The Nexo Knights Topic

Well there is still a difference there. In story, Vladek did kind of manadge to take over Morcia, though not a permament rule as he was just pretending to look for the true king, and was whaiting for the turnaments so that he could then be crowned as the next king of Morcia by the kingdom’s laws. Thats the thing, he had manadge to take over the kingdom. But he did not want to just mach in with a huge army and them de-throne the king like any normal villain might have wanted, instead he imprisoned the king and then placed himself as the kingdom’s temporary ruler ither until the king was “found” or until the turnament was going to happend, where he could then take over the throne by law.


Yeah, he certainly does get brownie points for style.

Yeah, Jestro can magic himself up an army, though as we can see, they are just the basic crazy if not brainless minions (which explains the reason why he and the book are looking for a general) though with the hole general searching plot, i am betting that the story will no doupt introduce a general who is more powerful and inteligent for the role as main villain and will then take over the control over the lava monster army near the series final, i mean that is a weary likely plot that can happen. Don’t you think?

It’s a sensible plot point, but I don’t know that it will happen. Remember, this is going to be a comedy adventure, not an adventure with some comedic moments. Additionally, the writer mentioned that it would be “modern humor”

I’m more inclined to foresee a job interview style sequence in which Jestro and the book interview all of the current monsters. It’ll probably have a lot of -insert jokes about character’s one personality trait here- and -insert “I’m too dumb to know what a general is” joke-. Then, Jestro will be the interviewee and the book the interviewer. The book will rate jestro 100/8 and say a corny pun like “you score all A’s in my book!”

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The Ultimates have really surprised me. Trans-color armor, shields covers without TRNO, a bad-guy sheild base variant, and fantastic stands have really hyped me up. Favorites from greatest to least would be:

  1. Macy. As I said before, I have a thing for gals with heavy weapons. In addition to her oversized minigun and standard mace, she also comes with a golden flaming axe of justice. Bonus points added because unlike Clay and Aaron she sports the candy-color-coated look much better.

  2. Robin. He is my smol engineer. Giant wrench missile backpack may be a little cumbersome in real life, but it looks pretty good. I also really like the science vibe his stand gives. Is it just me, or does he look like a mini Duke Exeter?

  3. Lavaria: Probably the most creative design. Spider legs and bat wings are a really sp00ky combination. She just looks fantastic.

  4. Aaron. Spring cannon crossbow, and more stud guns for good measure. The only reason he’s not higher up on the list is that he looks like a member of the Green Lantern Corp.

  5. Clay. Of all the knights, Clay pulls off the colored look the worst. His equipment is alright and his stand is boring.

  6. Beast Master. Looks under armored and his chain propeller pack looks even worse than Clay’s. Weapons are weird and even inconsistent (Why a drill?). I doubt I’ll even pick him up.

Edit: 1,001st post! (Personal post count) Mardi Gras!


So apparently Clay has the power of wind in his ultimate form, and by that He has transparent heli blades and a transparent blue claymore. Don’t like him too much.

Macy is super duper red, with… flail mace powers even though she just swings her mace around like a blunt force weapon. Also massive 6 stud launcher.

Aaron is cuuuuuuul. 2 dual stud launchers, a spring cannon crossbow, but I don’t see any shieldboards and that makes me a 0/10.

Robin is coolish. Apparently his stand has a friggin lightning lab with trans blue spring cannon ammo, and he has this massive dual spring cannon backpack that is fit for 18 year olds. Oh yeah, the powers of wrenches.

Beast Master is… a thing. His stand has a mini vortex umbrella, and that dumb little propeller thing is weird. I expect the balls to have printing of faces on them at least. That shield piece is cool, and the power of red spherical nixels is cool… ish.

Lavaria is coooooool. She’s got a spear, the power of beetles, wings, and a spring cannon crossbow. Allllll in one likely expensive set. Dunno why magic-only enemies can use the power of futuristic technology but ok, at least we got beetle shields.

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What I want to know is how Lavaria gets herself into the air with those tiny wings and huge metal legs… :laughing:

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I like the ultimate sets for the most part (they remind me of Ninjago’s spinners).
Here’s my order:

  1. Macy: close to Aaron, but not quite. Great mace, color looks nice, great shield, love the mini gun, cool flaming golden axe. 9/10 (compared only to these sets).
  2. Aaron: I like green. He pulls off his bow well. He looks good. His new bow looks better. As these sets go, 8/10
  3. Robin: Sweet backpack thing, like the techno vibes. I appreciate the spring cannon they are using on him. 7/10
  4. Lavaria: creative, looks good, like the bat-bug combo (always have liked that). Nonetheless, it’s… just a little off. 6/10
  5. Clay: The color just doesn’t work on him. Not a big fan of his rotors/ clear sword, his stand is bland. Not sure I will buy him. 4/10
  6. Beast master: Not cohesive (why a drill?), base is bad, not a big fan of the model anyway, and his spinning thing looks dopey. 2/10, not buying it.
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Okay,these are awfull.

Lavaria is the only one that doesn’t look bad.

Concidence? I think not.


Seriously, though, The ultimate sets are pretty cool. Not sure I’ll get them, but maybe.

Good, a cheaper way to get the characters (I hope). I’m probably gonna invest in getting these.

Kneel peasants! Surrender now or face my wrath!


That might be Kid Clay in a toy Fortex, foreshadowing his future as a Nexo Knight.

Knights: ha ha ha. look at that kid, he thinks he is a knight.

Kid fires stud shooter at his face.

Knight: arg, hey you kid get back here!

Kid drives off in the castle.


Wait a second…

Robin is the one with chicken power! Look at his chest! It has a chicken on it!
Brave sir robin confirmed


I feel like Robin’s gonna be like

the Scrappy Doo of Nexo Knights.

Always rushing into battle thinking he’s hot stuff

only to have the actual heroes end up saving him


Hopefully he will be less annoying than scrappy. Maybe he’s the prince. Also, his techno-pack ultimate thing makes me think he might have some purpose…

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I imagine him being about as annoying of Rise of the Snakes era Lloyd.