The Nexo Knights Topic

The fools! Oh well, most parents do their christmas shopping a month earlier anyway. The Fortrex just looks better every time I look at it.

also… Merlok?

Yes its spelled different, but still…

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App-solutely cool?

That pun is @Eljay worthy

And by that I mean it’s bad.

Really bad.


i feel like the LEGO Tv series have this going for them:

Ninjago - good plot

Chima - beautiful locations and music

Nexo Knights - Comedy?

that is what i am starting to get from Nexo Knights, its as if they are not trying to tell a great story, or look nice, its more like they are going for a comidic route.

Though Jestro do feel like a more sad villain. Though from what i have seen so far, it looks more like he is going to be a permament villain that will not return to be a good guy.

Whoever said “this makes sense” at the LEGO HQ needs to have their sanity questioned.

Since a lot of sets come out one to three weeks before their official release date, we should get it in the middle piece of chicken of December.


spoilers for Christmas :stuck_out_tongue:

Its released after Christmas so that they can either hit the after Christmas sales or hit kids after Christmas who are given money from there family. Most of the time after Christmas is when kids go out and get things while before Christmas its normally the parents


Courtesy of @anon29977764 and @Storm for finding the catalogue.

I’m glad there’s a cheap way to get that cross bow. I’m dissapointed Clay doesn’t get his claymore, and Robin has some OP backpack.


I love that Lavaria, looks awesome

Knowing Lego,those will probably end up being 15$ each.

I actually kind of like these. They’ll probably be overpriced as heck(due to that scenery), but I most certainly like how they’re making character central sets that don’t come with a big, generic vehicle or ultrabuild.

The crusades were a thing… It’s not like deserts just ceased to exist during the middle ages.


Spring cannon backpack…


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When I think of medievel kingdoms, the places that come to mind dont have deserts right next to them. It’s cool if it’s a distant land, but in the same land, it kinda ruins that British/french fantasy feel.

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Here is the map of the other LEGO Medieval theme, Knights Kingdom world, Morcia. Note how the “desert area” is far away from the green lands on the map

Now lets look at the map for “Knighton” not only is there a desert not far away from the map, but also there is a volcanic are and a frozen area RIGHT NEXT TO IT
this map is fliping insain, it looks more like something from Bionicle than an actual kingdom.


It’s something they’ve done before? I realy would prefer it if the desert was in a distant land. It’d make for a nice expansion for the story and make the land feel alien to the main characters.

I totally understand, but I do also know that it can be pulled off.
This is kind of an odd source to cite, but I think this guy’s mocs pretty much prove it.

Whether they will pull it off, however, is a different story altogether.

I’m rather certain that’s an inaccurate map. Morcia was pretty much all green, with the badlands of Ankoria to the east. And even then, Ankoria was more wasteland than desert.

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well at least Vladek had his own region to rule over, with Jestro he just seems to be like how many Medieval villains thends to be portraied, as bad guys who want to usurp the throne of the current monarcy and rule over the Kingdom, or is that what Jestro wants anyway? the show have not really showed his goals yet, so for all i know he might want to destroy the kingdom, which is a bit more original to be honest, but with how many medieval villains are, their motivation for attacking a kingdom is to just take over.

The hairpiece looks like the Orc one from the Hobbit line

As far as I know, Jestro is just crazy and wants to break everything.

That’s what Vladek did during the first wave, then he went off and conquered Ankoria.

The box art for the Ultimate sets makes me think these guys are from 2007 or something.