~The Official Bohrok Fanclub~

When they become too many it annoys me a bit though.

True dat. By the way, do you plan to make a mixed MOC bohrok in the future? that would be soon awesome

I already have one built…

Yeah you didn’t expect it right?

It looks vaguely like this.

BTW there’s a cute Krana inside the windshield too.

I know, it’s not the best, but I had a lot of fun building it… Last year, actually.


Make a topic w/ building instructions.


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Oh hey, it kind of looks like a goofy gahlok! Awesome!

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I posted the instructions!


Clean I all it must be cleaned all obstacles will be removed you are an obstacle remove yourself clean it all clean it all clean it all…

The Bohrok were the best foreshadowing NICE BOIL ever had. And in the second year, too.



I personally pose each bohrok in a different way, because it gives them a sense of individuality (Which they didn’t have in the story but screw it)


I am now offically apart of this club. The Bohrok are one of my favorite things in/parts of Bionicle period!

Clean it all. It must be cleaned.

Clean it all. It must be cleaned.

Clean it all. It must be cleaned.


Bohrok-Kal Kaita Za be like

Do you even lift bro


bohrok kaita ja got such a downgrade.

to this


Its like a reverse steroids add. What ever Ja did, it turned him into a metaphorical shrimp taco.

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I built both of those combiners, and I actually have to say that I enjoyed the Kal much more. I strongly recommend building it, it feels powerful, and the face is really menacing. Just don’t put the stupid rubber bands on the sides :wink:.

it looked great in the comics too

Just my opinion, though.


Ja looked amazing in the comics.

It was such a kickMASK moment too. Villain combiners had appeared before, but they were always separate creatures like the Kuma-Nui. The Bohrok Kaita never appeared at all, mainly because Bohrok normally only appeared in swarms of their own kind, so they never got the three different ones in the right place.

The Kal, though, being sentient, intelligent beings, were able to form one. When the Toa Nuva tried to use Wairuha as a trump card in their powerless state, the Kal bit back with their own combined strength, using Unity against the Toa themselves.

Ja is great.

Edited for Language - Slime


Exactly. That part of the comic was next level awesomeness.

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Yeah, I kinda wish combiners would get more spotlight, or at best. notable cameos in comics and stories. That way people would have more incentive for collecting all the nessecary sets and building 'em

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Yeah, after 2006 Lego kinda stopped using combis in the story (although there are some exceptions).

I think 2016 did a semi good job at it, having two combiners featured in the story (the Shadow Spawn and JTO Makuta), but instructions for them are a bit hard to find, unless you know exactly where to look for.

At the same time though, they shouldn’t be used too heavily in the story like in 2005. Seriously, In Time Trap there are three different combiners made of the same sets all at once in the same place. This makes it impossible for pretty much everyone to replicate the action in real life.


Yeah, you’d have to buy three Sidorak sets, three Roodaka sets, and four Keetongu sets to build every character.


I thought this was the Bohrok fanclud, not the Combiners discussion club.:stuck_out_tongue:

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well, discussion of the bohrok kaita spiraled into this.