer audio bytes as the lips don’t match the words (or maybe the video was laggy for me). Hype levels have increased.


not for me… that trailer looked really… bizar for me, i can’t put my finger on it, but it feelt wrong after having watched it.

That trailer was way more serious than anything else Nexo Knight related.

Leaks! Only things not here are the Ultimates and the Fortrex, which are the same.


They’re trying to give Jacklepop a name. :rage:

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Oh wow so the horse mech transforms into a cycle. That’s very very sick.


Makes me want to buy it now.

Wait… I thought we always knew that…
Actually, I think I prefer the cycle form overall.

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Here’s the majority of the Nexo Knights Boxes, found on LEGO’s servers:

You can read more at The Brick Fan:


She comes with normal legs too!!

Just going to put this here, all the sets we have so far:


In the form of kibble.

NOTE: If unsure what ‘kibble’ is, it is a piece/many pieces left floating around from a transfromation which can’t be stored during said transformation.

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A gundam’s hands for example. >:L

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