The Nonsensical Topic of Plot Twists

Funny you should mention that. The Protectors not having proper names always reminded me of the characters in the Slizer theme.


PLOT TWIST! Makuta Teridax is not Mata Nui’s Brother!

another PLOT TWIST! Beaver is a Creator of the Canisters!

Edited for double post- Star

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PLOT TWIST: This topic is only meant to distract us from the other cool topics on the TTV forums!


PLOT TWIST: This realization causes the foundation of AppLEGO!

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PLOT TWIST: AppLEGO is only a fictional tale told by Eljay to scare the BIONICLE community!


Plot twist: AppLEGO is real and Santa Claus runs it, and is preparing to murder Eljay for lying about his organization!

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Plot Twist: Santa Claus is going to deny everything you said to cover up the truth!


Plot twist: Santa Claus has allied with Greg Farshtey to make BIONICLE 2015 part of their plan of world domination!

PLOT TWIST: The new BIONICLE is made out of the plastic of the old destroyed Galidor sets!


PLOT TWIST! Galidor Will come back in 2015

PLOT TWIST! Bionicle 2015 is only here to cover up the return of Galidor!

Edited for double post -Star


Plot twist:
Teridax didnt die, but he was ported out of the robot, being just his spirit, thus causing him to enter a convinient portal created with an olmak resulting him going into the body of some junk bot. He takes his new name as makuro and starts to plot against the organic leaders of this world, which results in some terminator stuff and eventually all life is killed on the planet. He then starts to build some robots to protect him+to have an army. After some time an portal opens with a bunch of toa coming through, but makuta kills them all and mutilates them and uses their glatorian heads for his robots, mata legs for his own legs, hordika legs for Zibs torso and glatorian fists as hands to his own army. Then he progams every one to forget the great war and mutilation and makes everyone “sentient”. Then he makes an experiment which he call von ness which has great results but doesnt want to listen to teridax’s wishes. He makes him a marked man and outlaw. You see von ness has the black hole staff which was made using pieces of an ancient olmak found on a nearby starsystem. Antics ensue and von nebula is trapped on his staff. When break out happens “makuro” teridax sees his chance and disapears with some “criminals” and von nebulas staff. Mean while omega tahu is flexing out when a portal opens and millions of robots and beasts and brains and organic life forms and…skull sized spiders which are lead by a gigant spider…


Plot Twist!! Chronicler is secretly Santa Claus.

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Santa Clause…

Is that like, a Grammar-Based version of Santa Claus? He like, gives out presents to all the girls and boys who speak with proper grammar?

If so, I’m for sure on his Delinquent List. 8D


This is why I hate autocorrect xD. I shall fix the error.

everyone loves sandy claws!


PLOT TWIST! You don’t get any toys next Christmas for figuring this out! Say goodbye to Omega Tahu. >:^{D>


you…you monster frizbee! I will have you know saying that you will not be giving him a omega tahu is agianst the law
PLOT TWIST: youre coming with me chump! DONT RUN AWAY!..why does everyone run away from policemen?

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I’m-a Santa Clause. I have the right not to give naughty kids Omega Tahu.


oh yes? whats santa claus real name!

Christopher Kringle, Sandy Claws, Father Christman, ect.

I have a lot of names, Boi.