The Nexo Knights Topic

Okay, this is an exaggeration

I will say that Chima was one of the worst attempts at making a flagship line.

The show was objectively the worst part, which is where I direct most of my negativity.

I won’t say anymore cause this is already off topic enough.


You guys dedicated a fan fiction topic for Chima where you all did noting but make disttastful remarks and writing with the characters dying because hou all hated it.

Im sick of that behavior.

You all treat people that liked Chima as if they are wrong for likeing it and that the majority loaded it and just wanted it gone for good.

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Attempting to get back on-topic.

Who is your favorite knight and why?

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I like Macy, cuz of all the Trans. Red Armor that comes with her Ultimate Set.

Visually, Lance. His weapon of choice and jousting helm appeal to me greatly

As far as what we’ve seen so far of characters, Macy seems like the most bearable.

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So recently ordered all the ultimate sets, i feel as if they have the most promise given they have detailed figures, are fairly cheap and have the shield powers.

Also order Moltor’s Lava Smasher mostly due to Moltor’s printing and the shield powers. Shall let you know my thoughts and stuff when they arrive in about a week or so.

Not sure about the show, still have to watch it…

In terms of set form, probably Macy in her ultimate set with the trans-red armour and body print that i will probably turn into a slightly more fiery version of ‘Rescue’.

Ekorak was only referring to the TV show in regards to Chima - not saying the theme was the worst ever made.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? (Other than the figures)

I mean, at the very least Chima tried something and that gave us fairly high-detailed figures, the introduction of CCBS pieces used later with Bionicle along with a general flood of helmets/masks in animal designs. We also wouldn’t be getting Nexo Knights if Chima had not been around, Chima showed they could have more than one TV show of Lego related stuff going on at the same time and Nexo Knights is essentially replacing Chima primarily because Chima created a demand for a Lego TV Series that was less serious that Ninjago.

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They should make this clan of knights with elemental powers. Like the Dragon Nexo powers there is Water dragon, fire dragon, jungle dragon, storm dragon etc. So, there should be knights with those elemental powers


make it more like Ninjago and Bionicle?

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Uhh… Yeah, I just really like elemental powers. So, Clay is Water, Macy is Fire, Aaron is Nature, Axl is Earth and Lance is air. There you go the 5 elements of Scandinavia.

Clay, because I’m a sucker for blue knights with a bird of prey for their heraldic symbol.

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Jayko has come again.
May he ride eternal, shiny and trans blue.

At least there’s no monkey-knight in Nexo knights.

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here are the info from Moltor and Flama’s character info page:


To say that Moltor is a hard-hitter would be an understatement. This guy has boulders for fists, which gives him a quite devastating punch. Moltor is not big on discussions and likes to let his hands do the talking. He is usually seen creating chaos somewhere near his twin brother Flama. Together they are the Hot’n’Heavy twins that deliver a 2-for-1 offer on destruction.


You don’t want to hug this monster. Flama is a molten mass of liquid lava and you would vaporize in just a moment. Usually seen in cohort with her rock brother Mouldron creating havoc somewhere. Together they are the Hot’n’Heavy twins that deliver a 2-for-1 offer on destruction.

notice something strange?

Yes, Flama’s gender is currently unknown. Lots of conflicting sources. I’d just wait until the show clarifies.

What is going on here… :L

Moltor’s twin brother is Flama, yet Flama is female
Flama’s brother is listed as Mouldron, yet is supposed to be Moltor

I’m betting money on female

but y’know

whatever happens happens.

After checking EB today a designer has confirmed that both Moltor and Flama are male twin brothers. It was never really brought up here but I’m glad the gender debate is finally over.


huh. You’re right though.

Not like it’s that big of a deal considering we’ll likely do the usual villain swap after this year anyway, and never see the fire guys ever again.


The book of monsters is judging you right now.


A book playing a Harmonica. Your argument is invalid.


Dont think it’s been mentioned before, but I got a map in LEGO club which has the birth place of the Knights and various other locations. Lance lived in a palace called Auremville, in Auremville. Clay in a farm called Dnullib, Macy in Knightonia, Aaron in Grinstead, Axl in hill country. The fire fortress seems to be a tower with three spires. There’s one port and towns such as Omelette, Snottingham, Grinstead, Waterton, Diggington, and Laughinshire. There’s one resort in rockland and one swamp castle near forest. Snottingham appears to be ruins.